You guys won't do shit

I've noticed this cycle happening over and over.
People supporting "free speech" but they still...
When will you guys learn?
These services do NOT support free speech.
You shouldn't use them at all.
You should actively discourage use of them.

Attached: zedoneld.png (206x84, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How else will I find my porn cummies

Trump and Republicans will do nothing


>You should actively discourage use of them.
are you RETARDED? dicsourage use of monopoly services?

How will people promote their websites/businesses? What search engine drives all the traffic to them? You fucking idiot

Google leak hearings and DNC debates. Don't let the kikes win.

Stop talking about this and focus on what's happening.

You have to go back, ledditor, please stop talking about

Sau sage for all blackpill threads
Focis on Google and the hearings

OP is a retard. People should rather use these services and fight for free speech and share other platforms that aren't biased on these shitty ones instead of backing off and letting them doing what they do.

teh donald is quite literally the most censored place on that shitty website.

>You have to go back, ledditor, please stop talking about
we got kicked out of our house, dear friend. you must stand with us now (and with Israel).

Jow Forumsclownworldwar was also banned there. They're so desperate to win 2020.

Sounds like one of (((those))) answers.
You seriously think I should give a shit about businesses before my freedom?
Fuck off, glowy.
Don't just listen. Act.
Stop using google and don't support funding the DNC. I lean left, and even I hate the DNC. They fuck over any non-traditional demy.
By doing that you're supporting the service that you're fighting against.
You're obviously a galaxy brain.
It's not as if these services are unknown.
There are thousands of YouTube and reddit posts about them.
They're not going to get any more popular unless people are actively using them.
Reddit is a shitty site. Anything that is unpopular in any subreddit is immediately disregarded. It's fucking hilarious how people on td thought they had some god-tier subreddit.

Funny you think Trump is pro Israel when he refused to attack both Iran and Syria

You're retarded.

>Just dig a cave and go live in there instead

who the fuck actually uses reddit? it's literally "most popular opinion gets le updoted" and you can't even say the word nigger

He's pro goyim but won't bend over for them and start a war it seems. Also these fucking captchas are terrible.

It's one of the biggest websites in the world and it used to be for free speech, of course when people who use it are getting their own personal yellow stars and are singled out they're going to get mad.

You're either a glowy or an NPC.
Funny argument.
You don't need to go live out in the wilderness.
We know that we can have a free and private internet.
We just need to take it into our own hands.
All this takes is you using a different website and operating system.
Other people already do the website maintenance and the coding.
You just need to use it.
I use to use reddit because they usually have better SFW memes than Jow Forums, but now that's not even worth it.
Most people probably use it for the same reason. Significantly better SFW content than Jow Forums, and nobody there needs to hide their power level.

its almost like caved in head smashed face retarded goy are smart enough to be pissed about starting ww3 over a fucking drone lol
dont worry, israel will false flag bomb a ship or city or some shit

That's right goyim, stay off ALL of these platforms. Retreat to your echo chambers and leave the normies to us so we can feed them our narrative 100% unimpeded.

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yes, kike, any day now Trump will start WW3. keep dreaming

if (((iran))) kills a shitload of people you bet he will, paco

There's already enough media out there about these alternatives.
We just need people backing them.
Anyways, these normie places already censor people who are over 9000.
There's no point fighting on a field of land mines.
We're going to our battlefield.

They certainly won't call their AG and complain about Google's monopoly *and* election meddling!

Call them, demand RICO — don't let them brush you off with "that's federal", insist that the State itself has standing and needs to pressure the federal government: .

Attached: Aaaaaaaaah!.gif (500x281, 539K)

No thats exactly what we should do. There's no reasoning with normies thats why they are normies. All we do is demoralize our self trying to teach them

Good thread, thanks rRxvfMel.

When conservashits lose at anything, they run crying to mommy government,

Agreed. Rightards should get off the internet completely.

>>Good thread, thanks rRxvfMel.
Thank you!

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I guess that you don't speak enough English to understand arguments that I previously laid out?
Go back to singing to Torah lmao.

And then all of a sudden people voted Donald Trump for a second term.

This. Jow Forums itself is heavily censored. The jannies won't delete comments because it's easy for people to see that a comment has been deleted after it's been loaded, but they will delete threads for being left wing.

Still here? What the fuck are you waiting for?

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Upvotes & karma.

>thinks we'll defend kikes.
Do you know where you are?

>they will delete threads for being left wing.
wtf are you talking about? Trannie jannies only delete threads on real shit, like race and iq.

Nah, they've been deleting yang threads too.

we need to infiltrate Google but who the fuck knows some faggot in San Francisco here?

who would want to?

Just checked r/the_donald and it's still there. You just have to get past a warning message. So what's the big deal? Why is everyone talking about refugees coming here from reddit if the board is still up? Is it going to be deleted?

This. I keep a folder of deleted Yang threads. Rightards hate free speech and need to be hanged for treason.

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That's because it's spam, retard.
Even the kike mods don't tolerate a half dozen losers spamming the same threads over and over.

So much spam that I don't see a single one on this site at all anymore?
The jannies don't like Yang.

@217526767 This is the new reddit

Never trust US companies

Militias when?

I’m ready to join.

Congress is illegitimate and big tech is out of control.

Things are really serious here and I’m ready to put my life on the line for the sake of the Republic.

I want all redditors off my board

RIP Jow Forums. Have fun with the underage redditors.

>normie sites engage in censorship we warned people about for the last decade
>memeflag thinks anons should care when we don't use them anyways
No, fuck off our board and this site in-general back to your normalfaggot life. NYPA.

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K shareblue. Who cares about political censorship that is designed to make sure Trump or a Trump figure never gets elected again.

Have fun with your Bush/Clinton/Obama oligarchy.

Shills are seriously out in force.

I’m ready to kill traitors.

I still have hope for our political system.
There's still hope.

>everything I don't like is (((spam)))
Cool. the_donald is spam and reddit should delete it.

Hello ya'll, please upvote my subreddit

thank you, maga!

I can guarantee you that most people on Jow Forums at least use two of the things that I listed.
I personally don't, but for the popularity of Jow Forums vs the amount of people who have a normie phone or don't use gnu/linux it's clear.
Also, meme flag is best flag. I've been posting only using this flag for years. Fuck off.

It's really hard to when they're effectively the only options out there. You really have no position to complain about bowing down to gods you hate but everyone else reveres. Do you have any idea how obscenely powerful a monopolized corporation is?
It is not possible to "not use them". They control everything vital to our society, and our forefathers condoned it.

Knitting website ravely just banned projects that are pro-Trump. I don't dare make a new thread about it because jannies but maybe a response is merited?

I don't use them.
I know a couple other people don't use them.
Be an unreasonable person so that we can have a reasonable online society.
Support freedom.


It’s over, man. The internet is being rigged to manipulate the next election.

The Republic is OVER. There is no United States anymore. People don’t realize it but it’s already gone.

We shit on T_d but honestly I think this was the day America died.

It is only going to get worse. We need to fight NOW.

We need a list of Congress and executives at big tech and we need to organize, put them on trial, and if found guilty of harming the republic- they need to hang.

This isn’t a joke. Congress IS OUR ENEMY.

Aside from Google/YT i haven't used that other shit for literal years now. Don't tell me what I can and can't do nigger

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Why save people who won't save themselves? They'll be right back to ridiculing you after you do so.


Lmao, dumb nigger
How about we actually force them to accept us instead of going on some sort of exodus which just thins the nubmers
Your takes are shit, shut the fuck up bitch

It's the only other option.
I have hope.

Maybe that's because no one here was interested in yang and mods became sick of you raiding. You think the mods are so stupid they can't recognize some discord losers flooding the catalog? You think anyone here actually supports yang? How does it feel to be low iq?

Imagine fighting a battle on the enemy's minefield.
It's a stupid idea.

Google\YT is actively trying to subvert the will of the people.

>You have to go back, ledditor
yeah get lost guys

we don’t need you guys coming here and ruining everything

this is Pol and our borders are closed!

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I've posted Yang before when there wasn't a single other Yang post and it was taken down because it was "flooding".
The jannies just don't like Yang.
Tons of people support Yang.
Feels pretty fucking good to be low IQ.

Tell me, how well gab or bitchute is doing
Yea I thought so

Out of all those I really only use Microsoft (Windows 8.1), Google (still the best search engine, despite the fact that the company is shit) and my iPhone (which I barely use for web browsing).

Not great because glowies like you keep trying to dissuade people from going there.

Oh by the way if you grown somewhat big they just gonna take away your domain and then you are really fucked

So should Jow Forums ban /ptg/ .


Nice job using the three most dangerous ones.

>getting subverted by jewgle
What kind of pea brained weak willed idiot are you

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get off the botnet son, only use the internet for 2 things, shitposing and learning shit that i need
if you waste time on social media and looking at porn you are already dead, its over for you

Yang is for retards, this thread is cancer and OP is a faggot

I can’t wait to fucking impale you on my bayonet and watch you beg through mercy over the blood you’re gurgling, you traitor shills.

ALL REDDIT REFUGEES who follow these instructions:
Are welcome.

What an argument
>its da glowfags
No retard its a fucking desert, that is why its so shit

Ain't shit that we do gonna have much of an impact anyways. What, spreading awareness? It's already being done by the people who use those sites, unless they fucked off to VOAT or GAB already. Trump has been promising to kill the tech giants and congress that subvert democracy, THAT is the war that will get him reelected and people are well enough aware already.

Big Techs minfield is the fiber laid into the ground that your info travels through. To get off their minefield to fight them would require fighting them not online.

>mad on the internet
top zozzle

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Glowfag will keep calling it shit to dissuade people.
Glowfag is predictable

The whole reason big tech is clamping down is because we owned them in 2016.

Until the right can create meaningful consequences for leftists and those sympathetic to them, it is powerless.


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Hiroyuki should also follow suit and ban /ptg/ nigger lovers and kikes, yes or no.

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I'm not knocking meme warfare, I'm saying the problem is being taken care of by normies. Let normies solve normie problems.

That requires the actual content providers to move platforms. I don't use youtube because I like not being able to find anything I search for. I use it because that's where the content is.

Yeah, let's help free speech by removing ourselves from all the major sites that are most responsible for limiting it. That will totally show them!

Reminder that the only reason you guys haven't been raped by Best Korea is Trump.

I've never used reddshit, If i wanted to experience what normies and NPCs think is best in the world I already got top 40 radio music and prime time network TV channel sitcoms to fill up that void for empty-headed bullshit :^)

Room has to be made for the Jow Forums humor threads, /ptg/, and twitter screenshots.

And theyre there because they are employed on youtube

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>tfw i support spoons but also use forks sometimes

im a fraud

If I had the Infinity gauntlet, I'd wipe out all the Redditors. Imagi e how much better the world would be.