'''Chaos Esque Anthology''' was a first-person shooter forked of [[Xonotic]], it included new features such as extended number of weapons (including medieval weapons), new maps, vehicles, spellcasting, monsters, player characters, textures and game modes.
The project was ended Jun 23 2019 after a commercial developer of the game FortNite raised criticisms of the project:
ChaosEsque Anthology, an opensource QuakeC project, has ended development after over seven years of continuous development. The project boasted hundreds of weapons, a spell system, and many maps, amongst other features.
A successful FortNite developer ("FooFlinger") indicated that he felt the opensource project was a "pile of shit", "a collection of assets" created by a NEET pedophile who likes girls. The FortNite developer noted in his 1 star review that: >Author is a pedophile and takes pride in it. Also advertises this clump of assets on every anonymous imageboard multiple times a week.
Another reviewer from the same time period noted: >The graphics are terrible and author is a sack of ****.
The developers will no longer be contributing to opensource and have ended the game.
>ChaosEsqueTeam 21hours ago > >FooFlinger: we have ended the project due to >your criticisms. We will no longer contribute >to opensource what-so-ever.
Reaction from the opensource community to the deletions were positive: esr.ibiblio.org/?p=8394#comment-2247358 >b) The game really is a pile of shit. Look at it. In this day of super-realistic 1st person shooters, it\u2019s embarrassingly bad. >c) The whole situation is a grade A shitshow and ESR is totally right to steer clear. I only took a peek out of morbid curiosity ;)
Reaction from the wider programming community was also positive: >Now that the dust has settled, and MikeeUSA has fucked off from open sores, let's finally have a genuine thread about QuakeC. warosu.org/g/thread/S71590874
The opensource NEET developer also reportedly supported Joe Biden for president in 2020 because "he likes girls too, unlike heretic white men who are ruled over, mind and soul, by 'Muh White Wuman'" Chaos Esque Anthology had been in continuous separate development from [[Xonotic]] since forking from it in 2012. An example of such development is to compare the amount of weapons from before the fork in 2012 to the current number in the Chaos Esque Anthology project. The pre-fork amount was approximately 18 weapons. The current number of weapons in Chaos Esque Anthology is over 200 weapons. Approximately a ten-fold increase. This gives a glimpse into the amount of work that has been invested into the game.