Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
No because it's illegal
I just did.
i work with a black guy from the caribbean who is pretty redpilled, he calls me devil and i call him toby.
Said it to a car jacker and tried to run him over. He sued me and now has a nice car anyways.
She ran off
Yes. But they chimp out immediately due to all the conditioning. Something you have to be prepared for.
I have... told a nigger that he was a nigger and should be working my crops. That was in a bar. He didn't do shit because he wasn't surrounded by a mob of his nigger friends.
Duh offcourse
yes, they didnt do shit
Unironically never seen a black person irl. Feelsgood. As far as I know they are a ploy made up by kikes to scare white children.
I also kinda stabbed him and was send to prison for it, so wasn't really a win desu
Yeah, and turns out he was way more racist towards niggers than I was
>Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
No never just for being black, but i have called niggers niggers.
come to germany and ull see. i thought the same until i came here
yes. and once when i was 12 i was invited to a jewess “bat mitzvah” and i told them i hope the palistinians bulldoze over there houses” right in the middle of her party.
Yes. In Nevada. Had an encounter in a parking lot
where a group of monkeys thought they were
going to chimp out and steal my groceries as I
came out of the store. Pulled a glock 19 and held
it in the sur position and they immediately chilled.
Called them niggers, loaded up groceries and
off I went.
We don't have those here.
Mate if I wanted to see a nigger, i'd just head to one of the major cities from what I hear from fellow Ausanons, we're already being niggerfied as they import more.
Why do people use foreign guns? Use a revolver
No, I'm not some insecure low IQ beta.
Yes, but the few I said it in front of did not mind me saying it. It was always involved with a joke that they joined along. I'll tell you this, growing up, quite a few blacks actually encouraged me to say nigger to their face. I did. I swear on my left nut, I recall them gaining some kind of respect, and a short lived friendship always developed. I know I can't be the only one who experienced this.
>I lived in a suburban neighborhood
I am sure I would have been killed long ago had I said nigger the many times I did irl if I did so in an area filled with feral niggers. However, I would like to add, that I would interact with blacks who would come from areas you would normally find feral niggers from through various parts time jobs. In one instance, while working at a burger king with the franchise owner present, I had said nigger in a funny southern accent a few times. I was bouncing off of the funny gestures my black co worker presented. This black co worker came from a rough area, he was extremely dark skin, very little White admixture. Well guess what? I got yelled at by a White middle aged Boomer wine aunt with a mullet, not the literal black man that was standing by me, for saying nigger. What works for me in being able to say nigger to blacks is by slowing giving them irrefutable red pills about niggers fucking things up for everyone (especially blacks themselves). The most famous one being the whole 13% meme. As well as agreeing that we are all being divided on purpose in ordered to be conquered. Many blacks/niggers are somewhat based, in knowing that there is a central ((source)) of power that always fucks normies over.
All in all, I dislike niggers, but more than a few have proven themselves in being decent human beings.
I still would prefer not to live in the same neighborhood as them. Simply because I am aware that racial homogeneity promotes cohesion within a community. This improved cohesion is experienced by all races who flock together.
Yep. 2 at the same time actually.
I already know