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How do nocoiners sleep at night?
Christopher Long
Nolan Cook
Been waiting for this. Just sold $10 000 worth of bitcoin, going to buy a new gaming PC.
Nolan Ortiz
In a bed with my eyes closed
Julian Mitchell
>makes money
>immediately blows it
Reinvest you stupid fuck and make even more money. Wealth grows exponentially
Jordan Reyes
lol what a fucking nerd
Thomas Diaz
Hudson Hall
Holy fuck
Evan Martin
We sleep well because we are not tying ourselves tighter to the beast like you śoÿs
You will die with the bankers and the rest.
Oliver Nguyen
>Jow Forums redemption arc
Cameron Anderson
>Bought LINK at $0.30
>It hit $2.20 today
Feels good
Josiah Cox
I fucking cashed out my 401K and bought last time it hit $15K and then had to sell at $5K after my wife threatened to leave me. Now she called me this morning to tell my that she is leaving me to go live with Crypto Chad in his party mansion.
Justin Lee
What was the lowest price after the big crash a couple years ago (after it hit 16k iirc)?
Tyler Foster
t. poorfag
Mason Perry
>fall for my pyramid scheme, goy
Charles Moore
Angel Roberts
Michael Rodriguez
It was down to around 4k I think, and stayed in the 5-6k range for a while.
Easton James
is there any proof of anybody cashing out a large amount yet?
I still haven't seen one person show proof that they were able to cash out over 1$ million
Ethan Turner
What about when it gets to $100, then $1,000
Jaxson Morgan
hold chainlink has the chance to hit in a confidence level 90% around 547 (+-) 732 very easily in two years, after next year it will easily be around 22 mark thats when you will know.
Dominic Jenkins
By holding UGAZ into the grand solar minimum
Josiah Cox
Bought 10 dollars a couple weeks ago. It's 14. I've made profit! Woo!
Jack Turner
buy zcash before it hits 1k this next year.
Ryder Anderson
I'm buying the next crash.
Jayden Lee
HODL gang!~
Joseph Lewis
isn't this price spike because someone sold like 100,000 coins in one transaction the other day?
Samuel Turner
How do I sorta kinda not pay capital gains? Is it as simple as never filing?
Nolan Morgan
>tfw wasted all these years posting on Jow Forums and all i have to show for it is a bunch of shitposts screenshotted on r/chan and a pathological hatred of Jews
>If I’d been on Jow Forums I would probably have enough money to afford both rent AND food
some days I get the feeling that killing myself would be the best option at this point for everyone concerned
Aiden James
Yeah sure lol
Matthew Gutierrez
I think you go to jail in that case
Owen Bailey
Christopher Ward
Jaxson Hall
If you had been to Jow Forums you would have probably already killed yourself for real. That place has more suicide talk than a board for chronically depressed, self-mutilating trannies.
Owen Allen
I sleep with an extra pillow, also I like to use a heavy blanket. I lay on my right side usually with my legs forming an angle of about 60 degrees.
Justin Carter
What if it's just an indication of the true value of the dollar? US has now reached zimbabwean levels of hyperinflation.
Chase Stewart
Usually on my right side, hugging my anime pillow.
Jacob Barnes
All crypto is garbage.
Camden Rodriguez
stay poor faggot
Cameron Long
I was born poor and I'll die poor dont really care anymore.
Brody Taylor
I bought in at $18k during the last hypefest so im not sleeping well yet.
Keep pumping it so i can dump it as soon as i can break even.
Ryan James
>walk the dinosaur
Oliver Davis
Buy dogecoin
It always lags behind bitcoin
If bitcoins going high, dogecoin will go high a few weeks or months later
Nolan Adams
With this run ill be able to replace the CTS I bought during the last run with the 2020 model
Aaron Kelly
Have fun when a long-overdue solar flare or an EMP bomb shuts down the grid and all your imaginary money disappears forever.
Isaac Kelly
Aiden Williams
>blowing 2k+ of my 10k wealth make sense
t. gamer faggots
Chase Mitchell
there's massive institutional short open on btc right now. 5k target. you've been warned.
Liam Diaz
>another pump and dump
Blake James
I sleep perfectly fine since the stock market closes at 4pm
Tyler Nguyen
Pretty well, knowing that I have actual money and not memecoins whose value has swung around wildly in the very few years of its existence.
James Ross
It's because some the btc profit gets skimmed into little shit coins on a Longshot bet
Angel Harris
Very poorly.
Easton Davis
>US has now reached zimbabwean levels of hyperinflation.
Yeah, I remember going to the store the other day and having to take on a 50th mortgage to afford a loaf of bread. Fucking retard
Julian Hernandez
Put in a 1000 euro about half a year ago, currently at 2750. Not a lot of money but I'm quite happy with it.
Isaiah Stewart
Leg angle of 70 degrees or you arent white, nigger.
Ian Parker
OP is a retard, this is the Bitfinex exit scam pump or at least them trying to cover their 850 mio USD loss at crypto capital.
Cooper Bell
>invest in the largest pump and dump scheme in modern history
i'm good thanks.
Brandon Rodriguez
How can I buy bitcoin? How much is it. Please ware me, as I am a little retarded.
Justin Williams
I'm in a lot of debt already, would this be a good bet on getting out of it?
Grayson Reed
I don't.
>mfw I had teh chance of buying 50,000 buttcoins for $5 in 2009 or so but dismissed it
Levi Taylor
Plus controlled crypto will crash their marke. Facebook is already on it. As soon as it's baked into user's new phones, that will be the story of bitcoin
Colton Nguyen
how the fuck do you buy LINK binance doesn't make any sense and coinmetro looks sketch af
Benjamin Ward
Knowing that it will crash and 95% of you will lose all your money again because you are too stupid/cowardly to sell.
Jack Brown
OP bought at $18k and is still $5k under water
William Richardson
Are we gonna do this again?
Logan Bailey
Binance couldn't be any easier to use. There's a market buy/sell option that will automatically buy/sell at the lowest/highest offer if you're too much of a brainlet to spend 2 minutes to learn to do it manually.
Gavin Clark
that would get rid of all imaginary money, especially FIAT which you probably transact in.
Jordan Flores
heh enjoy the next crash KID
Hudson Price
I'm sitting on some coins.
How high will it get before it drops again? When should I sell?
Blake Roberts
Isn’t binance blocked in us? How do you use it?
Easton Lee
Same, just wish I bought more when it was that cheap.
Josiah Barnes
>this much buttcoin shilling on 4ch
sure you can gamble on mossadcoin again, who cares
but they are pumping it to lure you in, then one day you wake up and it's back to 3k
Hunter Walker
i sleep well knowing i sold all my bitcoin when it was 20k
Hudson Murphy
I'm not even a coiner, but that would fuck state issued fiat currency just as hard.
Connor Richardson
Can someone redpill me on crypto. I own precious metals, but dont know a ton about bitcoin and the like. Should i buy bitcoin, or another crypto maybe?
Evan Sanchez
sophisticated e-ponzi scheme that keeps on giving
in theory it's great, but as all things monetary, I have a feeling (((they))) are lurking just behind the scenes
Thomas Sanchez
My only regret was not buying more BTC and link
Bentley Anderson
I have always gotten that (((vibe))) too. But I genuinely dont know, do you have any links on crypto?
Jace Smith
Hope it hits a million, come on mcaffeee
Lucas Roberts
Any links, pastas or opinions are welcome.
Landon Brooks
How do you get bit coin
Landon Thomas
Jail is for people too scared to shoot LEO
Aaron Morris
It dropped from 20k in dec 2017 to 3.3k late 2018
Levi Adams
What was the cause of the drop? Why has it gone back up again?
Andrew Cooper
>What was the cause of the drop?
jews cashed out
>Why has it gone back up again?
speculators investing again
Julian Sanchez
The bubble popped. When an asset rises almost vertically it will have a period of deflation after. I have no idea what causes the current run, it's insane and fucked me over quite hard. I was expecting to be able to accumulate deep into 2020 before the next bullrun.
Asher Fisher
>I have no idea what causes the current run
yes you do user
you're just lying to yourself
pic related
Jack King
How much money did you initially invest in bitcoin? Do you own any other cryptocurrencies? Also what was the cause of the bubble?
Jacob Phillips
Thats really what it seems to be, but I want to believe in it lol. I think im going to stick with metals
Jason King
It's absolutely a scam. Most bitcoin are owned by a small handful of whale investors who are extremely motivated in driving the price up so they can sell off their holdings and get a profit without killing bitcoin entirely.
That's why the pump and dump is actually a good thing. Buy when bitcoin is moving sideways, sell when the price spikes as big investors try to sell off for profit. Just don't buy because of fear of missing out and you're basically guaranteed massive profit every couple years.
Joshua Green
Thank you user. That was a very helpful post have a (you). Do you own bitcoin?
Thomas White
Isn't the stock market a scam by that logic?
Kevin Butler
>Doubling in value in less than one month is healthy for currency
Ok. Does anyone even pretend that Bitcoin is a currency anymore, or does everyone just admit it is a security with no base?
Juan Sanchez
well yeah are you just now getting this?
Daniel Kelly
Stock price partially reflects a company's ability to generate value. Im not sure how bitcoin produces value
Landon Hall
Stock have an underlying value, and give you rights in a corporation, such as voting rights and rights in case the company goes bankrupt or dissolves.
Dominic Cruz
coinbase announced today
Adrian Gray
To a lesser extent yes. The whales are retirement/pension funds and other massive funds that invest other peoples' money, but they have much less control over the larger stock market than the btc whales have over btc markets. The strategy for stocks is to keep your money liquid (in fiat or something else) until there's a market crash, then buy in a lot at the start and buy in regularly for a year or two after the crash, then stop investing again. Start selling 3-4 years after the crash to lock in your gains and wait for the next crash. Only problem is the rises and falls are much smaller than BTC, and the crashes are further apart. Bitcoin crashes every other year or so, while the stock market typically crashes once or twice a decade.
Yes. I have complete confidence that bitcoin will continue to pump and dump, that the price will never fall to zero, and that the overall long term trend in BTC price will be up. A couple years ago I thought the government would kill it somehow, but they've proven incapable of doing so so I don't think it will ever happen.
Isaiah Watson
send me coins if you bought in so early unless this is all owned by jews trying to get my money
I promise to use it in a way pol/ would approve of ;)
but no one will because no one but jews have any
Lincoln Bailey
Thanks. Do you have any helpful links, videos, or books?