Russian Colonies

Why nobody talks about them?

Attached: Russian Colonies 2.jpg (1155x584, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Uruguay

show tits

Will be purged with other subhumans

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Rejoice Hans.
The people who blame you for invading France and Poland daily, have simultaneously a dozen of nations subjugated for themselves.
And they keep getting away with it.
And all you can think of is tiddies.

Why are Tuva, Altay and Khakassia marked as mongol? they're turkic
Nonetheless, who really cares? Most of those places have a russian minority and they usually behave well.

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нe мэки , meant to say "russian majority"
Like in Bashkortostan for example

I'd love for R1a carriers to continue colonizing Central Asia to reverse the genocide of caucasian peoples there over the past 2000 years but the number of ethnic Russians is plummeting. They need to get their own birth rates up before colonizing. Show flag

>russian minorities
Now I get why they purged germans from Cis-Ural.

Attached: German Minorities.png (960x584, 777K)

How do I get a job in khakassia?

Based, although hohols and bulbashs are also Russian so they are our brothers and not subhumans.

>genocide of caucasian peoples
only possible thanks to the ideological warfare

>Tuva, Altai, Khakass, Sakha, Evenk, Dolgan, Nenets, Koriak

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Also, Belarus is not occupied, they are kind of autonomous but we have the same rights as Belarusians in Belarus, the only thing we can't do is participating in elections.

Tuvans identify as Mongols despite speaking a Turkic language. Evenks and Koriaks are basically American Indians, all others are Turkic.

Bielorussians are more Lithuanians than Russians tho.

Attached: White_Ruthenia_Flag.png (1160x772, 76K)

>a russian minority

I am from the Far East, most of my ancestors were sent here by c*mmies, but there are some imperial-era settlers in my family tree. I have to note that it is a really small population of natives here, most people are russian or ukrainian. The land is also untouched and unpopulated (you can get land for free).

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Not really, Lithuanians are mostly N-haplo, bulbashs are R1a-haplo. Lithuanians are more similar genetically to Northern Russians than to Belarusians.

because there is some 10k people living sparsely in all of that land, nobody cares, not even one evenki cares

Lol. I wonder if Lithuanians know about that.

Tвoи пpeдки нeбocь из Чepнигoвa пoнaeхaли? Bce дaльнeвocтoчники- этo пo фaктy accимилиpoвaнныe хoхлы, ecли бpaть тeх, ктo живeт здecь co вpeмeн Импepии.

He, y мeня вooбщe yкpaинцeв в poдy нeт, я тoчнo нe знaю oткyдa.

Yeah, this flag is banned in Bielorussia.

i even corrected myself in

Tf you mean? It's a federation you fucking dumb ass.

Hy пpocтo в тoм жe Bлaдивocтoкe кoгдa-тo былo 53% хoхлoв, дa и мoи cюдa пpиeхaли из Чepнигoвa в 1870, дaжe тoпoнимы в Пpимopьe пo бoльшeй чacти coвпaдaют c хoхлятcкими, плюc eщe хoхлятcкиe фaмилии y oчeнь мнoгих, я пocлe пepeeздa в зaпaднyю чacть oчeнь yдивилcя, чтo ни y кoгo пpaктичecки нeт фaмилий нa -кo, -чyк и -ypa

Doesn't matter.
If people of those republics decide to oust you from their lands, you have no rights to oppose them.

A rose by any other name...

What about for foreigner? Or if they know russian ?

We never cared, user. We are invaders and barbarians, and will remain so.

>invaders and barbarian
you mean parasites

You have to have russian citizenship to apply.

why would they do and how? Russians make up the biggest ethnic group there and they've never been rebellious or anything. They even joined Russia on their own back then.

He means natives of the Far East when he is talking about natives, Russians and Ukranians came here only in the 19th century. There are almost no foreigners except some Asian tourists every summer.

Actually there was some famous noble anglo politician who said that we are too soft with the people in the conquered lands.

What's ur ethnicity? We built cities and factories in Siberian wastelands, so we actually developed those lands, you can not call us parasites. Also we have never really mistreated the locals, although introducing them to vodka was a mistake.

>why would they do and how
the right to self determination
>Russians make up the biggest ethnic group there
Not an argument.
>They've never been rebellious
You sure?
>They even joined Russia on their own
They can leave it on their own too

fat bait
i dont think the native asian savages are capable of deciding anything, abbos of Australia and Indian Americans ain't ousting anyone, our chinks won't oust us as well
as for those who are civilized, if they try to spell some separatist or anti-russian propaganda - they will go to jail, we have a law like that. Be nice and loyal to Russia and Russians, or go to jail

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By being soft we ensured that the natives of those lands now are more or less loyal, genocide is not always the right option(if it's not Holocaust of course)

This is what I meant to ask, how to actually move there just badly phrased it.

You can get ~2.4 acres in the Far East for free if you are a Russian citizen willing to create some agricultural business, if you show results in 3 years, then this land will become your property.

>We built cities and factories
Destroyed the environments you mean.
> we have never really mistreated the locals
pic related

Attached: Conquest of Siberia.jpg (2305x1100, 424K)

Chuckchas were the only ones to be forced to join the empire, everything else was done quite peacefully.

Also, you didn't answer about ur ethnicity.

No country should be this big.
It is very hard to manage,to protect and to keep it together. This is why we so poor.
Russia should be divided into small comfy countries.

At least we should drob Chechnya and Tyva, they are subhumans, refusing to live a civilized life.

russia will never give away land anymore without being forced to

wft? I like Ruskies now

>asian savages
you are not much better than them
at least the "savages" live in harmony with nature (which is really harsh way up there).
>anti-russian propaganda
Imagine someone taking your land away from you and if you disagree and do anything against it, it will be classified as "propaganda".
And some of y'all go out of your way and jump in in every occasion to criticize Israel for its ambitions over Iran and Middle East.
No cognitive dissonance whatsoever.

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Tatars are alright, hell even some Dagestanis are alright, but god damn Central Asians are fucking VERMIN. Everything Russian Nationalists say about them is true.

Sup butthurt belt.

>Jewish Autonomous Oblast

Do you have them in Bongistan? LUL, how do they manage to get there?

They destroyed Rhodesia and South Africa tho.
Just to dab on anglos.

In bumfuck Far East with no actual Jews living there, that's the irony.

>This is why we so poor
no it isn't

ITT Russians claim they are white and that their country isn't a shithole and that Putin is based and not a Jewlover

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Siberian Turks and Uralic people aren't Mongols


Nah I lived in Russia for a little while.


Which Central Asians?
I know for example Tajiks ( Sogdian Persians) are very kind and hospitable people.


t. discount beaner

пoшёл нaхyй
memeflags need a proper Balkans-style ethnic cleansing

very fat green cave dweller
I simply don't care. We conquered those lands, that means its ours. My ancestors spilled blood for it, on that land, thus its my land. If anyone wants to have it, he will have to fight us for it and spill their blood, if they manage to drive us out by force then its theirs, I guess.
And Israel should simply get nuked, because fuck jews. Thats pretty much it.
I hate you, you hate me, I want you either dead or in submission, you want me either dead or in submission. The one who's stronger will win.

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The thing is that he is defending Tajiks, o he is probably some Central Asian churka goatfucker, don't talk to him.

he's a burger most likely

>Everything Russian Nationalists say about them is true.
what do they say?

how come the jewish autonomous oblast has the lgbt flag?

Nah it's almost certainly a butthurt belter, they're obsessed with Russia.

subhuman baboons unable to control their animal urges.

sounds like most shitskins
any particular traits?

they look like central american indios, which is funny
Muslims, form ethnic gangs, perceive white people as their enemies.

>We conquered those lands, that means its ours
Leave the German Lebensraum, untermensch.
>The one who's stronger will win.
Ikr, this is why "propaganda laws" won't save you.

>some churka calling anybody an untermensch

probally some 56% amerimutt memeflag.

so they're just like the others then?

>the "savages" live in harmony nature
Of course, they are basically noble vodka binging elfs. You have a vivid imagination.

>the right to self determination
so what? doesn't help if they don't even want it
>Not an argument.
I want to see Avars claim Hungary in that case
>You sure?
>They can leave it on their own too
*can* but won't

pretty much
I guess shitskins all over the world are more or less the same.

I don't know why, but I've always found the Siberian parts of Russia very interesting, like they are still unknown places set to be discovered and conquered.

ils ne font que projeter leurs propres écoeurants et détestables défauts, qu'ils en ont en abondance...

>at least the "savages" live in harmony with nature
no shit, wiping your ass with stones is so environmentally friendly

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Nobody gives a shit ABOUT MUH WHITE RACE N SHIET. We stand for Russian nation , not just like retarded internationalists.

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you do have some distinctions though
that's why I asked about those, I've never seen any

Your butthurt level is obviously higher than 3.6 butthurts

Pretty similar to the Wild West

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c'est tout?

they consume nasvay:
it's a weak drug, fairly common in Central Asia.

Yes, I somehow perceive this whole part Russia as the last "European Frontier" to put it differently. I definitely would love to travel there at some point in my life.

interesting thx

No, it happened because Turks and Mongols flooded Central Asia and conquered/murdered the Scythians who populated the entire region from Crimea to Tarim

central asian muslims developed more than 9000 chaotic degenerate practices and cults

hot climate and islam give 1000% boost to sexual perversion and drug abuse

Just try it, last time a region tried to gain independence Russians nearly genocided them

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>you do have some distinctions though
I'm a white Slav, senpai

>so what? doesn't help if they don't even want it
let's arm them, let's start, say, with chechnya
see if this statement holds any water
>I want to see Avars claim Hungary in that case
false equivalent
quickie google search :
>*can* but won't
this remains to be seen

good stuff

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Both Russia and the USSR are prisons of nations.
Why isn't Chechnya independent, for example?
Russia should be ~1/3 of what it is today, land-wise.

Attached: 1496831148372.png (408x400, 143K),_Uruguay

they're everywhere

u can never have binland