Why are we still in afghanistan
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The South Asia Strategy requires it. Basically the goal of the U.S. and NATO is to force the Taliban into a political agreement so that they can unilaterally withdraw from Afghanistan while leaving behind a stable Afghan government that is able to carry out anti-terrorist operations in lieu of U.S. and NATO forces.
Why were we ever in that shithole in the first place? Should have learned our lessons from the Soviets
Because the Taliban were holding Osama Bin Laden and refused to hand him over directly to the U.S.
drug poppies need to be kept safe.
And that's our fucking problem how? He ended up in Pakistan anyway
To keep the heroin trade afloat.
drug money
and bin laden was found by President Obama thanks to his good gut instincts and courageous leadership during that time.
God Bless President Obama.
It was our problem because the whole "crashing planes into the WTC" thing.
>He ended up in Pakistan anyway
That was after the West invaded and beat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda at Tora Bora
So US profits from opiads? How?
Everyone knows that it is for CIA drug trade. But what is official reason?
No that's the yank's problem. CIA bit themselves in the arse
Oh, you mean Britain. Britain's in Afghanistan because we're a fellow NATO ally etc etc and 9/11 was technically a declaration of War on the U.S.
lol fuck it, why not? At least it guarantees a steady supply of the precious MREs we crave
don't come back till you eliminate every mudslims
Because it's beside Iran.
because Jews want to you stupid cunt
Black Budget Money from Opiads production.
apparently you can sell drugs for money
US army grows opium.
got to fite dah terroists
I know people who’ve been on the ground in Kabul since 2010. The security situation has gotten dramatically worse since then, and it wasn’t great to begin with. The Taliban is stronger than ever, our European allies are fed up, the ANP and ANA are corrupt jokes, and all the smart Afghans with the ability to get out have done so. Guess who that leaves behind? The moment NATO withdraws, it’s back to stoning o’clock in the soccer stadium. So we keep fighting this forever war, until we run out of money or elect Obama 2.0.
Oil and petro dollar and not Jews
I had that natgeo mag
Wish I still did, some retard would pay for it
Unless the U.S. decides to put more resources and lives into the conflict it'll remain an unwinnable quagmire. It's basically a similar situation to Vietnam, you can win battles and remain in control of the regional capitals for as long as you remain there but you'll never be able to actually get rid of the Taliban, and as soon as the U.S. withdraws the Taliban will probably take over again within a few years
Wow man, the first and only time Ive seen the mutt meme used properly
This is unironically the only reason why we went in and why we will never leave. Afghanistan has like 95% of the world's opium production.
Who needs opium poppy flowers when u can score oxycontin and fetanyl?
>smells oil
Because you are masochists and glutton for fiscal punishment
>oh yess tali-daddy, kill my marines, mmm
>stick this grenade in my military convoy, uuhh yess
>make me spend another trillion on this war, I have been a bad coutry.
Poppies for big pharma to fuel the opioid problem
>Smells a means of increasing the power of international Jewish power b-but remember goy, it's for preventing 'weapons of mass destruction' and democracy n'shitee...
Remember how the cia sold cocaine to blacks for black ops and SAP money? Basically it's like that, except this time it's heroin and they don't care about destabilising a particular race...(or maybe they do...)
Cause murika is the great satan.
Because it’s close to Iran
that girl is still alive and had a very poor life
Jews want to destabilize Arab countries and send healthy white males to die in war. The CIA wants poppy fields.
That's the inverse of the story, retard. The Taliban wanted the US to prove that he was behind 9/11 then they would have agreed to find him and hand him over.
says the poo.
Did you even read the link you posted? It was from October 2001 and it was on the condition that the U.S. stopped bombing Afghanistan
Because no president wants to pull out and be "the guy that lost Afghanistan"
Remember this when you enlist, you're not protecting my freedom, your're protecting a presidents reputation.
this one makes sense. always about the next cycle
Because we couldn't bomb Saudi Arabia an Israel.
because iraq was the real priority.
>because iraq was the real priority to Israel
yes and there are quotes by the taliban's diplomat in that article referencing what I said
It is of course possible that they were hoarding him but they severed ties with Al-Qaeda in 2008 and I imagine shortly after or before the invasion Bin moved to his compound in Pakistan.
Because no one wants to just genocide them.
All of this is after the invasion had begun and the Taliban were willing to hand over Bin Laden to a third party and not directly the U.S. All of this is irrelevant.
> I imagine shortly after or before the invasion Bin moved to his compound in Pakistan
No, Bin Laden only fled to Pakistan after the Battle of Tora Bora
It's a liberal conspiracy theory and those are the ones that stick. It doesn't have to be logical. The libs don't like the drug war so this one is accepted and the right wing conspiracy theorists like having ones that they don't get called lunatics for so they continue them.
This is legitimately the only reason.
Americans just want the world to burn.
Also profit and self interest.
Because the spice must flow...