Whether you are christian, pagan, hindu or wharever, you must understand that the biggest reason for the fall of the west is atheism. Their erosion of morals with "muh relativism", their autistic """philosophers""" and their cult-like fetish for science fucked up tge future of the western civilization. Just look what communism, feminism and the sexual revolution turned the first world countries into.
Whether you are christian, pagan, hindu or wharever...
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Mental illness, like believing in invisible men in the sky isn't gonna save western civilization. I'm sorry grandpa but the gods are fake, they haven't done anything for our people whatever they're called.
pic related. way too obvious. kill yourself, smelly faggot incel.
Here they come. Right out of the woodwork.
The demiurge is evil and we need your help to defeat him
Christianity is awesome. I get to rape virgins constantly. If I get caught I just have to paybher father 50 shekels and then marry that bitch.
I don't known why you cunts whinge about no gf, when the buble ywlls you how to get one easily.
>hurr-durr catholicism
Nice diversion from (((them))), christkike.
Imagine believing retards don't absorb the religion of their parents by default.