Vote for him. He'll wipe your student loans.
Vote for him. He'll wipe your student loans
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Lol yea the banks that make millions on student debt interest are going to allow that to go away. AHAHAHHAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
>be degenerate modern
>have more instantly accessible knowledge at your fingertips than anyone in history
>take 100k+ loans from a bunch of jews in order to get drunk for 4 years
they should be hanged
fuck dan crenshaw you fucking kike
he is a liar though
he is going to get donations then give them over to biden
this happened before, remember?
Is this before or after he buys another r8
>vote for a Jew
no thanks, and I don't have any student loan debt.
can anyone clarify by the term "cancel" student loan debt? It seems to me by saying "cancel" the government isn't going to get their money back. which means there is no need to take it from people's taxes. I'm pretty much good with that. Am I misunderstanding something?
>believe a kike when it speaks
things that will get you killed
I'm sure they would only cover government student loans. Not private.
hes gonna wave his magic jew stick and make the loans go away!
You vote for trump
Muh, everyone I don't like is a kike
>Vote for him. He'll wipe your student loans.
He's a comucuck therefore he's lying
If he was president, he'd have a pretty big magical jew stick and could potentially do that.
under what mechanism you dumb fuck leftoid?
Taxpayer bailout. Or, go out and just print more money
You vote for Trudeau
Actually boomer (or close to it) here.. you kids sure as fuck better not get loan forgiveness. That would be the biggest bailout scam of all time. You kids took the loans and knew what you were getting into.. you should suffer the consequences. We can't have a society where people can ignore rules and get bailed out every time.
>buying votes
Now if he did do that. I would hope that they would stop giving financial aid out like candy and make universities more strict on who they let in, which degrees would be eligible for financial aid, etc..
same way they give student loan forgiveness with public servants. they pay for 10 years, only pay about half, and then "cancel" the rest of their loan.
Degree buyback program sounds about right.
Not like the Women studies or CS degree is doing you any good anyways.
impossible to do with private loans for every person in America with student loan debt
the banks simply wouldn't do it.
and even in your own example they aren't "canceling" the entire debt
I didn't say private loans would do that. The government only has power over government financial aid. I imagine anyone with significant private student loan debt is pretty fucked.
Pretty much this though. Sucker everyone one in with "free" shit. Get donations. Hand it over to big money dem.
A good compromise in a reasonable and just society would allow bankruptcy on these loans.
That way the creditors would be punished and the debtors would be relieved, but suffer a few years with bad credit.
But we don't live in a reasonable and just society, so burn it all fucking down by 100% forgiveness and make the globohomo institutions pay up.
I couldn't give a rat's ass what the Boomers think about any of this. I hope they die miserable deaths.
>here's how bernie can still win
>boomer does a reverse mortgage
why the fuck are you quoting a neocon establishment politician owned by AIPAC to illustrate a basic bitch argument against bernie fucking sanders? youre either a kike, a boomer, or a fucking idiot.
A compromise would be to hang every last Jew banker from the nearest light post and then take them down before it starts to stink up the place worse than before.
A reverse mortgage is selling your house back to a bank
Looks like that gender studies degree did you a lot of good
This board is like 99.9% obese neets who dropped out, never went, or are unaffected by debt because their parents don't charge rent.
Pretty sure he also said private.
youre goddamn right
My student loans are already wiped out.
>private loan $20K
>never paid
>goes to collections
>years later, disappears from credit report
>loan company doesn’t exist anymore
>collections agency doesn’t exist anymore
Take that, jews!
Wall St allocates capital to growing markets. If people took majors that actually had a path to monetizing then wall st would be paying their loans. Unfortunately art, humanities, and throw bricks at cops during Trump rally studies have a very limited growth potential.
I didn't know that. Holy shit, that's fucking delusional.
They need to make degrees like that ineligible for financial aide.
Wall St. is a bunch of Jew money which privatizes profit and socializes loss. That's all it's really good at doing.
It's the interest that's attached to student loans that is the killer. If people wouldn't pay 30k on a 50k loan but still owe 45k, then it would be fair. Too bad for the gov. if inflation devalues what money they get back. Attaching interest to it is absolutely awful and no American should be proud of this.
because you couldnt afford it you boomer dick sucker
EVERY EVERY EVERY 4years "THEY" all start this same exact gibs-pocholyps.
Next up FREE FREE FREE just like Oprah free gibs away.
Then the REALLY BIG gibs lie. All the Gazzillionaires are going to give all their money away to help those less fortunate.
Then everyone will get a free pony.
Yeah !!!! Dont forget to Vote Dem-Soc .
DO the NPC's actually believe this bullshit ?
This. My fed student loans have an average 8.somthing% APR even after refinancing. If they want to incentivize repayment they should reward people who are current and never miss payments by dropping that APR down to the 3s.
Can I get reparations since I already paid mine? I'll consider it if the answer is yes.
MacKenzie Bezos to give half of her $36 billion fortune to charity
nice tax shelter u got there
>her $36 billion
That cunt is a halfbaked author. She didn’t deserve a fuckin dime
Democracy lasts until the people figure out they can vote themselves money from the public fisk
gall dang it why I's hate them public fisks
I actually sent out an email to her and several other "Charitable Foundations" telling them how Admirable their generosity is, then included a lovely SOB STORY asking to be put on their list of charity donations.
IMAGINE THAT !!!! I didnt get a single response. Guess i should have included a voter id card that says DNC
Why have Bernie and Warren traded places?
They needed a big name for tonight's debate in order to draw a crowd.
I don't have any debt because I'm not a retard
My loans will be paid off before the primary ends.
it's supposed to apply to 45 million americans, so it definitely does.
bernie literally voted for the government to give out loans, lol
Bernie’s plan is ALL debt. And the lenders will be paid by the govt so they’re not missing out
You're not seriously suggesting that a communist jew is two-faced and trying to put one over on the goyim, I hope. That would be anti-semitic.
i never take loans i cant pay back
He’ll cause a raising of tuition, a stock market crash, fucking over people younger (yet to go to college) and older (have stocks), a devalue my degree by making it that much easier to get one
You don't know what it's like to be poor!
150,000 Dollars in debt..... Id rather have the debt than an old commie libtarded kike in office.
Yang would give out 1000 a month to everyone literally destroying the US economy inside 3 years...
Bernie wants to wipe out our debt supposedly by fucking our banks....
I see a pattern of deception here....
Fuck socialist leftists and commie fagfuckers.
>disregards point
>neocon; aipac
>protecting banker parasites
Wow, and I thought the average Jow Forumstard was bad.
> Jow Forums is unironically defending bankers and kikes because "think of the poor university admins!!!"
I'll still vote for Sanders because
1. Trumpenstein is a crypto-kike anyways
2. Sanders unironically hurts kikes more than Trumpowitz
3. Accelerationism
They're really getting desperate.
Pol tard???? Means absolutely nothing.
If you and your Blind kind cant see the long term implications of what the niggertrannyfaggotpedophilesatanist left has in mind for our country your ass is fuckin BRAINDEAD
I moved out of homo California because of shortsighted nignogs like you Israel.
>dnc nominee
Why do you do this to yourself?
Fuck Sanders old Jewish ass... Hes a lazy do nothing deadbeat.
Pop a cap in his old useless commie head and push him into a dumpster
Well that explains why your shit's all retarded and you sound like a fag.
We need to boost this old Jew Bernie so that the homos who support him will get jacked up. Then he will inevitably get screwed by the DNC like last time and they will be disappointed and pissy and stay at home.
I can't understand who anyone would be against any of this.
>Debt Jubilee is immoral
ok cartoonish villain
The Federal Reserves conjured up 20+ trillion and handed it out like candy to the richest banks and corporations after the 2008 crash. Just 1/20th of that would have extinguished all student debt.
probably that the major media (puppets of billionaires and billion dollar corporations) are trying to split the vote by pushing Bernie's most ideological similar opponent.
So, because you are a big-talking circumcised jewish-slave like the rest of Jow Forums you're just going to sit there and mock instead of killing the ruling class which will solve 99% of the problems.
Keep Jow Forums, nuke the neoliberal kikes who larp here.
The universities should eat it. Did you learn how to be a huge raging communist in a university?