>Why yes i am a veteran of the 2019 iran invasion, how could you tell?
Why yes i am a veteran of the 2019 iran invasion, how could you tell?
Lmfao. Jews are truly talented funny people.
I would love to spit on this guy. What a dumb faggot lol.
I was on the wrong team.
All jokes aside have you guys in Israel ever wondered how the hell murrica is your doggy like they are? They mutilate their children dicks like you told them to, they give you tons of money and their whole army is your private mercenary force.
because you're still an attention seeking whore
Such people are bad for Hollywood business, since they are living horror masks. Nobody is going to be scared watching horror films when they get used to seeing such people.
Uncanny resemblance
>Why yes I'm the Israeli who made this amazing thread
Didn't know Aussie humour worked over there too.
The same say you controled the soviet union. Had thier army protect you and give you billions of rubbles
Yea right, ain’t no way this feller is leaving the house without his us army operation buttfucking Iran hat on. Leave it to the Israeli to be out of touch with reality. You can do better.
Why do you mutts go and on how the jews control your government but the moment somebody insults your army you shart all over the place?
Why is it too much effort for him to at least shoop the hat on his head?
Thanks for your service baconboy.
>mfw you didn't save face
Lol all I see here is a bunch of faggots desperately trying to convince everyone to stop the US from pushing Irans shit in. Are you scared OP? Scared of losing Iran? I thought you faggots wanted amerifats to crumble and fall. If going to war with Iran is going to be such a loss of the US why aren't you egging it on?
It's because you psyop faggots know that Iran would get wiped and you don't want them to. Having Iran around is for some reason important to you. Lol. Cry more faggots. Y'all call for accelerationism 24/7 l well here it is, and now you're all afraid. This is how you get accelerated, by happenings.
Sloppy job, shills.
Lmao good one moshe
Lol this
No goyim please dont invade iran!!!
It will destroy all our pla... i mean its racist to kill brown people!
based jew
You leave our palestine or we are coming
Anyone else tired of pretending they support the troops?
No you herpy commie cuck.
We proud white americans sand with
Our troops
And israel
Now go take your hormones kike tranny memeflag shill
You know what? There are only two genderS, ow did i trigger you? Deal with it snowflake
I feel bad for them and try to tell younger people not to join up. If they do join they should get the training and then make it known they are a white nationalist so they get discharged before going to war
actually, a war with iran would weaken the federal government enough that my state could successfully break away so I'm all for it.