Hello rebbit you should buy some communism

Hello rebbit you should buy some communism

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When I was a kid I was interested in communism but it was literally because I played so much Red Alert 2 and the Soviet faction seemed so based and futuristic. Once I grew up I realized the real USSR was not like that.

What the fuck is the appeal for everyone else? I know none of these Hot Topic Guevaras ever played RA2

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the real USSR was way more based. in the 50's it was the best state on the planet.

Attached: 405B917100000578-4509194-image-a-3_1494894121104.jpg (962x1309, 171K)

The whole worship of national leaders is cringe though. Imagine if the USA started putting statues and portrait of Trump, Obama, Bush etc everywhere

like this?

Attached: Mount_Rushmore_National_Memorial.jpg (2400x1800, 704K)

That’s just one monument though. Imagine instead we had a portrait of Teddy Roosevelt or Donald Trump in every house and public building. It’d look dumb as hell

Also, idolizing individuals like they did with Stalin and Lenin seems antithetical with the ideology of communism. In the USA when we do it at least we don’t claim we are egalitarian

Nice little tourist trap to make some money.

You can be egalitarian but still admire someone. It's more like Lenin and Stalin are figures who's behavior you should look up to. And it worked. Communist inspired solidarity in the citizens rather than competition, which is one of the reasons there is so much nostalgia for them.,

Its fine to celebrate great leaders, but celebrating terrible leaders by force is awful

That's a monument.
And the Soviet Unoin was al about propaganda

It was practically a cult bro. My grandma lived in Russia and claims she bawled her eyes out when Stalin died. Is there anyone today you’d literally shed tears for who you’ve never met?

Hey bro we dont like commies in reddit so we dont like commies in here. KEK & MAGA!

Well Stalin turned russia from a third world country into a first world country.. increased life expectancy from 28 to 68.. increased living standards immensely.. won WW2 and saved russia from annihilation. You think that might have something to do with why he is still so revered over there?

>like Lenin and Stalin are figures who's behavior you should look up to.

Killing off more people than Hitler is absolutely inspiring.

50's socialists would be called nazbols or even nazis by your tranny radlib comrades today.

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capitalists and pedo priests aren't really people

but ussr was based and futuristic

Famine isn't futuristic though

>What the fuck is the appeal for everyone else?

Free welfare, LGBT, and illegals, that is all it is now. What people call "communism" or "socialism" these days has absolutely no relation to whatever it was that was happening back then.

Neither are women and children, right? You know how we know communism will never work? Because you always need a revolution that costs millions of lives in order to implement it.


revolution is by definition violent retard. it's a radical ideology of eliminating private profit. you think it might not be in the interests of the people hoarding the wealth? YA THINK?!

lol what a bunch of fags

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Fuck gommunism, its only for the lowers cast, so fuck you low iq pleb

Fags lol

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>advocate perfect equality
>still have leaders and people to revere
rEaL cOmMuNiSm HaS nEvEr BeEn TrIeD