The 4.5 BILLION dollar border wall bill just passed the house.
Trump just won 2020!
Trump at Orlando rally:
>“We are building the wall. We’re going to have over 400 miles of wall built by the end of next year.”
>Mr. Trump is once again mixing projects to replace existing barriers with construction of entirely new sectors of a wall along the southwestern border — and inflating the mileage.
>The Customs and Border Protection agency has received funding for 258 miles of barriers: 175 miles from congressional appropriations, 30 miles from a Treasury Department asset forfeiture fund and 53 miles from the Pentagon’s coffers, according to an agency spokesman.
>That’s 142 miles under what Mr. Trump claimed. Even that figure relies on counting replacement projects as new wall, on contracts that have yet to be awarded and on funding that is tenuous. The 40 miles funded in the 2017 fiscal year, for example, is to replace old barriers with new fencing, while a federal judge in May blocked Mr. Trump from using the Pentagon funds to build his wall.
Trump works to maintain illusions of progress, as his main promises go unfulfilled
>Yet the bill included just $1.375 billion to construct new bollard fencing on 55 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border — far short of the $5.7 billion he demanded. So far, the only construction underway has been repairs to existing stretches of wall, built under his predecessors.
yes quote some rabid anti trump outlets to push your narrative please
at least make an attempt at objectivity
Replacing the old 4 foot high picket fences with actual barriers is even better than building new walls, since the coyotes relied on these poor excuses of barriers on the border to easily cross.
>And an update to the manager's amendment was made Tuesday afternoon that would amend the bill to bar the HHS secretary from waiving requirements for contractors running influx shelters. It also added $2 million "to the Executive Office for Immigration Review for continued operation of the Immigration Court Helpdesk Program, which provides services to address the needs of immigrants in removal proceedings."
>The changes come in the wake of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) meeting late Monday evening with members who were hesitant about the initial bill. Concerns over reports of unsanitary conditions and a lack of resources, including water, diapers, toothbrushes, food and soap, have amplified in recent weeks, with members from both sides of the aisle calling for action.
>“Today we have the opportunity to help the children at the border. This is a very important vote. It is not an immigration bill, so we cannot make any immigration promises in the bill. It is an appropriations bill, saying to the world, these children — they don’t have hygiene, they are not, in many cases, in their parents’ arms. We can make a big difference for them,” Pelosi said during a Democratic Caucus meeting on Tuesday, according to a senior Democratic aide.
You're an actual retard
>Mr. Trump has yet to complete any new mileage of fencing or other barriers anywhere on the border. His administration has only replaced existing fencing, including the section he is touring Friday. Construction for that small section of fencing cost about $18 million, began in February 2018 and was completed in October. Plans to replace that fence date to 2009, during the beginning of President Barack Obama's tenure.
>The southern border is nearly 2,000 miles long and already has about 650 miles of different types of barriers, including short vehicle barricades and tall, steel fences up to 30 feet high. Most of the fencing, however, was built during the administration of George W. Bush, and have been updated and maintained throughout other administrations
What does 4 billion get you 200 miles if that?
>border funding = wall funding
>tfw OP
See It's for improving conditions at the border for migrant families and children
>>Mr Trump
Wtf ?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you seething anti-trumpers are hilarious
i genuinely am cackling over your attempts to demoralize
have a good day lads, take a cool bath and read a book
Obviously you are on the wrong side of the wall.
>Mr Trump
The (((media))) does this as a subtle jab at the God Emperor’s supreme authority
Go suck a dick, migatard
4.5 bil ? wtf?
you were supposed to get that 4.5 bil to israel Donald
This whole thread is once again more proof that the real wall America needs is to the north.
This changes everything! I’m voting Democrat from now on!
Awwww, are you mad that Tardeau got raped in trade deals, Mr Zhang?
Can’t afford cat meat anymore?
I’m sucking dick! Now what do I do?
>Trump just won 2020!
He promised revenge on Israel for 9/11?
"The bill additionally includes oversight provisions to hold the administration accountable for the conditions at migrant facilities, and provides no money for border wall funding. "
2.5Billion is going to towards the migrants
>$934.5 million for processing facilities, including food, water, sanitary items, blankets, medical services, and safe transportation. It also includes $866 million to reduce reliance on influx shelters to house children and 200 million for an integrated, multi-agency processing center pilot program for families and unaccompanied children, with participation by non-profit organizations.
God I hate this fucking kiked government. They'll pass a bill to fund illegal alien foreigners but they won't even give 1 cent to the border wall FUCK THESE PEOPLE STRAIGHT TO HELL
>when illegals get access to free housing, food, and health care while homeless old vets sit out in the dead of winter freezing to death
Bump grats on 2020
None of that can be spent on the wall per the legislation and the Dems who passed it added in that ICE funding must be cut
The money will go to illegal beaners to buy them beds, sheets, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shit wipes, shirts, pants, razors
>Trump just won 2020!
methinks the reason it passed is because it is too late by now to help him win 2020
this is the kicker
ridiculously underfunded wall budget, most of the money goes to feed and shelter niggers which actually helps the invasion, instead of hindering it
Do you faggots just sit around with pasta ready for any trump thread?
Bi-quarterly reminder that CEMEX holds some property on Rothchild's terrains that happen to be both in the JewSA and Mexico, making any wall undisputably non-existent on sacred jewish soil.
Go take a shower Shlomo, I bet you smell like rancid bratwurst rotting in a fridge on a landfill on a warm summers after spending the last three days shitposting nonstop in every fucking Trump and Google thread.
fuck (((Trump)))tards
read about em
it all started with the judahite tribe
even israel hated them at the time
the real tribes of israel hated the judahites and called them insane maniacs
even encyclopediae judaica admits the judahites did NOT come from the tribes of israel
i started reading the controversy of zion by douglas reed this morning until my e-kikess started sperging
the israelites were good guys who worshiped the god-of-everyone and cultivated neighbourliness, righteousness and humility
only the levites inside the judah tribe became those insane racists hellbent on genocide
it's all about the chiiiiildren