What is the deepest red pill you believe? None of that Jew or 9/11 shit, something actually unknown

What is the deepest red pill you believe? None of that Jew or 9/11 shit, something actually unknown.

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that democrats care about kithing except winning elections. They never think ore than 5 seconds ahead, they will import 10 million poor people and turn us into a third world country just to win


go on grinder for transgender women for easy blowjobs

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Satan exists and he's at the top of the totem pole user. Good luck


>What is the deepest red pill you believe?
Violence is degenerate.


separating sex from reproduction is why women have become sluts who no longer have enough children to continue civilized society
that is the deepest red pill I've got
all sexual activity without the potential for reproduction is degenerate and has destroyed civilization as we know it