To all my T_D frens

>to all my T_D frens
whats the next location we gather? any news on fronts we can charge, any raids we might start?
im not about to go silently into the night, fuck these commie faggots, if they think they can steal the elections by banning every one that is not a leftist cult member. IM NOT GOING SILENTLY INTO THE NIGHT.

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gas yourself redditnigger

Woah maybe pol was wrong about bredditors they seem based

glowing shillnigger go get hit by a car in Chicago

fuck off zionist

on Wednesday, Reddit quarantined the pro-Trump subreddit The_Donald, citing threats against the lives of politicians and police. In Reddit parlance, a quarantine isn't an outright ban, but instead the institution of a warning before entering The_Donald subreddit.

"Recent behaviors including threats against the police and public figures is content that is prohibited by our violence policy," a Reddit spokesperson said in a statement released to The Daily Beast. "As a result, we have actioned individual users and quarantined the subreddit."

neck yourself trappo house commie sandnigger.
chinese sympathiser, go get rekt by a chinese bus driver.
fuck off sandnigger.

Pic related is coming.

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i really really hope chapo trap house hang themselves together on a live show

Welcome to the anonymous collective, faggots. No more upboats and plebbit gold.

Ignore these shills OP. There’s a laundry list of government agencies, political action groups, and NGOs who devote significant resources to creating division/preventing consensus within Jow Forums.
Conservatively, I’d guess around 30% of commenters.
Either way, keep fighting the good fight. Western society must continue to fight against the influence of the Jews, global Islam, and the Chinese.
We must stand up for ourselves, our families, our nations, and our way of life.

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at least i get (yous), also die in a fire you commie faggot.

Redditors all need to gas themselves, nothing but kikes nonwhites, and civicuck race traitors.

>I'm le memer le upboat me

Let's go back to facebook and foxnewsdotcom.

As an OG redditor that left that cancerous shit hole 3 years ago I'll say t_d was important to the cause purley because it was a home base. It allowed a central place for all things Donald. There are only two sides in this war, the right and the left, if you aren't with Trump your helping the left.

I'm with you. We will not lose

just switch to r/politics they are less biased anyway

im thinking about gab


i dont know

this place is too confusing and cancerous

people here are shit, theyre no different than shitlibs

and the site looks like fucking donkey kong junior

yeah, you are.

just continue to use the quarantined sub. It's like reddit is the mom telling the users (kids) that they can't listen to music with bad words in it. What do you think they're instantly going to do?

move to voat already

how the fuck is this place confusing but you can perfectly understand the autistic mess that is reddit.

>you must wait 9 minutes between posting

The_President was made for this purpose but no one has gathered yet

Plebbit faggot detected. The people here made T_D as normie out reach

Have sex, incel.

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You go into every thread with this same shit KYS nigger