How do we either purge them or acclimatise them to our core principles? All ideas will be considered.
Redditfugees on Jow Forums
Why are they here though??
Reddit quarantined Jow ForumsThe_Donald.
We must assimilate them, integration is the key, we can't have them forming ghettos and preying on our kids
Assimilate the white ones and make it known that the chinks, nogs, and south Americans are not welcome here. This is a white board for the discussion of preserving white heritage.
>acclimatise them to our core principles
good luck
Bully them into Jow Forums.
To be honest, Jow Forums has always had a significant non-white population. It attracts the self-loathing.
Duly noted.
Good idea.
My God if our children are being exposed to leftist ideas.
Not on my Christian rightwing forums!
Encourage them to commit suicide
To be fair we do that with each other.
Except we mean it this time
I doubt they will. They lack self-awareness.
better with them from t_d than all the other shills coming here.
>shills making non stop posts about t_d redditors coming here
>most t_d users don't even know what pol is
It's almost like the Jews wanna drive a wedge between the extreme right and the moderate right. Common political warfare strategy. If you have any doubt about whos side the Jews are on ask yourself this. Who does the media side with? the left. Who does Hollywood side with? the left. Who runs the media and Hollywood? The Jews. The Jews are on the lefts side and don't forget it.
Jewish question. All jew lovers must fuck off
Is there even a difference anymore?
Didn't these retards get pissed by the amerimutt memes a year or two ago?
Like this place isnt reddit because of the elections. l bet none of you faggots where here for the Zim Zam trial AKA the best god damn thing in Jow Forums history
assimilation of immigrants is greatest sin, it's sin against blood
Let's put them in holding camps until we decide what to do with them