Oral sex should be illegal

The mouth is not a sexual organ.

Attached: 2fhcby.jpg (691x1007, 64K)

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yes it is, the female lips have testosterone receptors
on them for a reason.

Attached: ca-goldy.jpg (1047x566, 49K)

Fake news.

Blowjob Nationalism

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>testosterone receptors

If it's between a married man and woman it's ok.

Sorry hunny, but there is no such thing as a man and woman.

All I need is a big, soft pair of soles

user why would you even think that?
it shouldn't need to be explained

Attached: l-lewd.jpg (2400x3525, 809K)

you're thinking of melanin receptors

Faith Goldy NOT giving me a daily blowjob should be illegal

Ingesting semen of the father helps prevent miscarriage

isn't faith goldy a zionist?

how does the body distinguish between the semen of the father and the semen of the wife's son father figure?

the only moral place to insert one's penis is into another man's rectum


Reminder that foot fetish = autism

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Fellow based footchad!

Attached: footchad.jpg (3965x2729, 2.67M)

Testosterone receptors are found in the periodontal tissues
periodontal tissue = mouth.

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Tell that to your mum

I'm transmitting essential proteins into her mouth so she can grow a brain and actually learn how to think.

you're thinking of hitting your gf up for some sex.

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t. Kissless virgin

Considering how easily I could ejaculate in pic related I tend to disagree

Attached: gotta-have-Faith.png (1045x768, 465K)

Woman is a sexual organ.

>implying autism exists

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I fucking hate when women can only fit the head of my dick in their mouth bitch learn to swallow

Holy shit you must have a giant benis

Delete This!

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Fake news. All it says is that oral health changes depending on the person's own hormones.

I know some girls with pretty hungry mouths user.

They suck it like it’s the last meal they will ever have.

Poor girl, looks like she has IBS

Cope. go play with toy trains sven

Filename, digits. Based.

I lige when wive zug benis.

Autism isn't a mental illness, simply because it doesn't exist. I don't trust the words of a random jew but it seems you do. Here, a seal!

Attached: official seal.jpg (324x405, 27K)


Insatiable Booze Syndrome?


jesus, those libs, made for sucking cock, she needs to make porn asap, she was made for it, no ones cares about the opinions of this stupid whore

Based schizo. The study doesn't say that at all.

would, even if got disease

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That's the thing, it's only about 8 inches. I've met girls who could swallow it like nothing then there's women who can't even fit the head. Fucking annoying.

The hand is not a sexual organ yet it is conjoined to your dick

That's really witty. Good job.

Expression of the androgen receptor was readily
detected in periodontal and gingival tissue
without androgen receptors estradiol and
testosterone cannot be absorbed in the mouth.
israeli big shits?

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