Is he retarded?
Is he retarded?
The kind of arrogance that comes from being rich, white and never being told you are wrong
well seeing how he doesnt want to enter Iran why would he need a plan to exit it?
>ITT some faggot on the internet posting from his Obamaphone asks if the man that beat the entire D.C. establishment and is advised by the entire US Intelligence community is retarded.
How many of the 45 US presidents were genuinely mentally retarded?
Id love to hear your opinion
What was our exit strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan? What? We built permanent military bases there and we’re never going to leave? Now you know what Trump meant. We don’t exit any country we subjugate.
Yea he is, now go back to watching Rick and morty and eating some bomb Doritos
>prevents world war
>is he retarded
Only if you think mass death on an unprecented scale is retarded. That would make you a psychopath, not an intelligent person. If you want mass death just to prove Drumpf wrong you might be the retard kid
>exit strategies
That's for losers.
> At least Trump is being honest about his never ending war for Israel
How did Trump prevent a world war?
How many Canuck PMs were massive faggots?
Not bombing Iran
You mean not.bombing them in retaliation for them shooting down the drone we had spying on them? Thats not preventing a world war
2 of them were genuinely mentally retarded, Woodrow Wilson and Obama Bin Laden
Thoughts on John Adams?
Wilson had a stroke, that hardly counts.
Read the man's correspondence with Jefferson in his old age. He was wrong about a lot, but he was still sharp until the end.
>Is he retarded?
No! but you are! When you have total victory you don't need an exit strategy.
Yes, puppets are retarded. You are a genius, by the way.
ITT, whimsical non-countries spout homosexual remarks foolishly at the last bastion of hope for western society.
You are white trash jihadist
Reagan was actually retarded. His wife ranthe white house with an Ouija boards when she wasnt fucking Frank Sinatra
No but you are.
I hope they do it, so Trump can implement the final solution
Trump hasn't been able to exit from Syria Iraq or Afghanistan so it is a fair question
>and is advised by the entire US Intelligence community is retarded.
I've got some bad news for you, sucking deepstate cock causes you to glownigger
Retarded like a fox.
dumb bimbo boomer
None of them were retarded from all observations. Just one of them was a nigger, which complicates everything because now we have to grade on a curve.
He sounds like an incredible mastermind.. pure genius.
Oh wait, posted in the wrong thread. I thought I was posting in an Einstein thread.
Yeah, pray you don't get drafted
Reagan was actually retarded, at least in his second term.
Well you don't need an exit strategy if you don't enter, do you?
You don't need an exit strategy if you dont plan on going to war with Iran
His not planning to attack Iran, why would he need exit plan?
“Exit strategy” in politics means “cutting your losses” in a no-win situation. Trump means he doesn’t plan on getting into a no-win situation (which usually means starting a pointless war at the behest of arms dealers). He’s a business man; no-win is not good business.
he's implying he'd just bomb them to hell then walk away, no boots on the ground
I just saw on Drudge where Eric Trump got SPIT ON by a restaurant employee in Chicago, last night. The cunt was quickly scooped up by secret service.
none you fucking simp
"Exit strategy" is just establishment bullshitspeak to make getting into post-Vietnam wars seem rational. Don't listen to these creeps.
cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled
In it to win it
exit plan: tell all those wimpy fucks to make their way back home, if they get lost on their way back we might be better off without them
>this can also be interpreted as we’re not going to war with Iran
>because you don’t need an exit strategy if you don’t plan on going to war
>given that trump canceled air strikes over a drone this is a high possibility
>but let’s have the lefty mouthbreathers on Twitter and reddit have some fun with this one
>why do you call us fake news?
Let's just glass the entire Middle East and be done with it. Kikes and Moslems are the enemy of all people everywhere. Prove me wrong.
thats a real shitty use of greenarrow
What kind of dumb inbred country shoots down a drone of the country that could practically beat half the world's countries at once?
>take over Iran
>ship 16 million Mexican immigrants there
Finally a solution that makes everyone happy, besides for the dead Iranians
>t. never won a war
Nah, just your average U.S. President. None of them has ever had exit strategies before invading another country. You think Johnson had? Reagan? Bushes? I think it was Cheney who openly said that the plan was to never leave Iraq from the beginning.
Nah, just senile just like Trump.
Possible Exit Strategy: Carpet bomb until every towel in Iran is in the dirt.
Once we attack we take over... we never leave... are YOU retarded?
Sounds like he is impying that us will annex it hoi style
>being able to exit unimpeded
Retarded like a wolf
Same exit strategy as Iraq and Afghanistan - install a puppet regime and get the fuck out of there before it turns into a real war.
>America's military is 500x stronger than iran's
>exit strategy
>kill everyone you came to kill
>take whatever you want
>fix some essential things you broke
>give them a government of "their" choice
>go home
It's not that hard, it's just America doesn't fight wars to win anymore. They fight them to keep money flowing to military research and arms dealers.
the eternal cuck strikes again
>bomb the shit out of ever military base
>destroy every power plant
>break every dam
>remove all government buildings
>never send a single soldier
Such a disproportionate show of force would set them back 100 years.
I don't think it's up to Drumfpie to make that kind of decision. The kosher masters above him and Israel will decide when the US leaves, if it leaves at all.
>America's military is 500x stronger than IRAQ
>exit strategy
How did that work for ya
Iran’s going to get glassed.
You mean the war he said was not happening? Okay Ahmed. We want you and shalom both in the same shallow grave
You have to listen to the intelligence establishment and not Putin, first.
Hope captain toilet tweet can resist mustache man for the next two years.
Implying winning is retarded
isn't the exit strategy already in place
we have a victory condition: remove Iran's capacity to advance its nuclear program
I don't see the difference between a
>victory condition
and an
>exit strategy
The Iraq war was about war profiteering and permanent bases. I think what hes saying is that if Iran actually provokes a war (or israel manages to fool him) there wont be a ground war, itll just be everything we have and total obliteration of Tehran.
It means hes not going to war dumbass
Hillary would have gotten into war with Iran and North Korea a long time ago.
I didn't know Reagan became a democrat in his second term
Bigger issue is that he responded to that question.
You don't need an exist strategy if your strategy is to nuke Iran back to stoneage.
A nation run by based patriots and nationalists. As a fellow American I can understand why actually defending your borders is a baffling concept to you.
i don't like MIGA trump but fuck me he has the best trigger banter
means he wont go to war for shitrael
> the last bastion of hope for western society.
My fucking sides