Imagine being an African

Imagine being descended from people that have never built a civilization, never invented anything and having to live in a white, western country because your own people are incapable of creating a worthwhile country.

Do you think they ever have these thoughts?

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Id fuck a niggerina but i dont her to have babies. yea, they are worthless and the women should only be used as fuck toys.

Yeah there's this black chick at work that's been flirting with me lately, she's actually pretty cute desu.

Public education. Why dont you read?

The Golden Age of Timbuktu

Id fuck her as long she didnt fuck a black dude. Black dudes tend to have a lot of STDS. but i wouldnt have a long term relationship though

Self reflection is a sign of intelligence. They blame white people for all their problems despite the only good things that have ever happened to them coming from whites and asians

I need an oilspill on my white bedsheets or life is not worth living

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I'm black, but I'm a literal descendant of the founding fathers of the richest most powerful nation to ever exist, so no.

Hm, are Eastern Europeans Africans?

No niggers are dumb animals they dont think about anything critiically all on their brain is muh stomach muh dik muh pussy muh thirst muh gotta shiet.


What about Wakanda? Didnt those shitshins create everything and we stole it? I’ll take some Spawn... only good black superhero.. you know in the 90s when blacks had named a like Al Simmons and spoke like a human being.

North Africans (Brown people) =/= Sub-saharan Africans

Statistically speaking, no. Niggers are well known for overestimating their own abilities. They all seem to genuinely believe they was kangz.

They don't know anything abt history or grandeur. They just live.

No, if they thought they build civilizations



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Ummm your last name is Jefferson? You’re white too bitch. But just go jump

Bitch will be nasty in 5 minutes.. give it time

What about washington DC, the most powerful city in world history.

There is no cure for jungle fever, is there?

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There are some really hot black chicks yes. But look at their hands. They all have the hands of a 90 year old black man that worked the fields for 70 of those years. Now imagine those big ass manly hands (bigger and manlier than your) rubbing all over you and enveloping dick. No thanks desu.

No, but I'm the result of colonial era racemixing of wealthy land owning colonials and african maids, albiet a bastard of sorts.

Sorry mate should have specified I meant sub-Saharan Africa.

>They all have the hands of a 90 year old black man that worked the fields for 70 of those years. Now imagine those big ass manly hands
Can tell you from experience this is total bullshit

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>Never built a civilization
What is Egypt?

Its like fucking a tigress that is barely shielding her claws. Its drives me absolutely wild.

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Yeah... you still suck. And nobody fucking cares what you are faggot

I'm glad you are all sensitive citizens. Keep beasting for props. Dear god

and the USA

>not SSA

Damn wish that bitch didn’t shave her pussy. I wanna smell those pheromones from her bush

It wouldn't make any difference to me. I would still be an individual just like everyone else. If you take the top 30% of negroes, they are going to build and maintain a higher level of civilization than say the bottom 30% of whites. The point being this stuff is meaningless on the level of the individual. Why on earth would anyone--whether negro, white, eskimo, manlet, ginger, alien--waste any energy on ruminating about what their ancestors did back in history as if it had any relevance to them as an individual? It's one thing to consider historical realities, but a whole another to attach yourself to them.

No. Let’s just hope our mulatto offspring will get rebleached

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Imagine being a descendant from people who stole, lied, and spread disease across the globe.


Mali is literal fucking desert.

>those hands all over you
Fuck yes

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Geography class time mr. white high IQ.

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I know this feel

I have a thing for Somali women they are beautiful a lot of the time.

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Most of Mali is basically desert though. Look at the other maps on the Wikipedia page about Sub-Saharan Africa.

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There's more desert than that.

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Most the population lives in the south too

I guess the niggers that massacred those white dogs in niger were arabs, becuase "muh sub-Saharan"

you pussies are pathetic with your mental gymnastics.

The darker they are the cuter they are

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show flag

>Do you think they ever have these thoughts?
A white man with a big nose tells them they're special and also 'wuz' kangs
so no
they just continue on with their day
meandering and stealing

bowling pin hajii

Only issue would be the religion though. I love pork too much and come from Christian family. She has white hubby

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Cope about what? Mental gymnastics? What on earth are you even talking about? Maybe consider taking a chill pill or get yourself to a doctor to get your head examined.

thats the only nigger id breed with

I love the dark chocolate too

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White men have always liked black girls. The leftists nowadays call it "the white male gaze fetishising black women" and its completely uncalled for

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Eh you get over it. Its not like most white people contributed anything useful either. Its only really a small hand full of people who contribute the most to the progression of society.

Wmbf isn’t considered interracial to them

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Kikes will never separate white men from their black queens

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You people disgust me this is what your "Black Queens" really look like. Disgusting sows

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nah, these lusty ebony succubi look like this and they have a deep biological need for white seed

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Hah as if, the only thing that matches their lust for dick is their gluttony

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I could also show you a thousand pictures of disgusting white women

>t. Roastie

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And with regular daily deep vaginal white seed injections the gluttony can be fully satisfied

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Im just trying to warn you of what happens to them after 20

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Built by the last advanced civilization before they got BTFO by a global catastrophe. Blacks moved in and pretended to be the ones that built it.

I always wondered this myself.

is the easy answer the hard one to swallow. If we think in graphs on how european and african countries have developed it seems strange that general intellect isn't the deciding factor.

It's strange how black people dominate in the NBA and 100 meter runs and people accept that without thinking about it, but when you say some people/races might be smarter than others there's a shitshow everytime. strange

Sometimes I guess, but we will get there in time.

Time to pay seminal reparations whiteboi

Its because most people with decency don't like to punch down.

You've clearly never experienced the smell. I'd give it a miss if I were you.

A sense of shame of self-worth would help. Failing that, find a rope you idiot

it's not punching down. seeing the world for what actually is seems like reality to me.

Im not even ashamed anymore

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How about Wakanda you fascist

>Imagine being an African
no thanks

you mean arabs and greeks.
Nubians and east africans are the last vestige of ancient egyptians.

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You're right, I mean can we ever compete with white Chad's like this

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It's because normies hate to hear the truth. They swallow the bluepill.


This is your average toid. Even after getting buff and being Chad like you're nothing more than a girl for BLACK MEN

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NO! I don't think a nigger is thinking like that because if they could they would change their behavior. They think ME DESERVE GIBS and white pepoo bad because the nigger in the news said so or the Jew or someone payed by a kike . I'm absolutely convinced almost no nigger has individual thoughts of his own aside muhh dick i rape i steal i kill ooga booga

They are not human and should be exterminated in every half way civilized part of the planet like the parasites they are, give them Africa and do all the mining and stuff in fenced off areas without them even knowing because as soon as we stop importing tec they rapidly fall back into the stone age ...the only way of life they can sustain by themselves! I hate niggers no more than i hate chimpanzees or orangutans but if hordes of them suddenly appear in our streets and cities i would not hesitate to shoot them on the spot.

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>can white men compete?

No, so they become women instead.

I would say get fucked but you whitebois would probably want that. FAGGOT

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cope harder, Tyrese

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LOL oh Cleetus why is it then that in all those faggot parades there are unproportionally much shitskins and niggers, you're aware that A or SOME man are not really what THE MAJORITY does ...i expect more from a fellow white man even when he suffers from severe inbreeding ;)

looks like a poop log

You cant call it cope when its true. White men are known for being more feminine and submissive. Especially around big black men. It's almost a natural law at this point.

Theres a reason McGregor got hard in front of Mayweather...

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Keep going I'm horny

You know blacks are trans more often than any other race, right?

I wanna die right there, balls deep in that big black ass.

White men becoming sissys and sexually identifying as girls is not new nor is it only "a or some". Its "a lot"

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Africa provides a comprehensive and contigious time line of human development going back at least 7 million years. Africa, which developed the world's oldest human civilization, gave humanity the use of fire a million and half to two million years ago. It is the home of the first tools, astronomy, jewelry, fishing, mathematics, crops, art, use of pigments, cutting and other pointed instruments and animal domestication. In short Africa gave the world human civilization.

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Black women faces are literally ugly, 90% of them.

Most of them probably aren't intelligent and self aware enough to understand the irony of it all, and genuinely believe the "we wuz kangz" trope.
The few who are self aware are actually enjoying fucking us white people in the ass, getting everything for free, being able to pull th race card to get out of every situation.

>Beliefs out of Africa theory based upon supposedly oldest skeleton found
Imagine being this new, lurk more user.
