Called for the bombing of his own country

>called for the bombing of his own country
>wrote propaganda for the vietnam war
>despised stalin even though stalin was dejewying the ussr
>loved by modern american jews for being the useful idiot he is and pushed by kike lover putin

how can anyone promote this piece of shit?

Attached: Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn_1974crop.jpg (250x313, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He exposed the true face of Communism. Until then Communism was something many western Academics were sympathizing with.
He exposed the reality so that the premisse that their arguments are in good faith isn't valid anymore. Nowadays you have to assume that if somebody is pro Communism he wants wrath and destruction which aligns well with the observation that commies tend to be fags and therefore were bullied in their early life.


You anons dont engage with desperste shills do you?
Ignore them and they WILL kill themselves

He didn't expose shit. He wrote a fictional book for ideological reasons that was then pushed by the American government.

>Communism was something many western Academics were sympathizing with.
You're a retard

>He wrote a fictional book
Any info on this?

>lost an argument
>starts namecalling

Umm. It's presented as folk tales which is just a more clever way to say fiction

What's the difference between a personal account and fiction?

>Seething kike ass blasted about 200 Years Together posing as a commie
Checks out. Inot he oven with you.

>Peterson shills hard for Solzhenitsyn
>people start reading Solzhenitsyn
>some guy finds Solzhenitsyn's history of Russian Jewry
>confronts Peterson about it
>"I can't do it"

Well he wouldn't be able to make wild speculations and claims like he does in the book if he just called it a personal account. He also has fictional characters and accounts in it.

>Um sweetie it’s fiction because I said so

Can’t wait til you faggots are hanging from light poles

This. That shit was funny.

Didn't he write a book about how soulless and fat america is?

Well america is the most jewified state ever

His "Two Hundred Years Together" is literally a condemnation of the Jews. I do agree that his views on Stalin and post Stalin USSR were too simplistic, there were many good things about them and one of them was the crypto anti-semitism...the other good thing was it's conservativism despite the atheism.

He was also insanely religious. He hated the Bolsheviks for what they did to his beloved church

>despised stalin even though stalin was dejewying the ussr ok retard

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Upton Sinclair did literally the same thing with “The Jungle” dumbass

Wrong the Russian Revolution was bankrolled by kike bankers on wallstreet as punishment against the Russian people for their “anti semitism”

I wonder how he would feel about current russia and the fact stalin is literally seen as a symbol of nationalism and orthodox catholicism by many. These retards think he won the war because god was on his side kek. The young liberal retards in turn hate him because tgey don't know what communism is. It's comical

Attached: RxrzvFBzwAL2kKVYboHEe-UWESa8Yb__EEhz5XJljx0.jpg (550x412, 71K)

>by many

nonsense...most regard him as an highly dualist person. good and bad rolled into one

and western intelligentsia still love the commie plug in the butt

might be overboard but saying that Stalin persecuted Christian beyond of what an atheist state required him to is even more overboard. the evil shit against Christians was committed by the Bolsheviks and Stalin killed them like dogs.

There's nothing wrong with that. The Tsar created a culture of greed and self servitude married with supposed spirituality and religiosity similar to america. Being scum and feeling good about it. The bolsheviks and subsequent communist states made much better culture.

First day as a tankie?

The bandit from Georgia didn't really start dejudaizing the USSR until the eve of the war, and the doctor's plot period wasn't for another 10 years. He was acting to solidify his own power against the other factions, many of which happened to be Jewish, because the USSR was simply the first modern Jewish state, however it was full of ostjuden, and all the smart ones got out, so they lost to a bankrobbing country bumpkin goy when the principle of maximum centralization which the Jews always promote backfired on them - the golem hit its master. Jews were about the 7th largest ethnic group at the time of the Пepeпиcь нaceлeния CCCP, a lot were absorbed after the war, accounting for a large percentage of the supposed holohoax victims, and then later emigrated to the West or Israel.

Steelgoy's real accomplishment was killing more commies than anyone else ever.

They aren't fictional you fucking idiot, they're real people with anonymized names, because he was living in a communist dictatorship, remember? The sort of dictatorship that would put his head on a fucking stake for even coming up with the title. Read the fucking book you mongoloid ass hat.

He said what I believe anyway so stay mad.

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