There is still so much hatred and bigotry directed towards non-binaries and generfluids, in today's society. How can we help make our communities more accepting and open minded when it comes to alternative sexual expressions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Brainwash needs to start earlier

Why are all black men like this?
"Transexuals" should be executed.

Attached: theyre all like this.png (530x701, 578K)

Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords.

Transitioning and confsurge are completely voluntary, friend.

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I've met up with several trans women on Grindr. Some have sucked me off, some I've gone all the way with and done anal, and some I just hung out with. Allll of them have been some of the coolest people ever. They're like women, with the movements of a woman, smell of a woman, touch of a woman, but with the personality of a man. It's the perfect combination. Leave them alone. Try talking to one some day, they're pretty fucking cool.

I suggest that in about 20 years the problem will already have worked itself out via mass suicide. Mentally ill humans do not have a long shelf life. Plus a never healing gaping wound. The stuff of nightmares.

You are a homosexual.

That's so cool! It's so inspiring to hear about open minded people!

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trans sexuals should be treated with pesticide

My own brother is trying to become a tranny
I’ll put a bullet in him before I let that happen

I hope she makes it, despite your intolerance and animosity.

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You won't do it, no balls

She’s a coal burner as well? God damn what’s next she converts to Islam? I wouldn’t fuck her, the stupid cunt went ahead with the surgery and now her cute limp femcock is gone. Selfish bitch

Agreed. The sooner the better.


Keep it to yourself. Quit trying to force it in our faces and down our throats.

>he actually believes this

hilariously you are probably substantially more effeminate than she is considering you just shitpost about things on Jow Forums while probably sulking around like a queer in real life. sad.

Imagine if she still had her cock, she’d be perfect

Transsexuals should be killed.
Also, slide thread. Sage.

Skylar is ok with people of color. How horrible! *eyeroll*

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I mean this in the most offensive way possible. Nobody says they don't have rights. We just don't respect them and you shouldn't force us to either. I don't like it, it's a lie and a delusion and every perverted. Fuck off with your conformist bullshit, faggot.

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>Quit trying to force it in our faces and down our throats
Nazi doesn’t like his own tactics kek

I will never respect dishonesty, sorry.

I have to agree but I still think there's hope for bigots. Minds can be changed!

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>more accepting
Why do we need to accept something that clearly isn't acceptable?
Sexual perverts should look among themselves for sexual partners and leave normal people alone. Or else.

Lgbt is fine, but niggers need to die. I want her to get aids and start spitting in the eyes of every non white she sees

This. Just stick to your own. We can live in peace away from each other. Faggots just LOVE forcing things.

>How can we help make our communities more accepting and open minded when it comes to alternative sexual expressions?

I'm glad you asked, OP, because I have a 3-prong plan that I think will work.

First, we have to go back. Not far, maybe 25-30 years, back when it was still okay to call a faggot a faggot and mock them.

Second, ostracization. We must make the homos unwelcome. Right now, society-general is rolling out the red carpet for them.

Third, beatings. Fag-beating is a time-honored American tradition along the same lines as afternoon baseball and the 4th of July. Trust me, underneath all that faggotry, they are still males. They can take a beating.

And that's it. Mockery, ostracization, and violence will solve this country's rampant faggotry. It kept them in the closet for centuries, and there's no reason it won't work again.

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OP you are right, they should be.
That's why I hate them just as much as anyone else.

>Nobody says they don't have rights. We just don't respect them
You should respect trans rights, we respect yours.

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So you are admitting that traps are attractive and you have urges to fuck them. Why do you resist then? I don’t get it, was is the point of hating what you want? Just give in

Trans people are open about who they are if they don't have to fear being bullied and harassed.

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They asked for a solution I gave them one.

You do not have rights.

So what? I don't treat people how I want to be treated. I treat people how they should be treated. I treat mentally retarded and perverted losers with disgusts and disdain. You respect me? Good for you faggot, that only makes it your personal problem.

Because it doesn't help society. Dudes fucking dudes is degenerate. Even if something is craved doesn't mean it's good.

Look idgaf about transexus but if they are also coalburners then they can jump of the bridge with their ape fuck toy

I'm talking about respecting rights, not "respecting" people like admiring or emulating them.

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Also. Are junkies who crave drugs and indulge in them, are they good people? Are they doing good because they feel good? Fuck no. Just because you've become an addict to something, just because you've spent time around soemthing and have grown a desire for it doesn't mean that thing is good. It just means you're humans and not perfect but you shouldn't just give up and give in.

Why would anyone who wants to be seen as a woman, advertise their bodies on a hookup app for homosexuals? That’s really gay. Take your bitchiest, most mentally unstable gay man and pump him full of female hormones and BAM! You have a tranny.

~*serving fish HUNTY weeerrrkkkk*~

WoW! That is just extremely intolerant and sad. I hope you find some happiness.

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Holy fuck nigger standards are so low they'll fuck a dude with a wig
top fucking kek

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What right do I not respect?
>not conforming to pro nouns
I don't agree with it. Respect my right to disagree with you.

We murder all the ones that dont commit suicide, problem solved

WHY is it wrong then? What scientifically makes it bad. Because news flash science is extremely pro lgbt

Basado y rojopastillado

Agreed fuck niggers

How about the right to live free from bullying and abuse?

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Look puta, nobody thought of trannies before it was shoved in their faces and was being pushed on the children. They were street girls and nobody had to deal with them unless they went looking for their cheap services.

It’s too late, the resentment against trannies is too deep to ever recover. The people ~fighting for your rights~ have ruined it for you. Goodbye

Transsexuals would have to want to be treated equally first.

They don't. They want special treatment. That's the whole problem.

Drugs are unhealthy, there is nothing unhealthy about sex and falling in love. Try again with a better example

I don’t get it... youde be hard pressed to find a single straight Chad male that wouldn’t hit that tranny or not. But then to find he has a surgically induced festering wound that is attempting to close at all times between his legs? Someone so mentally degenerate they cut their own dick off. FUCKING WHY. To all future prospective passable trannies, keep your penis, you are infinitely more appealing with it to any male straight or gay. You would of though he would have learned his lesson after jazz’s pussy disaster.

If u Suck my Dick nigger faggot

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I wonder if she’d kill herself if she would he subhuman boy toys curbed stomped outside her house

Since "science" is just people in lab coats it's also prone to be very biased. If you can't see the problem it only means you indulge in it and won't accept an alternative view to it. Just fuck off and die, you will eventually from one of the inevitable diseases you pick up. Or getting shanked in prison after they catch you molesting a child

She has a “pussy” now

>There is still so much common sense directed towards non-binaries and generfluids,
fify, and as always
>OP is a faggot

Javier and Manuel has this figured out lads

What makes you so special you dont desvere to be harrased? News flash retard, humans ARNT special. Certainly not men who reject reality and biology. You and I and everyone will die one and day and be forgotten. It's boy worth my time to make sure you're comfy. Not when you disgust me with your lies and bullshit

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And they deserve every bit of that special treatment. I honestly can’t see the problem

You seem so angry. Why?

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man hands are forever

Sodomy is very unhealthy
>proloapsed anus
>anal leakage
>scarring in the anal passage
just to name a few

take your estrogen tranny.

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What special treatment are you talking about?

you can start by killing yourself
also this is a bait thread so sage

>Jow Forums wants to bully this

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Sky has had confirmation surgery.

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She actually went first and talked jazz into it. Funny enough both ops were a fucking nightmare and they both want to kill themselves out of regret now

>cosmetic surgery

Do they? They arent special in any sense (except the "special" that means retarded,they really are that one)

Emma is an inspiration. Stay strong!

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That’s what I thought you don’t have shit. And you deny all information that’s destroys your argument

>Funny enough both ops were a fucking nightmare and they both want to kill themselves
Well, that's bs. Both Sky and Jazz are doing great. All surgeries can have complications.

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I Bully the faggot leaf

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I'm so glad to see a few supportive posts itt!
1 positive reply outweighs 100 negative ones.
Thanks, beautiful people!

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Wtf does that even mean? Does she have a dick or not?

They are girls that have dicks, that’s pretty special. If they cut it of those they get the rope


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>cutting off you cock
Do I really have to spell this out?

What did the surgery confirm?

The only people that support what they did to Jazz and this kid are people that would stand by and allow a child to be molested.

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Confirmation surgery means giving a trans girl a vagina, so that her gender is confirmed.

>no dick
She’s not special anymore, kill it with fire

Bye bye penis

Interesting I thought jazz went first. What’s going wrong with skylars has he posted on twitter that his vagina is falling apart as well?

That their parents are fucking insane.

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Well he has a 40/60 chance.
No you dont. We dont need/want your respect either. Trannies are the ones who have to prove themselves as not being psychotic sexual degenerates, straight people dont have to prove shit to you. All this is about Trannies wanting people to drop the negative stigmas and celebrate them for being mentally fucked up.
Trannies are gross, sick, demented people and if being hateful or a bigots means discouraging children from making a decision that has a 40% chance of leading to suicide, then I am HAPPY to be called whatever you twisted little sexual imposters can call me.

You're fucked up. People like you are fucked up. We are under no obligation to celebrate you for being demented. Fuck off, people will NEVER accept tranny lies, no matter how hard you guilt them. Do be more verbose though, I want that backlash to be memorable as it is violent.

Why would anyone want to do that?

The doctor who ruined her needs to be castrated with a chainsaw then drowned in his own blood for destroying a goddess trap

Gas them like the dogs if society they are.

>What did the surgery confirm?
Sky always knew she was a girl. Getting a vagina is a fundamental physical expression of the vision she's always had of herself.

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She didn’t say anything specific, she just said it was extremely traumatic and she was feeling depressed

Trans People should have the same rights as any mentally ill person who is planning on committing severe self harm.

All y’all trans just go get some rope... find a huge building... and a post... tie the rope to the post.. and jump