Are you happy, Jow Forums? A little girl is dead because of your xenophobia and racism...

Are you happy, Jow Forums? A little girl is dead because of your xenophobia and racism. You can stick with your archaic concepts of borders or you can move into the new era of diversity and process. Choose wisely.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Why couldn't you let them stay in your spare room, you fucking fascist? Property is theft.

they died cause democrats give them free gibs once they get here, monthly allowance, food card, money per child per month.
fuck off we're full

The more dead the better

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He wanted money to buy a house. He was willing to break the law, to get it. He should have robbed a bank. At least the kid would have lived.
I blame the wankers who tempt them to try, hey it's ok, it's not that illegal. Being an illegal. Then fuck off back to their comfortable lives.

If the border were more secured these little fellas would be in a truck heading toward their local village and not dead.

I default dance on dead beaners.

Someone died while doing something dangerous and breaking the law, and drag their kid down with him....

Can’t arrest a dead guy, but the one who should be ashamed and jailed for child-abuse any endangerment is already dead in that picture.

This stupid cunt took his kid with him to illegally migrate to a country, because he thought having a kid with him would help him.

The kid is the victim, and this dumb fucker is 100% to blame.

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I hope they all die.

She died because of her dad's low IQ and incompetence. The picture is quite heart wrenching but you know in your heart what I said is true.

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If it were up to me we'd be exsanguinating them and drowning their children in the blood, then leaving the children's corpses strung up along the border as a warning to the others. Minecraft.

Me sad

A little girl died because her parents was enough irresponsible to play with her life, believing that with a child they would get instant access to USA*

Why didn't they just stand up? Lmao

This, media emotional manipulation incentivizes the endangerment of children, as it results in the parents thinking that bring children increases their chances of being able to bypass laws. When will they be held responsible?

People illegally trying to break into my country and die and I'm supposed to feel bad? Fuck off

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Shoot them.

Fuckin lol

I'll be happy when they are all like this

someone got their child killed because they couldnt wait in a mexican immigration center. what was his plan once he got in? wait in a concentration camp with his child? someone went swimming in a dangerous river instead of just following legal procedures and its somehow americas fault because we arent flying them in on red carpets

Okay fuck it. I'm from reddit and I'm just shocked about this Jow Forums site you should seriously fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.

Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead.
Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life.
The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.

I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.

more like her dads stupidity and inability to swim.

>I'm from reddit
Nice pasta.
Also go back.


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she's dead because her dad refused to stop at any of the 12 American consulates he passed on his 2000 mile trek through Mexico from his home country of Guatamela, through the desert, during high summer, drank too much beer while dehydrated, got drunk, passed out, and died, taking his daughter with him in his stupidity

brenton tarrant 2: immigration camp edition

Lmao go back reddit migrant

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Does your house have 4 walls and a door? Do you lock that door? Do you invite the homeless into your house to work over your wife while you wash their feet?

How much you wanna bet they moved the body or that it's a falseflag.

I know this is a pasta but it’s actually so shit that you might as well be from Reddit.

No sane country wants immigrants so poor that they can only afford 1 shirt for 2 people, dodged a bullet on this one

Also, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Dont wanna die crossing the border? Then dont try and cross the border.

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I r8 your b8 a 4 out of 8,m8.

I came.

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I hate that these things happen because uppity rich retards pretend to give a fuck about poor people but then say this

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Are YOU happy? This is what happens when you let the shitskins in.

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This entry doesnt look dangerous
Maybe should taken this one

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>reddit invader whining about Jow Forums not being normalfag moralfag as (((reddit)))

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Looks fake and staged, even if they are dead. Their bodies were probably moved for more emotional manipulation. Don't let them persuade you. Nuke all of South America.

remember this? lol its staged man

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Make it 500,000 and then I may give a shit.

It's a start. Fake and gay and sage.

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don't care not even a little bit. he knew the risk and the dumbass criminal made a very dumb move while including an innocent child in his retardation. it's time to get tough and smart. there will be a transition in this country but only if it's slow and civil. fuck these invaders.

there is obviously a blue glove on the left. this is what was used to move and position the bodies for the photo.
this is staged and propaganda

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Prove the people in the picture are fucking dead

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Seriously, even if it wasn't staged and was completely legitimate, why give a fuck about their suffering? Don't compromise your own country on account of some worthless dregs. Nuke all of SA. Problem solved.

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a man and a little girl are dead cause they cant swim..
we should all volunteer to give swimming lessons at the rio grande


They could have stayed home faggot.

Why is the child wrapped up in the shirt?
Because she kept giving away the fact she still alive

Stick the hammer and sickle up your ass faggot.

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Those poor chickens :(

Oh boy

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Swimming safety tips for wetbacks
Supervise at all times
Here are suggestions for supervision:

Have a “water watcher” while kids are swimming. This adult’s sole job is to watch the kids. He or she should not talk on the phone, read, or cook while supervising.

For young children, make sure an adult is in the water, within an arm’s distance of kids.

Make sure all adults who supervise children know how to swim.

If a child can’t swim, pay extra attention while supervising. Also don’t rely on inflatable toys to keep your child afloat. Instead, use a Coast Guard-certified life jacket. And make sure the child stays in shallow water where his or her feet reach the bottom.

Children should wear a Coast Guard-certified life jacket whenever they are in or around natural bodies of water, even if they know how to swim. This includes lakes and the ocean.

Save your baby instead of your cell phone. Selfies of your negligence could be evidence, so stop taking pictures of the children you drown.

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muh tear jerker

Always the same shit-rhetoric

The father was being an idiot illegally migrating and drowning his son.

if there only was some kind of physical barrier preventing people from crossing the Rio Grande
might wanna ask Mexico about that as it still is their soil

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This is the new pasta.

Okay fuck it. I'm just shocked about this Jow Forums site you should seriously fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead.
Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life.
The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.

>Are you happy, Jow Forums? A little girl is dead

Don’t go climbing over the wall

Her parents are to blame.
Kill yourself, you commie piece of shit

They drowned in a fucking puddle. Classic Darwinism. Maybe a moat is a better idea than a wall.

The only good thing about this is that those dead spics can literally be described as wetbacks

A little girl is dead because her retarded father dragged her through the dessert without being prepared. A little girl is dead because democrats refuse to improve conditions at the southern border. Nice try though.

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No one cares OP

Give me your best edits

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So happy you can't imagine. Why are you asking?

2 down, 10000000 to go.

I hope The Sniper got them.

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I dont get why they dont build a realistic reenactment castle on the border.
Just let the loonies of the country go wild at the border with swords and shields

well, who cares? they wanted to suck my blood until they grew fat and burning American flags all over the place and then I should cry about these fags? u know, my fathers didn't die to see these cancers coming in and raping our womans, living with our money, stealing our property, fuck it, we are full, we need to free our country with deporting at least 100 million cancers, and if the civil war happens I'll help them deporting this cancer

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Thanks OP, I've had a rough week and been in a bad mood. You made me smile and feel warm inside:)

Why arent their bodies blue? How long were they in the water?

Where are the jannies when you need them to ban this retarded pasta

Reeled me in with that bait

Are those Palestinian children?

We have discouraged people from coming here illegally in mass for this very reason. I'm not happy they died but they shouldn't have been trying to enter the country illegally, and the idiot Democrats should not be encouraging them to do so.