Redditors are here

Redditors are here.
Can we get a rekt thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>implying that edgy gore posts won't attract more of them

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Holy fuck. Do you know this story behind this one? Thats fucking wild.

The guy got sick and managed to pull the bus over before spilling his guts. Don't know anymore.

Attached: 1561409660016.webm (450x360, 1.89M)

That is a sign of demon possession.

he had GI (stomach) bleeding. he survived iirc.

Just got off the boat from r/The_Donald, how d'ya do fellow patriots!

I love this site so far, very funny memes BTFOing libTARDS and such.

There's one problem I have noticed though, and that is the overabundance of anime subs here.

Now, don't get me wrong; I love a good, well made anime like JoJo, Eva, Lain, that promotes intellectual thought and philosophical discussion, and like Pop Team Epic, full of dank memes, but there is way too much weeaboo shit on Jow Forums that scares away potential users from other sites (like me).

So I would suggest removing the anime subs, or condensing them into 1 to let more enlightened people come around here and hopefully remove some of the stigma surrounding this place.

Also, I think we need to modernise the site layout a little. User accounts need to be made more robust and persistent, so people can find the posting history of contributors and know if they're worth listening to or not. And we need a way to weed out low quality posting, an upvote/downvote system would be idea to promote serious, uninterrupted discussion, and tying these upvotes/downvotes to a users account will also help people identify trolls and bad posters.

I look forward to my time on Jow Forums so far. Many more Dank Memes are to come!

Attached: the-donald-reddit.jpg (640x480, 30K)

What did he mean by this?

I shouldn't play those files at McDonald's..

Why would anyone do this? I don't understand.

Ruptured Esophageal Varicies. Common alcoholic problem.

t. paramedic

he was probably suicidal and that was the final straw that broke the insects exoskeleton

mass murder dude.

Attached: 1463560935265.webm (400x300, 412K)

>the final straw that broke the insects exoskeleton
Chuckled. Thanks

you must post gore m80

Are you saying you think he did it intentionally? Looks like he got distracted by guy hitting him and overcorrected to avoid an oncoming car, ending up off the side

leaf - 1 bugman - 0

l2 anatomy idiot american.
>Bluuud from mouth wat is!?!?

Choo choo

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Wrong one. This some nigger robbery.

Attached: 1561112152228.webm (243x425, 2.86M)

Keep 'em coming cunts I'm fucking rock

I’m going to fucking strangle you

Epic, saved. Will try to post one of equal quality.

Attached: 1493551545095.webm (840x472, 2.9M)

1/10 bait made me reply

Those niggers got caught right?

It was a woman, she was angry about missing her stop apparently. The bus went off the bridge killing everyone.

That red spray when he gets ripped in half by the bench.

This, I migrated here from reddit years ago, and gore doesn't phase me at all, then again, I doubt most redditors regularly browsed r/popping, r/watchpeopledie, and other gore subreddits.

wait was she legally allowed to just shoot first? Looked like a store but the dude wasn't attempting to attack her or anything.

Yes, nigger pulled a gun. It was open season at that point . Also, how can you shoot second, when you are dead?

Most "Thug Life" dab I've ever seen.

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how did he kill him?

hell, I have to wad through tranny porn to watch people die on /gif/
maybe you faggots arent garbage afterall.

Attached: bike faster.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

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Attached: avg day in china.webm (480x480, 1.84M)

He stabbed him you fucking retard.

Attached: skeleton factory.webm (300x200, 1.89M)

Attached: resident chinkel.webm (624x360, 2.73M)

It was B& by reddit's faggot admins a while ago, however, I came over here after they stopped preventing libtard brigades against any subreddit right of marx. I also never commented, and only voted there, because I was, and still am, a paranoid, anxious sperg.

We need to ban assault buses, look at the tires on that thing. Ofc he used one of those.


holy fucking shit LOL

Holy shit that id

Attached: 3E8AF8FA00000578-4341026-He_will_relocate_us_Shia_LaBeouf_s_anti_Trump_He_Will_Not_Divide-a-19_14902 (634x847, 141K)

This. We need pones back.

>this is the people that will be the majority of humanity once the jews wipe out all whites
The great filter wasn't so far in the future after all.

Attached: south africa then and now.jpg (1672x818, 620K)

>SHI4 FaGo
Kek, I remember all of that, I miss those days.

Are you retarded? Like seriously are you retarded? Look in the mirror and make sure you don't have a potato for a head.

i want to see the rest of the cctv footage desu

>everyone was thrown from the vehicle
this is why we wear seatbelts.

Did you not notice that he was pointing a gun at the clerk and attempting to climb across the counter?? What kind of American are you?

>when you pull out a handgun and threaten people with it this is not considered attacking them

I'm sorry but you are too stupid to be posting here.

I like you, your naming conventions are like mine.

I don't see any skeleton.

Attached: SkeletonFactory.webm (480x480, 2.87M)

It could be fulminant ulcer...but I am no doctor, dad just had one of his worker and a friend almost dying like that(starting vomiting blood) and the diagnosis was that form of ulcer

My father was shocked for months, I never had him crying before.
Also the worker son was in my same class.
We eventually got closer and he was a good friend of mine for a year or 2

Chinese do shit like that.
They are good people, but when they snap they go nuclear...I remember a video on a bus of a chinese maniac jumping the driver of a bus while laughing and driving the bus against other cars.
It must be a common practice among schizo

Anybody have the one where the young chink is being bullied so he pulls a knife and kills his bully dead on the spot?

Attached: Austria.jpg (950x857, 137K)

Yo... it straight up mechanically separated his flesh from his bokes like he was a chicken or something.

Attached: 1554766457351.webm (588x458, 1.34M)

I'll contribute what I have in hopes that someone posts the bullied young chink stabbing his bully to death.

Attached: BTFO.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

The cruelest death in this thread.

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Fuck you asshole. Show some fuckng manners gayboi. Stabbed him with what, the other guy was holding the knife.
Cumbucket faggot.

Attached: REKT.webm (1080x608, 1.93M)

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unfortunately, he survived

Oh. Too bad. So sad. Fuck niggers, jannies, kikes, spics,mud shits, faggots, chings and redditors

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No way...

Attached: BTFO1.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>Inb4 these posts are elaborate copypasta
Only on 4pol, folks.

Thanks poland. Let's turn it into a nigger rekt thread

Attached: charge.webm (480x360, 483K)

>redditors are here
>let's show them how to break the rules and be obnoxious af

Shut the fuck up pussy. You could weep for the nigger in Hell.

That's exactly how I feel about redditors.

you need to go back you dumb faggot

Ebola virus

Attached: AnHeroPole.gif (198x168, 1.42M)

Holy shit lol

Attached: AnHeroPole1.webm (230x400, 874K)

The official song to the spics on fire. Goodness Gracious Great Spics on FIRE!!!

does anyone have the turkish antifa exploding plus aftermath?

Holy shit that's pretty good


Dems not welcome here faggot


I always thought when the car came in it splatted the babies blood all over the ground but upon watching it again it was red wine from that wine rack. Glad the kids didn't die.

Here's a fun meme: kys faggot.

wonder if he found his shoe

Lol even the black cops are lighting them up.

Attached: 2B1F5D90-A181-4F0E-923D-F5D3D2B44AE2.gif (400x299, 1.83M)

I could watch that all day.

Nerve gas

Unsurprisingly, since he was hit in a non vital place for a nigger

>try death defying stunt
>don't actually defy death
Makes you think

The other 2 people ragdolling fucking killed me

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