Brit/pol/ - it's over edition

It is a fact, all white women are into darker men, whether it's swarthy med types, arabs or even pitch black congolese savages, they have been memed hard into womens subconcious minds for decades and it is now permanent. I used to work as a barman at a student union bar in Manchester, that was how I first got red pilled watching hundreds of 8-10 white girls competing for paki and nigger dick, one time I remember seeing one white girl in particular, she stood out because she was THAT beautiful, everyone noticed here, she came in with a white lad and left with Tyrone, the white lad tried to stop them but got sparked out by the entrance, you could see in her eyes that she was dripping wet at the thought of taking home this male fantasy figure, this big black thug who conquered her mate and tokk her as the prize, other white girls watching were all thinking the same thing 'Lucky fucking bitch!'.

I joined the BNP the following monday morning.

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poopy nigger! poopy poopy nigger!!!!

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Sounds exactly like over here white wahmen favor nignogs over white guys

My arse tampon is beginning to disintegrare from the sweat

Go on lad.

>cuck fantasy slide thread #954
Kys, asap

Try butt plug, much better!

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have sex incel

Shit tier opinion from a tripfag retard, colour me surprised.
That nonsense you just wrote reminds me of PRC chinks who revere Lee Kuan Yew because he was an authoritarian who presided over a rich Asian society and use this to inanely believe that that model could be applied to the whole of China.
You're also like Islamic retards who hold up Qatar and the UAE as examples of civilised Arabs even though 1. they are not civilised at all and 2. all the material shit they have is thanks to the Yanks helping them sell their oil and gas.

What works for wealthy city states does not apply to nations in general. Obviously. You idiot.

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bro... that's kinda based

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have sex

have sex

have sex

Have sex

Looks like he’s done a number on you

nice projection

have sex

Have sex

lmao have sex

Have sex

have sex

have sex

How the numbers have been done

have sex

So true, so true folks

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have sex

>There are many examples of multicultural societies that are successful. Singapore is one of them

Singapore is not the greatest city in the world because it's multicultural, it's because it's fascist. It's also not multicultural in the British sense, Lee Kuan Yew made sure the Han-majority never fell below 80%.

There's even video's of him talking about how shit, third-worldist and pozzed Britain has become (he was educated here)

Fucking based

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i knew women like that, they have halfbreed kids and the guys split as soon as they could, to not be seen again.
meanwhile mummy has some weird looking child.. lol.

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Not one of you larpcels has ever had sex

The OP post is a larp becaue a brit would never try to tell a women what to do with her body, and wouldnt want to look racist anyway.

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have sex


t. bum pirate


have sex, incels

have sex yankcel

Brit/pol/ has done a number on you

So true, so true, believe me

Are you envious of my propensity for commandeering rectal cavities?


have sex drumpter

No one cares about tech censorship you fat cunt

ok, just this once, as you are offering it up.

the only thing you've commandeered is your right hand lmao

Attached: landlubber destroyer2.jpg (1700x1129, 405K)

Post vids friend



go and find a pirate
bend over
spread yer cheeks
and have sex

But how can I be a bum pirate if I don't penetrate via the anus?

Its not permanent. I lived a period where nigger rap became number one and all the white girls went for whoring while all of the stupid white guys supported it. Then rap fell and so did the white women love of niggers. Short of story, want to fight it, you can. Don't let the Jews walk on you.

have sex

you're the one who gets your shitter raped you incel learn how to have sex

What are the five books every Englishman should have on his bookshelf?

1. how to steal a pirate ship
2. have sex
3. have sex
4. have sex
5. have sex

Make a new hole betwixt anus and scrotal sack

The joy of sex


We all know you've taken the king's shilling you LARPing turncoat. I bet you don't even own a tricorn hat

Have sex

i bet you've never been raped in davy jones locker larpcel

my camp by arnold hitchens
my story by tony blair
50 shades of grey
50 shades darker
brit(ish) by aiofa hirch


have sex

You should have shattered the illusion by capping his ass... oh wait, that's right! Haha, I forgot you can't!


Spicy curry, poopy on street, cows, garbage, smelly brown people, poo poo pee pee!?!?!?

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Being a traitor, conducting a little spicy treason with the enemy, is all the fashion these days. Should be beheaded, disgraceful, to leave a nigger alive and abroad in the land is a sin against all that is holy. How many great cities and societies down the years have fallen, the back gate of the garden left open for smooth-talking Achmed by some hungry thot lol. This is why it is the kings and barons duty to make sure there are no thots left unpatrolled and unsatisfied within the bounds of the kingdom. We must mount a hunt my friends, a great raping fornicating cavalcade to fill the hairy purse of every vixen with a throbbing knightly cock, to horse, gird your codpieces, away !

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t. landcel

He’s doing a number on you lad

I bet you’ve never even lived in a car you LARPcel

4 copies of the 'Quran' and one of the 'Television Licensing Act 2004'

I bet you've never even wiped your cock on the mainsail after plundering a captured wench you absolute milksop

why would i live on land you larpcel

Sure mohammed.

Search YouTube or something.

>Kuan Yew's "People's Action Party" logo.

Attached: People's_Action_Party_of_Singapore_logo.svg.png (1024x1024, 50K)

Anglos are on Decline
I dream of the day when Britain is 0% white.

Lol at those Toryfags making us wait 1 month for results.
And lol at people who think VONC will go through.

>wiping your plunderer on the main sail
i bet you cant even hoist your penis to the top sail you dicklet

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Yes no yes no yes no yeah. Ah no nah no yes no na na no just no yes yes yesss no yes no yes no yes no no no nah nah nah nah wry hey heyyy na na na no yes no yeah yeah no yeah no yeahhh na na no no nah yeah no yes ye yea ye yeh yeh yeh yeh no yeh no nah na


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have sex

Why do you envy me for having lived the road pirate lifestyle ?

Nige stop!!! STOP NIGE STOP!!!

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Does your canal boat even have a top sail?

Britain is full of white sluts.
Soon they will bear black seeds of men from around the world.

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Thinking of going backpacking in India next year
Is it true that if a wag my head it’ll make the Poojitas moist?

i feel sorry for those of you who still use brit/pol/

>road pirate
landcel detected

you and every other twofaced shitskin m8

Avoir des relations sexuelles

This is the best it’s ever been

I bet you live in a permanent structure you poof

You'll be dead of a parasite or during an accident due to low regulations. Face it, India a is the big dirty penis of Asia, one that collects all the sweat and piss and bathes in it.

Your country and its people are no better than animals who shit in the street. We call you Poo, because it's all you do. And then you eat off the street.

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>not having a wide selection of plunderers
landcel detected, i bet you've never even robbed a landlubber on the open canal to show him who's boss

