Say something unbased and cringy

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Swedes are kind of okay.

we are ALL human, user.

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I don't mind Mexicans

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers


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Diversity is our greatest source of strength.

Women and minorities deserve rights

Australians are by far the Chaddest shitposters on Jow Forums.

Immigration is good if they assimilate !

I learn things from Jow Forums


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Are you left guys?

The future is female

>You! (pic related.)

No buddy unless it's white immigration it's complete trash.

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We have to bomb Iran to protect America and its allies in the middle east.

wanna hang out?

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No they are alright.

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No thanks, am sociophobic

fuck homework

Believe all womens.

Reddit is better

dude its the fucking joos okay look how smart and redpilled i am i can say everything is JOOish

jews are actually smart and handsome

Jow Forums is a shithole

I just signed my kids up for drag queen hour at the local library!

Heckin' gud doggo duz a heckin' barf barf snoot boop

We need to restablish the white presence in this world. To a degree where all European nations stay 100% white, even keeping the ratio of whites high in our former colonies. Then we will make the holocaust a reality by giving those that were perpetrating in the downfall of Western civilisation a painful death.

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gamer girls rock!

age of consent should be 18, or 16 as the lowest possible mark
if you want anything lower then you are a pedophile and a predatory child molester, and I swear I will hunt you down you piece of shit, I will castrate you and put you on fire jesus i cant even...

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my wifes 5 year old son just got back from her state-mandated gender reassignment surgery and needs to dilate her new beautiful vagina

black's are people too.

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Jow Forums mods are really cool and fair guys, smart too

Yikes Sweaty
> See I misspelled sweetie and used their word yikes against them. I am so clever and superior and definitely do not work at a gas station going nowhere fast.

Jews are alright I guess.


Weebs are valuable members of society

You know, like I always say, if people could just look past the color of skin, they would understand
we are actually all the same.

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I think we should welcome Jow Forumsthe_donald posters with open arms, they're just like us after all.

We're all human

Kick them in the balls is as sexist as grab them by the pussy

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“I regret voting for Trump. All he does is call people names. We’re better than that”

Democrats are the real racists.

I think Mexicans should be allowed to work and live in the USA

As it's Christian and we should love our Neighbours.

We were all created equal.

Mexican food is my number 1 go to favourite if I have a choice of anything.

Some of the kindest and most moral people I met in my life have been Mexican.

Yang Gang 2020!
What are you going to spend your $1000 on?

i really dont care for trump

based and uncringy

I made it but it get deleted

u should delete urself