I constantly see young people falling for the vaginal jew, even young people on Jow Forums are being brainwashed by shit like "future for white children" and "stop Jamal from stealing my gf :(".
The amount of male virgins in western countries has reached a new record, even media is pushing the "Dangerous Incels" meme now.
Being a virgin or better yet not even looking for a future partner is viewed as a problem, but why?
You're not worse that other men if you don't have sex. Hell just masturbate with a wet sock and you'll get the same experience as fucking a typical white art student.
Most young men I know wanted to get high paying jobs so that they could support their future family, but during the years they were studying they realized women aren't worth it. They have hobbies, that they enjoy and they don't have to listen complains of a roastie that they'll break up with after a month.
>h-have sex
Did you ever had sex? You meet up with a dumb blond moron, you pay for her dinner, you listen to her shitty liberal fanfiction about diversity and how "women have it so hard", you rent a room in a hotel, you start humping her melon used up by 10 other dicks hole while trying to keep up your dick hard by thinking about some porn star thats actually hot while your partner lays there like a dead frog and makes fake moans.
After your hips start hurting and you cum you got sleep. The next morning she gives you her number and a wink, even though she knows you'll never speak to her again.
>b-but I want to have white children
Do you know why people suffer? Because they were born into this world. This shithole. Do you really want to drag a poor soul into this shitty future?
Think again. If you don't respond to this post your mother will die in her sleep.
Don't have sex
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Absolutely based GODkechad.
mom no
don't worry this is what people are doing whether they want to or not
Nah, I prefer whites existing in the future. I think i'll hard pass on dysgenic nihilism.
when did this board become a feels blog
pooland once again destroying the world
Do you really want your children to get persecuted for their skin color?
Look what's going on in America, right now.
Niggers are getting hired for "good boy" from the liberal goverment. Illegal imiigrants are flooding in like waves. There drug problem is America is increasing.
The future war with Iran.
We need to go back to the good old times of Sacred Prositution.
t. true believer
>pic related