They're going to get away with it, aren't they

they're going to get away with it, aren't they

Attached: Logo_Google_2013_Official.svg.png (1280x440, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get away with what? Quick rundown please

Gennai, a high ranking corporate officer of Google, got caught on tape by Project Veritas admitting they skewed searches to ensure Trump didn't win in 2016 and they've been working since 2016 to ensure the same will not happen in 2020. She lays down the method and the motive. Google took that video down very soon after it got uploaded.

To be fair that cunt said as much in the leaked video. They’ll do what they want because they know they can

As fucked as that is how can they not get away with it. It is technically a (((((private platform)))))

How come all these people didnt succeed in stopping Trump, yet somehow are a threat?

They will go to congress, blatently lie to their face, and congress will pardon them. The only solution congress will offer is to heavily regulate them, which will be to Big Tech's annoyance, but ensures they wont have competitions due to start up costs and so will welcome it.
We need another Nasim, but for them to have a respectable score.

If they do then we are far closer to Civil War than I feared. However it would seem that there is some beginning traction in washing and the public mind so there is considerable room for optimism here.

well, they are cooperating with China in order to help the authorities uphold state censorship, just saying.

Because you refuse to code

Ofcourse they are!
They're a fucking tech giant!
When was the last time some company truly faced some considerable loss to their profits or shares, or some concrete steps were taken to prevent them misusing their platform?

A private platform that receives money from the government

kikeshill or not I think they truly underestimated his popularity/threat—or didn’t understand how important the online discussion was.

You forgot the part where the guy who made the video is a convicted fraudster and the fact that if you actually google Hillary Clinton emails as well as Donald Trump emails you'll see the sites which get the most traffic and which have the keywords on them. Trumps contact info is plastered all over the government websites and social media and everybody pays attention to him. Hillary is irrelevant now since she doesn't even hold a position of relevance. Also, if you check the analytics for the past 1-3 years both search terms have about the same traffic.

Gay summer post, didn't read.

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Watch them squirm live :)


All you can do right now is stop using their services and products.

Or that the reality is Sorosians put him in straight
After all, you only need to bribe a few people counting the votes and we know the votes were compromised and destroyed when the trump panel started looking into it and got shutdown for sounding the alarm

when they chose to restrict and gate access to media they became publishers rather than a platform, this is why their currently on the verge of being sued for breaking antitrust laws, which could end up getting google completely dissolved

remember chat rooms?


Yep. Everything is going as planned. We're supporting them even now by using Captcha.

>he thinks they'll die and not continue on outside the US
And yet noone mentions how Jow Forums survives under this

switch to ddg, startpage, bing, whatever

google results are FULL of clickbait anyway

don't forget to use ublock since google's biggest source of income is ad revenue across the entire web

Trump says Google, Facebook should be sued over bias allegations

>We need another Nasim, but for them to have a respectable score.

As much as Nasim was /ourgirl/ I disagree. Going on a random shooting spree and gunning down their useful idiot code monkeys won't stop them. First because they and the media would just spin it as more of an excuse to crack down on dangerous far right extremism or whatever, and second because starting from or near the top and working down would be more effective.

If I were going to take action (hypothetically and in Minecraft, purely for the purposes of speculation), I would target Gennai, and the other guy in the video. Maybe even the obnoxious "Thank you Senator, I'm a Digital Wellbeing Lead with a day job" woman they sent to Congress. Precise targets and visceral crime scenes would scare the shit out people a lot more than another mass shooting, which most people are numb to at this point.


>didn’t understand how important the online discussion
Given the voting ages of 2016 for trump I actually want to say the online battle didn't do much compared to sheer tunnel vision against Hillary amongst boomer tv viewers.

Trump says a lot of things.


As much as I would love to see their whole families wiped out, it can't be violence. It'll be used against the right like that fat cunt from Charlottesville got propped up as a literal hero for dying.

There has to be more infiltration of Google and these videos. Google HATES this shit. I mean, trying to delist their domain? That's a fight. There needs to be more coming to light, we should have counter intel just chilling in these cafes listening in and recording. Bring it all to light.

They aren't a platform when they arbitrarily delete things they don't like for political reasons. Common carriers aren't allowed to arbitrarily refuse service. It's high time we revoke that status and hold them criminally liable for the violent leftist accounts they continuously host.

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You are aware that you don't have to use Google?


yep, fascist megacorporation state incoming

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you goyim never learn do you

>I think they truly underestimated his popularity/threat—or didn’t understand how important the online discussion was.

Suppose the Pareto Principle or some similar effect applies to online discussion? 80ish% of internet users are just there to use Facebook and be good goy consumers, while "fringe" communities like ours create most of the relevant memes and steer important discussions.

>As much as I would love to see their whole families wiped out, it can't be violence. It'll be used against the right like that fat cunt from Charlottesville got propped up as a literal hero for dying.

Agreed, but I think violence will be necessary at some point. All the talking being done in Congress is just theater that ultimately accomplishes nothing. These people have no moral qualm with what they're doing. To the contrary, they believe they're "on the right side of history" and should be the arbiters of the definition of "fairness" and God only knows how many other concepts. They're not going to stop just because we ask them nicely.

Conservatives love business up until it doesn't go their way. Then they cry for big daddie government to rescue them.

what's worst: congress seems to be pushing for them to go even further
>remove lies about (((politicians)))
>remove (((hate speech)))
>remove (((conspiracy theories)))
honk honk

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you kinda do have to at this point and even if you somehow manage to rid yourself of them the fact that basically everything you do with technology will interact with a google service at some point along its path means not using it is useless

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>get away with it
Everyone who hates conservatives gets away with everything in the Trump era.

Obama had to keep limits, as Hillary would've, because a free for all would look really bad.

But under trump? Everyone on the left gets away with everything every time

>he says
>using Jow Forums
>aka using google's captcha service



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Of course. Quit spamming the board with this shit you purple-pilled fucks.

>Violence will be necessary

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>Learn to Code
>Hasn’t heard of alt platforms
You were saying? The issue is not the fact we don’t have /ourcoders/ the issue is the bottomless money pit that (((Joogle))) is and how pervasive their tech has become. It’s not just a “search engine”, it’s a search, data aggregation paradigm that multiple other search engines use, including Start Page. Their browser Joogle Chrome, Android OS as well as the platforms like JewTube also add to their power significantly.

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Adnaseum is better if you really want to fuck google.
It loads ads in the background and auto clicks every one (can be set to click only ones that track, or all). Google then has to pay back the money that would have been spent since it was automated clicking.

No shit. The whole 'private company' argument is Jewish bullshit. How would the Jews feel if the power company said they no longer would provide electricity to Juden? How about a private hospital that said it would not admit blacks? Go fuck your kike argument about private companies.

And all of them are distinct as pizzahut and tacobell
The real issue is there is now a demand for equality of results with no care for reality, like typical liberals

>fucking glow niggers

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>they're going to get away with it, aren't they
do something about it.

Both get done and continue
Or did you forget Obama striking down the voting rights act and enhanced deliberation in the 14th amendment

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Kek did you honestly think (((they))) wouldn't? Do you know what timeline you're in, kid?

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They've gotten away with it for thousands of years
They continue to get away with it because in the end, everyone is in on the conspiracy. Try telling your boomer mother in law to not wear her AppleWatch. Even if she "knows" apple is evil, she doesn't really. Many people know the truth, but fail to internalize it.
Really, they don't want to give up their conveniences. That's how conspiracy theorists end up being ridiculed. If they are right (and they are), people should morally give up their gadgets. So we say, "lol" look at those crazies (whew, almost had to cancel my tinder and lose that .00000000001% chance I'll get that no strings attached dick sucking)

Its game theory, in the end.
Want to fight it?
Buy land. Grow food. Face your own vices. Take the Christ Pill. Don't buy their horseshit, or at least cut back drastically

>do something about it
More reason to help Sen. Josh Hawley destroy the big tech jew. Spread awareness of his attempt to amend U.S. Code 230 so big tech cant suppress our political freedoms.
[1] disseminate info to normiesphere social media
[2] contact senators and officials (below) to get the ball rolling and let them know
Message to send to Congress:
American Anons! Do your part to kick Congress into gear on this. Just getting more statements and inquiries will help expose normies to this. Customize the below and send to all your federal and state representatives.
Dear [Representative/Senator] [Name]:
My name is [Insert name], and I have been a constituent of your [district/state] for [time period]. I am writing this letter to urge you to support and accelerate the Google antitrust probe. Additionally, I demand that You subpoena Google to testify and explain their actions publicly and openly. The Senate inquiry into technology companies use of algorithms and machine learning to influence the public held on 06/25/2019 did not provide the level of insight into Google's actions tt properly address the concerns of the public.
As you may be aware, a video has surfaced of a Google executive sharing plans for how the company desires to meddle in the upcoming 2020 elections. The video itself can be viewed on Texas Representative Gohmert's website ( This is a serious accusation that could undermine the very legitimacy of our entire Republic. Even more troubling is the implications of how many of the executives involved are foreign nationals.
I again urge you to demonstrate that you are a representative of the constituents living in your [district/state] by clearly and publicly declaring your intent to have these allegations investigated.
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]


I'm no glownigger, swear on me mum. I just don't see this problem being solved by our government as it is now.

Look at it this way: Google is prepared for all of this. They expect to be taken to court or called in front of Congress (especially after all the bullshit with Facebook in the last few years). That's why they purposely sent that obnoxious woman to give meandering non-answers to Ted Cruz's questions. They have billions of dollars to hire the best lawyers they can find and bribe anybody they need to. They have the ability to drag this whole process out for years, but they don't really need to because if they can prevent Trump from being reelected they're in the clear.

What they aren't prepared for is action instead of talk.

We need to start a mass movement to abandon google all together.
We need a right wing search engine.
Lets make Jow Forums a search engine

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He also said he didn't know if what they're doing is illegal when asked by Bartiromo this morning so it depends on if his advisors lie to him or not.

>search for white families
>first picture is of a black family
>this can be explained by anything but nefarious intent
t. brainlet

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>No shit. The whole 'private company' argument is Jewish bullshit
Agreed. After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the argument of “muh private property/company” has gone out the window. Ever since the (((Federal Government))) forced businesses to serve customers they didn’t want to, opened Pandora’s box. Now we have a commie kiked System that has “protected classes” private companies are forced to serve. We need to make political affiliation and opinion a protected class.

>You forgot the part where the guy who made the video is a convicted fraudster

How is O'Keefe's fraud conviction relevant to this situation? Honest question.

Only if you don't bump related threads.

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>communities like ours

ya blew it

Not if we keep pushing against them.
Keep up the pressure online, and write/call your congressmen and the white house.

Pressure more normie but still independent media guys to cover this (e.g. Phillip DeFranco, who is normally fairly good on free speech but is silent on this).

Support legislation to force social media sites to either act as platforms or publishers, and to limit mega-corporation's influence and their ability to enforce their biases.


yes they are. they have been for a long time and they will continue to do so.

>Civil War than I feared.

there will be no civil war, you consumers are to relaxed and comfortable for anything like that.

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My favorite is 'natural hair'
God, I'm so unnatural apparently.

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of course they are. there is no justice in our country anymore.

They did nothing wrong.

Pic related. Check out her nose.

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I love that a company that is working with China to create censorship search engines is censoring embarrassing leaks about them censoring and manipulating elections. Absolutely unbelievable. Trump needs to get the DOJ on this with a historical anti-trust bust and break up google ASAP.

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“European People History” is by far amongst the most egregious. (((They))) have modified it slightly last I checked:

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kek reminds of this old meme (pic related)

Attached: 34EE88A4-3049-4D9D-B306-F699CE268111.jpg (720x781, 70K)

Oh, and this one is bad too.

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t. Moot

I'd sell off that google stock if you have any.

Just search White America Families and click images. You'll rage.

Yeah good points from the lot of you honestly just was spitballing.
All I know is that the crackdown on dissenting opinions has been stronger these days, be it with the e-celebs or whatever other censorship (((they))) dull out. I honestly don’t remember it being as bad, I could be mistaken though. I just think that these online communities pose to be a little more than just wrongthink, and ever since 2016 they’ve had us in their crosshairs.

>What they aren't prepared for is action instead of talk.
Yes they are. If you think Google and indeed the FBI aren't on the lookout for a deranged vigilante right this second, perhaps in this very thread, then you're as dumb as everybody knows you are.

Google Elections Team member here. I can assure we will be completely fair. Check out the sweet hoodies they gave us - they show both political parties on them so we definitely aren’t going to be biased. We are just ensuring that voters get the most accurate news about the issues and candidates. It isn’t our fault if that news tends to favor Democrats in the eyes of the voter. :)

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Oh did he dub over the actual words the google bitch used?

I just checked to make sure I didn't have any. Of course my S&P 500 index will probably get hit by this

>Men can get pregnant
>Men can have periods
>Men can have babies now

What the fuck is going on?

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Fuck jewgle

What is this "In Minecraft" meme I keep seeing?

It’s pretty bad. There was at least one relevant pic, but it was like the 4th or so...

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Seems like that. Look at the faggot shills on here trying to suppress the news about (((Them))) We all know how crooked they are. The bigger questions are. Why aren't we attacking them head-on to bring them down?

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