Jow Forums wouldn't date this lady

Jow Forums wouldn't date this lady

cure your antisemitism
i mean are you gay or something?

Attached: hotjewishwoman.png (612x600, 736K)

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Quit making these threads, faggot.

make-up is distasteful. she is clearly impure.

she is hot




Irish may like her however

Considering that Jews are a whole different species of homo sapiens (inbreeding does that), of course most Euro-Westerners wouldn't date that lady. People are biologically wired to be attracted to those with whom they would have the best, fittest offspring.

Most white males would look at her and be turned off by her physical appearance. The large nose. The slight sneer that suggests she thinks she's better than everyone else. All the falsity in her face---the excessive make-up, the false eyelashes.

White females in their prime look nothing like the Jewess in pic related. So yes, most of Jow Forums would not date that person.

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Attached: BA4924CC-59E8-4699-9C99-96F09BE82D38.jpg (1080x720, 452K)

look feminist, a jew spiting on a black woman, now you cant defend blacks or be pro jewish agenda XD.

jejs good luck getting her kike father to agree to let his princess get fucked by some goyim

jejs keep dreaming while i spice up this thread retard


That’s a man

She would be hotter in the oven

Summerfags dont pay attention to post ids.

You know that user ID's are a thing here, right?

jazz jennings is looking well these days

This is the person behind these threads

Attached: WIN-20190622-13-02-43-Pro.jpg (873x601, 72K)

Of course they know. They're banking on the fact that most anons will be too stupid to realize he knows and will try to call him out on it. This is a common slide tactic that Jews use on this board. Stop falling for their tricks. Fuck.

look, i just want to marry my cousin like the rest of the world do

lol @ that genetic trash heap

>she is hot
Ovens do that, you know.

Attached: Anti-Semitism Death-Penalty.jpg (734x627, 225K)

Is this post the reason why white women lust for nigger cock while you try to act smart on an image board?

I went out with a jewess who was much younger than me, her parents only cared if I had money or not. The dad was the goy of the family and the breadwinner and the way they treated him put me off impregnating jewesses for life, the last thing the world needs is more jews

She looks like a female Wojack edit.

control not lest yee be controlled for you will be
controlled in the same way you have controlled

I can look past the makeup, and this girl is going to be absolutely fugly in the morning.

There are beautiful jews, but marrying one wouldn't do much to curtail antisemitism.

Because all mixed race couples have one or the other disliking their own race or the race of their partner.

She looks like she's wearing a human mask of herself.

She's beautiful, definitely my type.


Attached: 1558923704649.jpg (556x604, 65K)

fuck hitler

>Today, some plastic surgery texts continue to describe the "Jewish nose" as if it were a standard physical deformity requiring surgical correction.

Fuck off