Christianity is Freemasonry by way of Christian-mysticism (Gnosticism)
Christianity created (((Gnosticism))) which is the religion which you call "babylonian" because they wanted to D&C the Platonist elite of Alexandria Egypt
Christianity destroyed the philosophy schools
Christianity created Juda-ism in Rome (that's why Jews have 80% Italian-mutt DNA)
Christianity created the "satan" meme
Christianity created Islam by converting sand niggers
Christianity created upotian theory through the Vatican
Strict Christian Nations became Communist first.
Christianity created the destructive equality meme
Christianity created spics
Christianity created the massive population booms in Africa
Christianity created "paganism" which is a christian word for "goy"
Christianity created "atheism" when sane men began to reject Judean sand cult doctrines on nature and reality (which christians despise)
Christianity created Feminism (by seeing women as equals in spirit to men because we are all just spirits not biological creatures) through Christian Romanticism
Christianity erased our European history and told us we were all from Noah or Sumerian culture.
Why are anti-Christian posters almost always protestants?
Thomas Jackson
So why did the Christian church ended up considering gnostics as heretics?
Bentley Campbell
>So why did the Christian church ended up considering gnostics as heretics? Who doesn't the Vatican consider heratics though? Not your gnostic pedo Popes
>Christianity is Freemasonry by way of Christian-mysticism (Gnosticism) Christianity is anti-Freemason you fucktard POPE PIUS XV >Those who join a Masonic sect or other societies of the same sort, which plot against the Church or legitimate civil authority, incuripso factoan excommunication simply reserved to the Holy See (c. 2335). >Christianity created (((Gnosticism))) which is the religion which you call "babylonian" because they wanted to D&C the Platonist elite of Alexandria Egypt They rejected the gnostic gospels you fucking retard >Christianity destroyed the philosophy schools Not Christianity, there have been and currently are many Christian philosophers. Don't blame the acts of a few retards on the religion. >Christianity created Juda-ism in Rome (that's why Jews have 80% Italian-mutt DNA) Wrong, Judaism is Pharisiasm, which existed before Christianity. >Christianity created Islam by converting sand niggers Islam plagiarized Christianity. >Christianity created upotian theory through the Vatican Wtf is upotian theory? >Strict Christian Nations became Communist first. Are you fucking retarded? WW2 Italy? WW2 Germany? Any medieval nation? WW2 Spain? Russian Empire? KYS. >Christianity created the destructive equality meme No it didn't. >Christianity created spics ???????? >Christianity created the massive population booms in Africa Didn't, post proof >Christianity created "paganism" which is a christian word for "goy" Not really. Goy refers to race not religion, and it's a negative term.
Joseph Parker
>Christianity created "atheism" when sane men began to reject Judean sand cult doctrines on nature and reality (which christians despise) Imagine thinking atheism didn't exist before 30 A.D >Christianity created Feminism (by seeing women as equals in spirit to men because we are all just spirits not biological creatures) through Christian Romanticism Wrong, read the Bible you dumb nigger, it at multiple points establishes how men are superior to women. The Soviet Union creates feminism. >Christianity erased our European history and told us we were all from Noah or Sumerian culture. No it didn't dumbass.
Josiah Stewart
Your version of Christianity isn't 100% of Christianity and never was.
Juda-ism is the Talmud which came hundreds of years after Judea was destroyed and its people lost. You're promoting kikes again, you demonic pedophile worshiper
I didn't say anything about muh real Christianity. I debunked all your retard nigger tier points. Now go hang from a tree you stupid fucking mutt.
Logan Nguyen
>blah blah nonsensical disinfo ... >Christianity has a history of winning >we should join the losers You're a blithering idiot.
Ryder Ramirez
Judaism is actually Pharisaism, and therefore a misnomer since it is neither the doctrine of Judah nor the doctrine that Christ practiced, hence not an Abrahamic faith.
Rabbi Adolph Moses in collaboration with Rabbi H.G. Enlow explained clearly in “Yahvism and Other Discourses” that, “Among the innumerable misfortunes which have befallen… the most fatal in its consequences is the name Judaism… neither in biblical nor post-biblical, neither in Talmudic nor in much later times, is the term Judaism ever heard…”
And what was it called before?
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein stated in his book “The Pharisees, The Sociological Background of Their Faith” that, “Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrates the enduring importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement . . .”
“Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future,” explains the Jewish Encyclopedia. In fact, Pharisaism is the doctrine of the Pharisees of old, an evil doctrine they brought back from their Babylonian captivity. It does not follow the truth of the Bible, neither of the Old Testament nor of the New. Its central tenets are found in a book called the Talmud (the real Satanic Verses), a book full of worldly traditions, lies, and superstitions.
Eli Hughes
>Wrong, read the Bible you dumb nigger, it at multiple points establishes how men are superior to women Rabbi Yeshua made them equal as all are equal in Yeshua.
>Imagine thinking atheism didn't exist before 30 A.D Then why do you lie and say it's Communism?
>Wtf is upotian theory? Created by a Vatican writer. He invented the word Utopia and hated his home country of England, so he turned on them for the Pope.
>No it didn't create equality Yes it did, by denying nature and biology and saying we are all spirits trapped, but one in Yeshua.
>Goy refers to race not religion Lies. Jews aren't a race. It refers to all non-Jews as Christians call all non-Christians "pagans" except for your precious Jews which you defend in this thread
Gnostism was considered heretical by the church before the schism. It had nothing to do with the vatican.
Ethan Rivera
>Judaism is actually Pharisaism Lies
There is no such thing as that word. The Talmud never existed until after Yeshua and the destruction of Judea. That's why it's all laws and legal arguments because it came out of Rome
>Rabbi Moses says Christians defending your precious Jews again
>by the church before the schism The Vatican isn't the only form of Christianity. Nothing about that changes just because Catholics destroyed European blood for a thousand years in wars and race mixing.
>Rabbi Yeshua made them equal as all are equal in Yeshua. Like I said, read it you faggot. It literally says women aren't even allowed to speak i. churches. God made Adam first, then Eve from Adam. >Then why do you lie and say it's Communism? ?????????????????????? When the fuck did I say atheism = communisn >Created by a Vatican writer. He invented the word Utopia and hated his home country of England, so he turned on them for the Pope. What's his name? >Yes it did, by denying nature and biology and saying we are all spirits trapped, but one in Yeshua. Literally false. Show me the verse where it denies nature and biology. The Bible establishes that men are superior to women, people should respect authority, and you shouldn't moan about your station in life, but be content. >Lies. Jews aren't a race. It refers to all non-Jews as Christians call all non-Christians "pagans" except for your precious Jews which you defend in this thread Jews are a race dumbass. A Jew takes a DNA test and it will tell him he's Jewish. Jewishness literally gets passed down from the mother. And goy does refer to race and religion, pagan doesn't refer to all non-Christians. Pagan refers to the polytheistic believers of the Roman, Greek, Germanic, Egyptian, etc gods.
Jason Green
If you actually did your homework on early Christianity you would know that's not what I said.
Luis Allen
>Russia was a strict Christian Nation and converted easily to Communism. Not that easily. The communist party had to bribe the military well enough to force it on the people.
Nathan Brooks
Nigger did you even read the post? Of course it didn't exist then you absolute fucking ape, it came directly from Pharisees. And no, I'm not defending Jews you retard, the Jew himself literally told you where their religion comes and your dumbass is sitting there like NUH UH IM RITE. Russia Revolution wasn't a conversion. Millions of innocents and hundreds of thousands of clergy were killed. Christianity was made illegal. Bavarian revolt happened because of the Bolsheviks in Russia. No Eastern European country converted, they were all forced. Vatican is a monarchy. If I steal a gun from you and kill someone with it is it your fault?
Juan Reed
>God made Adam first EL made some fucking sand nigger. So?
>Show me the verse where it denies nature and biology "If you are of this world then you are not of me" Yeshua
>Jews are a race dumbass. A Jew takes a DNA test and it will tell him he's Jewish. false again Jew slave. They are not a sub-species of homosapien
>Pagan refers to the polytheistic False. You call Zoroastrian pagans too
>The communist party had to bribe the military well enough to force it on the people. So Christian militaries betray their faith and people for money. Got it.
>If I steal a gun from you and kill someone with it is it your fault? Is the gun a complex religous cult based on Judean writings they stole from other cultures?
>Russia Revolution wasn't a conversion. And yet they all converted and outnumbered the Jews 10,000 to one
christcuckery is fucking dead anyway. its been as good as dead since the reformation, they will never recover from it. freemasons are going to kill the bitch
Jack Flores
Nope. The predominately Christian areas weren't in favour of communism. The city folk were able to monopolise violence and centralise their communist atheism. Also, Celts and Germanics did indeed fight.
Jack Parker
>Ignoring my other points Based retard. God made Adam first, therefore men have priority over women, it's a metaphor. >If you are not of this world then you are not of me? Cite the verse where he says this and I will tell how you are taking it out of context. >False again Then disprove me retard, stop going UR RONG
Lincoln Martinez
>christcuckery is fucking dead anyway. its been as good as dead since the reformation, they will never recover from it. freemasons are going to kill the bitch Freemasons and Jews and the NWO = Christcucking
It's all escapism they call "esoteric" or "illuminated". Even trannies, transhumanists, and wiccas are come from Christian (((gnostic))) Mysticism
>Is the gun a complex religous cult based on Judean writings they stole from other cultures? No, the gun is called Jesus. Once again, if I steal a gun from you and kill someone with it, is it your fault? >And yet they all converted and outnumbered the Jews 10,000 to one Congrats, you know fuck all about history. The Revolution was funded by Jews, spearheaded by Jews, the Checka (KGB later) was all Jewish, all the main Soviet leaders were Jewish. No one converted, they were all forced to and were murdered if they didn't comply. Disprove this one instead of saying "ur rong" again. >no one cares Then why did you make this thread? Why are you using the Bible as an argument? Why are you talking about Christianity? You are easily the most retarded person I've ever seen on here. >ur delusional lel Nice argument faggot, Russia isn't even communist you stupid nigger.
Adam Mitchell
>Fair amount of capitalism here Capitalism died with Central Banks you dumb fucking 2016 newfag
It's literal and a metaphor. There are many double meanings in the Bible, which I know is too hard to comprehend for you pea sized brain.
Blake Gonzalez
Gee, it's almost like they're not mutually exclusive. And I suspect you're mistaking communism for socialism. Typical American malady.
Kevin Adams
orthodox, evangelics and catholics united against secularism during the napoleonic wars we have never burned our bridges
Alexander Price
>Gee, it's almost like they're not mutually exclusive. "Capitalism is debt slavery to a council of international banks guys". Yeah, that's a Commie educational system for you.
watch this channel it has a lot of redpills about the whore of babylon
Chase Nguyen
>It's literal and a metaphor. Double speaking "spiritual jew". You already said the bible is a metaphore. You worship the fucking Torah and reject human biology, that's why you're a spiritual commie
>Once again, if I steal a gun from you and kill someone with it, is it your fault? Is the gun a complex religous cult based on Judean writings they stole from other cultures?
> The Revolution was funded by Jews Christian Rome created Juda-ism. As the DNA shows
Parker Gomez
This is the final and true redpill
Jack Carter
>"Capitalism is debt slavery to a council of international banks guys" That actually is a definition of it. Trade and industry controlled by private owners instead of a state. Sounds like you just don't like capitalism.
Nicholas Perry
It's what it is. It's an action that God did that also is metaphorical to teach a lesson. Jesus does a similar thing in Mark. Like I said, the Bible is full of double meanings, you are just too retarded to understand them.
Adrian Johnson
It's not Babylonian. It's Alexandrian (((Gnosticism))).
Your religion doesn't go back that far. The oldest writings are only 250BCE and it's a bunch of shit that was stolen from Persia, the empire that created Judea. Plus other Pheonician cults
>That actually is a definition of it. No commie, it's not. The definition of Captialism is capital and that's based on "Natural money" not an international Soviet of Banks lending debt.
You repeated your points. You got the same response, culty
Aiden Price
>Christianity is Freemasonry by way of Christian-mysticism (Gnosticism) Freemasonry is Rosicrucianism - saying it "came" from Christianity is idiotic. Gnosticism yes came from Christianity however borrowed many of its core beliefs from the Greeks with Christian theology, philosophy and metaphysics. Gnosticism wasn't even the largest influence on Freemasonry - virtually no one educated in this area thinks of Gnosticism when the topic of Freemason origins are asked.
>Christianity created the "satan" meme Well actually it took the imagery and some core concepts and practices from the Baal and Moloch cults and religions and merged it with the Aryan Zoroastrianism's views on Good and Evil.
>Strict Christian Nations became Communist first. Funny how either this fact has no direct effect or the more modern/atheistic country's fell for it.
>Christianity created "paganism" which is a christian word for "goy" Strict collective definitions have always existed whether it is genetic with the tribe or the race, religious or simply state defence there have always been other defining factors amongst collective. Christianity only extended this further given its size.
>Christianity created "atheism" when sane men began to reject Judean sand cult doctrines on nature and reality (which christians despise) So tell me again how that rejection of Christ has gone in the modern world?
>Christianity created Feminism (by seeing women as equals in spirit to men because we are all just spirits not biological creatures) through Christian Romanticism I wonder what the Adam and Eve story could be hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Apart from that however man and woman are equal by difference - a reciprocating difference.
>Christianity erased our European history and told us we were all from Noah or Sumerian culture. I could say Norse mythology erased our ancestry by stating we all came from Odin. Or Greek mythology, or Egyptian mythology, etc etc.
I know this was a bait but meh I enjoyed this.
Jace Wright
>What kind of history are your statements based on? It's in the thread
Ryan Bennett
When the fuck did I say I come from Sumeria you dumb cunt? And what the fuck is your point? Where is your argument?
Aiden Taylor
You're all wrong OP and more lost than anyone in this thread. One day, when you wake up in hell and it is too late, you will see. Or don't be like that. Your choice.
Elijah Cooper
Man, Americans can't get anything right. It's about private ownership and generating profits for owners. What about your mythical "soviet banks" lending debt is contrary to capitalism?
Aiden Butler
Wrong you illiterate nigger
Josiah Collins
No, you asked me a question and answered >the gun is named Jesus I gave you your answer and you ask the same thing, you are a fucking idiot.
And the other point I was talking about the Bolshevik Revolution and your dumbass brought up fucking Roman Jews. Already debunked this shit at the beginning of the thread and you bring it up as an argument against something that has fucking nothing to do with it. Hang yourself.
Luke James
Of course man, if you cant see how Christianity is part of the REPTILIAN CONTROL GRID, ENSLAVING HUMANITY, then you havent reached the TRUE DEPTHS of THE RED PILL
>Christianity destroyed the philosophy schools Because Christianity rocked the shit out of the world with Theology. Man was transfixed - are you really going to state intellectual progress stopped because Augustine wasn't a philosopher but instead called a Theologian?
Leo Hernandez
>Freemasonry is Rosicrucianism - saying it "came" from Christianity is idiotic. Gnosticism yes came from Christianity You just destroyed your own argument as both of those are Gnostic mystical doctrines and they both teach Christian "mysteries".
>philosophy and metaphysics. Gnotics were created to destory Philosophy and physics. That's why they hate the demiurge. It's pure antip-philosophy and totally "intuitive magical knowing"
>Well actually it took the imagery and some core concepts and practices from the Baal and Moloch cults and religions and merged it with the Aryan Zoroastrianism's views on Good and Evil. And Baal/Moloch were other names for the Christian god. But you still created the meme of "evil" and Satanism
With Christians goes Satanists and child sacrifice and Jews. They always follow
>Funny how either this fact has no direct effect or the more modern/atheistic country's fell for it. Atheism is the product of a destroyed faith in a people by a foriegn false doctrine of Judean worship and bloodshed, also destroying philosophy and history of said peoples.
>Strict collective definitions have always existed whether it is genetic with the tribe or the race, religious or simply state defence there have always been other defining factors amongst collective. Christianity only extended this further given its size. Extending just like Communist, through destruction and consuming and erasing
>So tell me again how that rejection of Christ has gone in the modern world? There are more Christians than ever. They're black and brown. How are your 3rd world Christian nations doing?
>I wonder what the Adam and Eve story could be hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? A feminist story about how flesh is bad and we should all be androgynous spirits.
>I could say Norse mythology erased our ancestry by stating we all came from Odin. contradictions from your mind virus
The Gnostics were early Christians, before it evolved into its current form.
Charles Torres
>contradictions from your mind virus Woden and the As came from turkland kentish genealogies show that he lived at the time huns invaded germania he is not our ancestor
Brayden Cook
>When the fuck did I say I come from Sumeria you dumb cunt? Eden. You don't even know your religion. That's typical of your NPCs
>It's about private ownership and generating profits for owners. You don't have ownership of your money, you jumping rat
Jews aren't Judeans
>Because Christianity rocked the shit out of the world with Theology No through Constantine's mother converting him and mass Roman military so he could split Rome in two and kill his enemies.
what mind-virus fool show me one bit of evidence the paganism you have made up existed in germany at any point
Ryan Phillips
>Sumer is Eden retard >Jews aren't Judeans Some are. Judeans never disappeared, the word Jew is shortened from Judean (Ju). Ashkenazi Jews aren't really Jews but Judeans still exist and they live in Israel.
Nathan Ross
That's true, I believe it says in Tarvantrantzians 86:18 that on the third day the Lord emerged from the temple and got a job as an extra in Midnight Express
Justin Sanchez
How much do you get paid to created thst type of content?
Or is it something you found on the "internet"
Nolan Cooper
New York will not give you what you need
Evan Allen
It might, if we just have hope, I believe it also made reference to New York in Bipplephelpians 77:30 where it was said "if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."
Aaron Lee
paganism never existed. It just means "goy" for Catholics.
I'm not teaching you the bible. You're a fraud. You don't even read it.
Judeans /=/ to Jews
Talmud didn't exist during the time of the pharasies
Which kind of bible do you read to actually think it is the evil deeds that make your heart go on
"I have defeated the world" John
Elijah Foster
Judeans are Jews retard. The word Jew literally comes from Judean. >Talmud didn't exist Went over this a million times already, the Talmud came from Pharisees. It is their oral traditions and customs in written form, along with extra traditions and teachings that were added as time went out. Disprove this with actual facts instead of talking out of your ass.
The Talmud appears hundreds of years after Christianity destroys Rome
Jack Peterson
Ok, show me these sources. Came from Pharisees.
Andrew Wright
>Christianity destroys Rome When did it do this? Was it after the barbarians came through and did it first?
Parker Rodriguez
There has been created an Empire, the world as we know it.
It is full of obsene and the most horrible things GOD can reveal to you...
Some on those souls know the reality of the world as we know it, others died while opening their eyes to reality.
God planned us and we are a plan of God, he prepared a place where there will not be any more pain or misery for those who have faith in him and his only son, Jesus.
Alexander Perry
>Talmud came from Pharisees and what does the bible say about pharisees again
Lincoln Rodriguez
Yahweh and his sacrificed son Yeshua. Say their names.
Tyler Flores
Brood of vipers, so?
Logan Mitchell
Why does Yahweh sacrifice Yeshua and love dead babies so much
Samuel Rogers
>and what does the bible say about pharisees again It says they were too friendly with Rome and followed Mosaic laws, unlike the Talmud.
hmm that's a nice book you should probably read it
Connor Allen
>claims Freemasonry came directly and totally from Christian Gnosticism because it's not like they simply took symbolism and common themes from hundreds of religions and occult works such as Egyptian mythology - guess all of known religion is pretty much evil. Again please tell me why the occult is bad user? It only got that stigma from the church itself so I'm surprised. >A religious sect inspired by both Christianity and Platonism was a secret scheme to infect goy >"le Satan actually is the Christian God because it's not like they totally oppose each other not just throughout history but through core morality and philosophy" >"Gee I guess it took 1500 years before the effects of Christianity matured, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bach, Beethoven, Schopenhauer, and all that Wagner the greatest artistic genius to ever live sure was damning to the Aryans - I'm sure just the natural process of Christianity's degeneration of man through atheism a belief of total antithesis to Christianity" >Christianity offers collective definition as with man of every point in time >"that's globalism" >doesn't see the majory of power holders >can't see the degeneration of man and its expression in ever facet of life one such being religion >calls woman being the original sin feminist propaganda >calls a symbolic/inspiritive and unconscious religious story androgynous while thinking Ymir is not and every Pagan religion in the world with similar themes >thinking a direct parallel is contradiction
Yea bad bait 0/10 no thanks. I'm not going to reply any more but instead post a condensed and lesser version of an essay I wrote once to fit on 4chin.
Josiah Ward
>Why does Yahweh sacrifice Yeshua and love dead babies so much Planned Parenthood