The reason nordic whomen go after black dick is that the aryan white men never achived anything noteworthy pic related...

The reason nordic whomen go after black dick is that the aryan white men never achived anything noteworthy pic related is the extent of the bigest nordcuck "empire" even with the help of brown france meds can you blame them?

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Other urls found in this thread:'_War

Why are Pajeets like this?

French aren't Med...


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As an artist i must agree that there is nothing more arstheticly pleasing than wantching a beautiful elf like white woman being penetrated by a big brutish muscular black mn

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Are you the greek subhuman that makes 20 threads everyday how Greece is superior to everyone else or are you just an Indian?

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"Snowniggers" wiped out half population in Central European powers.

Thirty years war'_War


Oh boi

Do you have fun making thirty bait threads a day?

Huh, jinx I guess.

gtfo nigger jew

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How is that an accomplishment? The Bantu did the same thing

Hahaha top kek

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Greekfag here and I can confirm that meds are the superior Europeans the most chaddests of mythologies and empires are from us

Rome? Yup
Greek empire? Yup
Alexander the chad? Yup
Byzantium? Yup
Alphabet to text qts? Yup
Philosophy to get the qts? Yup
Loyal wives? Yup
Strong soldiers? Yup spartan chads

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Opinion discarded and saged.

Success breeds jealousy

>Greekfags are superior
>lives in germany

k gyros

Turkmutts? Yep

The funny thing is even turks had an empire unlike nordcucks

Piss off at least we didn't get our ass kicked by emus which are the memes of God

Did i pluck a sensitive string, Peepee Poopoodolous from Lemnos?

WTF are you smoking, nigger?
Is this the European history taught in that book titled "The Niggas Cud Fly"?
I'm starting to think niggers actually believe this shit.

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>Is in Turkey

That's an intentional meme flag reveal

>Empire quality is determined by size
I would really make a MUH DIK joke here but that's just low hanging fruit.

Anyway, how many nobel prices has africa won again?

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>country flag means ethnicity

You were the one talking about human achievement in relation to africans.

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>Since 14 century

How many inventions are you using from before that? Figuring out what math is, is in no way as impressive as actually doing something with it.

This is the same shit like being the first bhutanese-canadian autistic black transwoman to climb Mt. Everest.