The lack of a foundational myth will be our downfall

Hitler tried with aryanism that doent mean his ideas and myth were incorrect

People really need to stop making this guy the center of history and negatively construct morality based on him. Not everything fits into a simple duality of the current system vs hitler.

Europeans shy away from foundational myths because they are afraid of who they are. They avoid identifying themselves. Thats why we see phrases such as "we are all immigrants" or "being English is just a state of mind", or "French is just citizenship". It only happens with Europeans. Europeans are throwing away their heritage because they don't believe in themselves. And you guys really wonder why there is a push to place the origin of Indo Europeans outside of Europe?

Every other group believe in themselves and they have a foundation myth. The Chinese view themselves as a continuum of 5 thousands years of civilization. Zionist Jews took over a piece of land because some of their ancestors lived there 2000 years ago. Is it too much for Europeans to have a creation myth related to the indo europeans. Heck, its pretty unifying for the continent.

The indo european myth is the only one that can unify the continent and rise it to new height, white doent cut it anymore

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Other urls found in this thread: language most indo-european

Why do whites need fairy tales

Is reality too much for them?

There is a magnificent article of dervishire that speak how poisoned is the foundational myth of europeans using ww2 as the starting point and how is unconciously shaping the morality in the worst way posible with only sin and destruction as tje only way of repentance .
We need a new begining a pure and uncompromised one

Why are Pajeets so insecure?

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Here is the article
The Corruption Of The White Westerner Foundation Myth

John Derbyshire wonders why Europeans are so susceptible to guilt. One explanation is that all cultures have a foundation myth that tells them who they are, and the foundation myth of modern Europeans is a negative one.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

>Why do whites need fairy tales
>Is reality too much for them?
You know... I grew up when being atheist was stigmatizing.

Yet I stood my ground because my highest ideal was truth. There was no reason to back down when reality was on my side.

Yet as religion has declined, people have substituted their old fairytales for secular religions like feminism or social justice. And the world kinda seemed worse off for it.

I had an epiphany. This type of ideological thinking has co-evolved with humans for thousands of years. If we remove one, they'll in desperately look for something else to fill the void. Otherwise they literally won't know how to act as moral people or make sense of the world.

They're idiots. Millions of people are just unthinking idiots.

People cannot handle reality. By removing a lie that tried to turn them towards order we've just created a monster.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. People don’t realise it but the bounds of allowable thought and the orientation of ideas are all downstream from the myth of the society. As long as our understanding of who we are is determined by this negative foundation myth the only direction is down.

The mythos and fairy tales are just warped retellings of what has already been

You will never know the real truth

Yeah that's great and all, but I don't see any other Europeans getting into speaking and writing the most Indo-European similar living language remaining today. language most indo-european

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It was a symbolic true thats has acomponied as since the begining you can check the illyad and the oddysey and feel like they were written by one of your compayriots
The world they represent and how they face adversity is not different of how europeans independently of the system that were living behaved seaeching for ultimate glory and honour

French and southern european are 15-20% Aryan max.

And aryans were shitskins rapists with brown/dark skin/eye/hair. Their only achievement was mass rape and destruction.

This x1000

Hitler was always meant to be the hero of the story but was twisted into the villain. Now all that is good is evil and all that is evil is good.

There was a good threat on 8 about this. Every few generations there is a living legend who embodies a people. The spirit of the old champion never leaves the world until the new one takes his place (eg. Alexander was replaced in the ancient world by Caesar, Charlemagne was replaced in the medieval world by Barbarossa, etc.)

Hitler was the hero of our time but embodies the concept of the Fisher King, an old hero who was poisoned, and as the King suffers, the land suffers. The memory of Hitler was defiled by lies, and as a result, Hitler's heroism and virtues were also defiled, the concept of heroism and virtue itself has been poisoned and are now things that people have been taught to hate. The things Hitler opposed: parasitism, treachery, material greed, sexual indecency are all touted as good now.

In the myth of the Fisher King, the true heir to the grail (the blood of the divine) and the old empire is the one who is able to heal the Fisher King's wounds. In other words, to become the next Leader one must restore Hitler's lost legacy and restore his image.

They built the most prosperous empires that still exist to this day from portugal to western china more or less like their descendants would do 3000 years later all across the world

French are 30% proto aryan , the ones who called thenself aryans and conquered india iran.... were andronovo tribe that are exactly like modern europeans

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Thanks for a really good post


everybody needs stories and narratives dumbass
your entire life is a fucking narrative, not that anybody would care to read it since you're a leaf

Why would the aryan get the credits for greek, spanish, french, portuguese, italian empire when us south euros are 70-95% non-aryan? We're mostly neolithic farmers.

The population with most yamnaya admixture were largely irrelevant until modern era.

Irano-European is a better term

Is about sacralizing values like honour, strenght, glory or death
is about righting in stone the compass so the future generation have a guide in the middle of the night.
The thing you listed are superficial maybe learning original aryan language to ritialize some behavious but very limited to a tiny elite

Not of us are pure , not italian nor norgewian the point is constructing a positive panneuropean myth our real foyndational myth and try to purificate ourself to be what we once were

Jesus is the euro foundation myth. Jesus is the leader of the White man.
jews are trying to make the Deathcamps the source of Europeanism, which is why they want Holoseums in every major city.

>The lack of a foundational myth will be our downfall

The Idea that a foundational myth is necessary is a myth...

“The specific distinction to which political motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy.”
- Carl Schmitt

Aryanism is , even under cristianity the way spaniards for example behaved conquring ameriva and literally imposing a caste system similar as andronovo in india, the way that germans fought till the last man in the ww2 for glory and honour or russians spread across the steppe reconquering the native aryan homeland is the same spirit that pervaded our bodies like our ancestors 3000 years ago
Even in the middle ages the values of honour loyalty and glory were still sacred and jesus and their teaching were reduced to a mockery in the way the khight behaved in daily live .

pop pseudo anthropology crap. try this version
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern neo nazis the story of WWII and the rise of Hitler has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is liberalism. Ultimate good is Nazism. The values derived from these definitions are that anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on are evil, while tribalism, totalitarianism and sexism and racism are good . 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary neo nazi doctirne, is the goodness of Hitler. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Because everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, and his wicked ideology, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime (and ideology of peace, accommodation, brotherhood and progress) for the Neo Nazis their sacred idol is an obscenity of war mongering death and destruction. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Neo Nazis is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for neo Nazis and the Alt right is poisoned.

it makes as much sense. the whole idea is crap.

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>The memory of Hitler was defiled by lies

>Every few generations there is a living legend who embodies a people
We will make America great again.

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itt: bored teenagers and fat men in their early 20s talk about shit they have no idea about

Most european nations (including germans) already have a rich history, great cultures, civilizations, spiritualities and myths. They need to cherish them. They don't need to make up dumb shit like aryanism.

Wait what?
You perfectly described a foundation myth or a narrative that these two different groups have.
What do you mean it doesnt make sense?

All of the myth and culture came from the single tree those regional characteristic are nothing more than the branch of our common aryan tree.
Its time to start again, this time from the begining and present a united last stand together

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How do you identify if you are of the Yamnaya tribe?

yeah, you speak the most IE language
too bad you're basically a mongol racially
Polish-Belorussian person speaking Lithuanian would be the most Indo-European appearance today

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>Europeans shy away from foundational myths because they are afraid of who they are. They avoid identifying themselves. Thats why we see phrases such as "we are all immigrants" or "being English is just a state of mind", or "French is just citizenship".
I'm a Slav and I don't have that problem.

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Read the illyad and the oddysei that how an aryan should behave thats our true bible

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We HAD creation myths, before the kike-worshippers forced us all to worship their hook-nosed deity.

But dont have inner core power in our culture that shape the way we behave, they are only used as other cheap cultural commodities to exploit .
Its pure pristitution of our symbol and the vslues that they held sacred



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Based, I did actually read them both when I was 16, as well as the Aeneid (less good imo). I have been guided by them for the last 13 years and tried to conduct myself in a way I could respect.

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we don't lack anything its rather to much foundation to form on single momentum from it, but it will happen.
it will form out of the need for it.

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I wouldn't expect a leaf to be smart enough to know what he's talking about

we have one, it's the same as Jesus one, just sit back and enjoy the show!

because every single day we all act out our internal fairy tales and they manifest themselves as our values and motivations. So yours are secular, doesn't mean they're not fairy tales too

The thing is, you can't just make up a creation myth for a people. It has to develop and evolve. Just like WW1 and WW2 were what developed the new European foundation myth. That 30 period was necessary to replace the old foundation myth. This is something that is out of our hands. The best you can do is educate yourself, work hard, build a family, and move to somewhere with people like you.

Define exactly what a foundation myth is and let's make one for you guys right now. Group project time.

Its a good resume

>1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society

We do have "core power", it's just being suppressed by (((someone))). But every European nation has a foundation myth, and their national myth, and lastly the pan/proto-European myth (like said going back to ancient Greece). You just need to naturally instill it in your children (and protect them from external (((influence)))), like it was with me. And probably you too, whatever you're hiding behind the meme flag.

And as usual you fail to understand the whole thing. Neither WW1 nor Hitler's rise to power are the national socialist myth. It is Adolf Hitler himself, which makes a lot of sense as he has mostly defined the character of national socialism. He is the literally the founder of what the ideology has been ever since he left his prison.
1) The structure of the world today is being defined by his enemies
2) Those who are against him are evil which is the actual reason for national socialism surviving to this day. Noticing that doing malicious things and hating Hitler (and also being afraid of him) are correlated really makes people think
3) Held sacred is the individual nation and the memory of their protectors and heroes, as such also Adolf Hitler

simple as

Watch old shit, 2000 years ago with Christ was our foundational myth. It worked for a very long time. Built great civilizations from it. It didn’t throw away the earlier history either. Christ pill is the only pill worth taking.

We humans don't know jack shit about reality

It's not a fairy tale. and in any case is more truth than christianity.

Noone is going to take you serious with your fag nazi flag. Be a man and show your real flag. Kike loving poo

>Not everything fits into a simple duality of the current system vs hitler.

My duality is jews vs gentiles. It's not much but at least it holds up considering everything i hate magically happen to have jewish roots




You're a savage, that's why.

The western foundation myth is ww2 you cuck.
Its the modern equivalent of the trojan war. A real war that happened that became mythical and the people involved became character archetypes. Historically accuracy or not.
>heros, villans
>"evil" empires
>"heros" on the edge of defeat but eventually win because
>the heroic charge by an ally to that turns the tide of battle

>The lack of a foundational myth will be our downfall
There is one, and it's pic related. It's not the lack thereof, its the abomination that is.

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That's incredibly gay.

Abomination is correct. Not only is it a lie, but it's a corny and retarded thing to give worship to.

Exactly, this is the absolute TRUTH!!! I've been telling people this for years, but they just call me a Bible thumping, homosexual hating, nigger hating BIGOT.

They don't understand how retarded they are.

We have created a MONSTER indeed.

You've been honored by being inducted into the HoF: Congrats!

The west pays tribute to the holy land like the conquered states payed tribute to Rome. Accept defeat and know it must collapse before anything you believe can bloom. Millions died for nothing.

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Don't worry, we'll start a new one after we win the coming civil war.

That's not what fairy tale means, bro