People hated her because she spoke the truth
People hated her because she spoke the truth
So the Democrats are chucking away the rust belt as well as the Hispanic and Black votes is how I read this.
ah yes "because of color" never rape anyone
She has never looked up rape figures by race.
How the fuck is it even possible for white women to hate their men so much? I can't even imagine Indian women being like this.
>it's a thing
Clown world
Imagine how naive and sheltered you would have to be to think white men cooperate with each other. Last time I helped somebody it was in exchange for money.
(((white))) women
Honestly the crushing majority of big name feminists are yids, with the occasional token black like AOC making appearances as to keep up the illusion of fairness.
It's a thing
White men created due process and equality under the law
Lone vigilantes execute subversive cunts like her when the courts are impotent
It's a thing
Naive? It's actually a threat. She is implying that if they get power they will cooperate against white men.
Yup wikipedia lists 370+ jewish prominent feminists vs about 80 from the next ''religious'' affiliation
Propaganda. I hate them honestly
Just imagine who will be voted in office in 20-30 years, given the projected white population landslide. Bernie Sanders would look like a centrist.
Feminist propaganda generated by kikes
>Electing women and people of color will help to reduce protections for rapists.
Hasn't worked out so well for Sweden.
Is it even possible to find a white woman in this country who isn't obsessed with nigger culture or hating white men anymore? Someone tell me it isn't this bad in Europe at least
>it's another "jews are white" episode from a lying or retarded woman or tranny
I been to Europe it’s definitely not comparable to the shithole here.
>it isn't this bad in Europe at least
Nah the if you're not living in a city c you're fine. If you're living in any kind of city (big or medium) Then it's prob. even worse. Smoll ones are okay.
black men and brown men don't rape?
You had your whole life to fuck white women, so let me enjoy them for a quick second. You’re biologically destined to breed with them anyway so youll be fine user.
(((White))) men.
Because the ones that get away with rape don't happen to have the last name "Goldstein" or anything.
There isn't a single white man in jail for rape? Since when?
saying that it's a thing doesn't make it a thing
>ignore all those thot teachers raping school kids and infecting ur kids with herpes.
She meant to say niggers and Jews, respectively
White men in power
>It’s a thing
>Electing women and people of color
>2020 is approaching
>Smash the patriarchy
Why is the left becoming so insane? Even the media is trying the “oh look a dead kid, better not have borders anymore” thing.
Are they going insane because they know they are about to lose to Trump a second time in a row?
Women are niggers.
Charlie sheen isn’t a Jew a degenerate and a spic yes but not a Jew
Inferiority complex. Any average white woman that spends a few months around an average white man realizes how completely superior the man is to her. A smart woman tries to form a family with him a dumb woman ends up like OP, jealous, then angry, then bitter, then crazy like OP Lady.
White women don’t hate white men like this. (((White))) women in (((media))) do. The media is pushing way too far, and I would be very surprised if there weren’t consequences.
>Electing women and people of color will help to reduce protections for white male rapists
Ftfy honey. Don't forget to delete those nudes you sent to that 14 year old student btw.
Womens suffrage ruined our republic pooman. When you become a super power dont repeat the mistakes of the past.
a second victory is definitely going to push the normie left over the edge I can’t wait
she's baiting for RT's, pajeet. She wants to shine that blue check mark like a sheriffs badge.
Like shes ever seen one of those.
White men protect other rapists, I bet she means white rapists because ofcourse muh racism. her solution, to put the people that rape more in power, because that will solvethe problem…
Almost no woman knows how cushioned her live is. Men that will give her stuff, compliment her or simply talk to her just to have her look more favorably to them. No bitch you're not interesting or smart you just have a non neo vagina between your legs. After hitting the wall it becomes mens fault again as the attentiondries up. Then not objecting to being objectified but against society judging her as less valuable, again the white mans vault. This bitch will never get it, I can smell the cat piss mixed with dried up semen and wine stains on her from here.
shes either monumentally stupid, in which case i really dont care and she is not worthy of my hate
shes intentionally misleading people, in which case i do indeed hate her
neither makes that nonsense true
Fuck you cunt, i'll fucking skull fuck you into submission bitch.
Yes it is. You're just not immersed in the culture. We get all your degenerate culture here. BLM is gaining ground even here, they even tryingto start a sort of black history month here. Because somehow the white man has errased the major accomplishments that blacks have done for this country.
>or simply talk to her just to have her look more favorably to them
based wise human speaking
Time's up Whitey! #nomorehatredunlessyou'rewhite
Suck my dick. Please.
Indian women leave poojeets every single chance they can, if other men actually want them. Whites women are statistically more loyal than other races
That pic is England too. Continental Europe is much better fuck the Anglo sphere is so degenerate. France and Germany women weren’t even bad memes aside
What an absolute lunatic.
Coal burners don’t get married
False statistics published by the white patriarchy. Simple as.
way more based reaction than the "how can she slap" video with the horde of white knights.