it's a clowny clown world out there
It's a clowny clown world out there
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Seems legit
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,
White children: I'm a toilet slave
Not everyone has great parents user, jus took in the mirror
At least they're not a tranny I guess.
Reminder to have at least 3 kids incase one of them turns out retarded
Fake and gay
if my son came out as toilet slave id give him the biggest brap in his life
Based as fuck leaf. Apocalypse is near
Where is the fire from heaven that will cleanse us of the wickedness?
Just thank god we never spent any money on asteroid mitigation. It will come.
"Mother, I want to fuck Pinkie Pie"
there is no world in which that is real
someone post the anal vore cap
>muh fart box can take penis
>muh freedom of farting penis
>look at muh fetish
you need to mix up your shitposting formatting (pun not intended). that style of format is obviously fake because it has been used so much.
>Mmm yes quite pungent my dear
It's fake
If this happens when Im around someone is getting their ass kicked
>I totally align with the brother
That might have the adverse effect
Probably fake but hey there's porn like that and apparently people watch it if it's produced. You're sick sick fucking westards
She's hot
Control you women Wh*Toids.
>Brother laughed
He will be the one to murder it.
Based brother
Middle kid syndrome
But for what purpose?
That guy probably has a lifetime of being "a bit special" to everyone around him.
Based brother
You're sick
>injects hydrochloric acid
sick fucking
>crashes car
someone needs to beat this woman
The article was written by a man.
not bad advice
Hopefully I'll never have to write an article describing the horrified reactions of my family when I reveal to them that I have a diaper fetish.
i would love to take a hot thick shit onto her face
At least the other two kids seem sane.
Will you also tell your parents and siblings about it at the dinner table?
Is that an ironic social commentary on people coming out as gay or is it actually real?
it's very real
All degeneracy is born in the west and mostly in the US. If the US is nuked most of this will disappear.
seriously, we need a period of massive war and upheaval. Western society has grown too coddled. The moment normie focuses all begin turning towards survival and just getting through the day, all these degenerate shit are going to not be given the time of day.
>Casually announcing you like to be shit on at the family dinner table and mean it
I'd shit in her mouth any day. I hope she likes taco Bell.
>>Casually announcing you like to be shit on at the family dinner table and mean it
soon it will be commonplace
Honestly, these type of headlines used to greatly disgust me (and they still do), but once I realized that, with their children turning into deviant freaks, boomers are getting a direct and personal view of the fucked up world they helped create, I can't help but laugh.
boomers deserve to have soiiboys as their children
Is this so hard to put the link in the post?
Article doesn't even exist.
wow. you're a regular shillock holmes.
why do people feel they have to publicize their fetishes? Keep that shit in the bedroom.
I would never, ever need to know any details about friends or families sex life. I can’t think of a single instance where this would be needed except in a medical emergency where it is relevant.
The article doesn't exist you fucking idiot. Fuck off with your fake bullshit.
Why the fuck would you even come out with your fetish if it wasn't just for attention? For what possible reason would you not even discuss, but announce during a family dinner that you like being peed and shat on?
Him being a toilet slave is only a minor percent of failure that being a drama queen is
also, I fell for a meme, get fucked OP
Quite mentally deranged to tell people about it... unless he wants his parents to hook him up with a dirty girl
>toilet slave
isn't toilet slavery a national pastime in germany?
jfc we need a purge. they are advertising this like a book club
you confuse germany with poland
Woah. Thats why we need to support israel
Now this is the kind of subversion I want to see in the newspaper. This is a quintessentially Jewish article, in spirit
Pretty much. Germans invented degeneracy
This. First borns are usually a prototype anyways.
gas all fetishists
Pretty sure that isn't David Barclay
The show is about to reach its climax (sorry, best word I can think of) and then the show will be over...
This ‘person’ defines themselves by their degenerate fetishes, what’s the difference between this and a homo?
piss sex and buttplugs is tolerable
I'd hit my son if he did scat though..
Please buy my games and I'll be your toilet slave.
Don't know if it's legit or not, but wouldn't be surprised.
The only clown world is our President* and anyone who supports it
i'm sure there are zero jewish genes in that family
that's where you're wrong kiddo
clearly a kike f.amily
homosex is transmissible
yeah unknown by google
>Consent is sexy. No means NO.
You know what else is sexy?
these freaks live among you... the taco you ate could have been made by a man who gets off on fisting horses
>gastrointestinal parasite
>incase one of them turns out retarded
its a known fact between parents that 2 out of 3 kids turn out to be trash. get your math right!
Based CNN lady. Women are obsessed with rape fantasies.
why did her family need to know? Is that her fetish too?
And you're confusing plumbing with your recreational activities.
why are you concerning yourself with my recreational activities?
I want my extra rib back.
I like how it's a blackpill to retards but a redpill to people who google names and keywords.
Why is Penn's bathroom so miserablelooking? Isn't he rich?
At least hire a Mexican to scrub that damn sink. Fuck.
Unironically this, well said.