Yeah, so apparently every kike is getting $15,000 for existing now because "muh holocauzt
Dutch train "company" forced to pay "reparations" to kikes
Here's the disgusting spawn of Satan that made it happen.
Am I the only person on the planet who is NOT looking for reparation?
should call em Rape-a-rations
you should be since you're a nigger
Pay to whom? Shouldn't they all be dead?
why would I be black?
because I live in Brazil?
Oh sweet summer child
>15 k for survivors
>7.5k for children or spouces
Bet you there will be 60 y/o survivors.
yes you are
Ok, so I will assume your name is something like
Justin Garcia
They are actually pretending that the kikes paid for their train tickets, my god I can't believe people fall for this.
I'm so happy things cooled down bros. We all made it. I'd like to thank you all for your support.
It’d cost half that to hire a good hit man to kill each one of those people. That’s before any bulk discounts.
fuck off america is 80%, and brazil is like 0%
>who could be behind this temperature
Why are we whites so dumb and easily tricked by Jews? Seriously.
I don’t understand it. Maybe it’s because I’m a hohol with no empathy but goddamn we are docile and stupid and Jews just use our good nature against us.
Kek you goon. What happens if you jump into the canals? Is that water dirty? Do fish even live in those canals?
I love visiting the Nederlands
Welfare turns people into niggers.
Fatten the tick and burn it off.
Noooo fucking waaaayyyysss...
Is dit echt?! DAT kan niet...
>Why are we whites so dumb and easily tricked by Jews? Seriously.
>I don’t understand it. Maybe it’s because I’m a hohol with no empathy but goddamn we are docile and stupid and Jews just use our good nature against us.
Brainwashed from birth, raised by gullible boomers.
The WWII indoctrination is insane, it starts at a very VERY young age and continues until adulthood. Almost 24/7, even on TV all the time, it's insane how people don't get it.
Where do I sign up? My moms grandmother met a jew once.
Whatever you say, Mr G
I bet you are 1/8th Cherokee to boot.
You probably have a dream catcher hanging from the rear view of your car which you park on your lawn.
People are so afraid to question authority it’s insane.
Even here in America where we hate the government, most “redpilled” conservatives and Christians suck jew cock and love Israel more than their own mothers.
I can’t inagine what it’s like in Europe where you guys live close together and have to trust one another so you fall in line.
How do the young Dutch feel about immigrants? Are you guys getting pissed off? Is the tide turning?
>What happens if you jump into the canals?
you die
>Is that water dirty?
>Do fish even live in those canals?
In 1662 Hans Jurgen van Kazenbroek went to check. He was never seen again
>How do the young Dutch feel about immigrants? Are you guys getting pissed off? Is the tide turning?
Yes, everyone either loves sucking LGBT-Jew dick or they are full on Jow Forums-tier, no in-between.
War soon.
In the US, a lot of the "don't tread on me" types are the biggest Zionists/shabbos goyim of all, and they get ANGRY people who aren't. It's actually very impressive how their "rebellious" nature has been neutered and directed toward serving Zion.
Kek, juden are whining relatives only get half
based, pay up goyim
im pretty sure every race/people can demand this from somebody. its a 2020 shakedown. im filing a class action suit on behalf of aborted children ftw.
Truth, netherlands is very polarized on jews due to our long tradition of p4o-palestine meme left
>be kike
>get treated better than the rest
>have kikes all over government posts, corporations, parliament
it's so obvious it's kind of sad by now
>In 1662 Hans Jurgen van Kazenbroek went to check. He was never seen again
>be nazis
>killing kikes left and right
>except for these jew kids, they get a daycare center
sure uhuh go on
Hell yeah brother. Here in America the young generation (my age) are totally sick of this shit and it’s becoming polarized.
Everything is getting polarized, the rich are getting richer, poor getting poorer, and in the spiritual sense, there are less and less “luke warm” center people.
You’re either getting more holy, or just totally evil. Good luck brothers we are all in this together.
It blows my mind. I think circumsicion is to blame and evangelicism. I really think Americans are the most jewed people on earth.
How much are the gypsy's getting? Or did they not demand free money for an event that never happened?
So far we have heard this week:
Reparations for Black americans
Reparations for LGBT
and now
Reparations for holocaust survivors from train company.
Fucking wish I was jewish
when i sue black women who aborted their children for non medical reasons on behalf of robitussin for lost sales and win....i will become the golden jew. kalisti!
it would probably work
good luck
If all of them got killed in Europe, all six million, how are there any survivors?
Fuck the NS the last thing I care about is them being sheckled out of money
Watkins, is that you?
Don't ask so many questions you evil Nazi!
nah marketgarden, i was shilling your stream on here a couple of weeks ago.
ive no idea what to make of this latest round of kike gibs. the sum of money, the people getting it and the reasoning behind the decision are all so fucking absurd that its tough to see how this can be a part of our real world, when i first read this story i thought it was somebody on here false flagging for yous.
them making so openly ridiculous moves to get free goybucks is signal of how confident and secure they feel.
i guess the payout shows that confidence wasnt misplaced, it really has been all over this whole time and we're playing out the dog and pony theatrics.
needs to be more, dutch are antisemitic for using their railways to commit genocide.
You should use Google translate on the article and see how fucking retarded these goyim are. They are seriously angry that it's not more money. Lmfao.
But you should know that (((they))) only allow comments that are manually moderated, I bet there's a SHITLOAD of 'anti-semitism' that's not visible lmfao.
These kinds of dumb cash-grabs are gonna lead to a real holocaust, idiots.
I'm not either, my family is half Anglo half beaner (my dad immigrated here and fucked Mexicans, no joke) and I dont think anyone owes me shit.
It seems our ancestors were an overly horny bunch.
that's what we're stockpiling the money for, the final solution to the goy problem.
>But you should know that (((they))) only allow comments that are manually moderated, I bet there's a SHITLOAD of 'anti-semitism' that's not visible lmfao.
this will be definitely be the case, we see it on our own shitty news sites here, poorly worded consensus building comments are pushed mysteriously to the top all the time. they probably had the supportive comments written before the article was finished.
there have been articles even recently where theyve taken the brakes off, even the bbc have had open comment sections this year, its comforting to know that these moves arent as effective as we might expect as the moment theres no false consensus being pushed, the tone flips pretty violently to the right almost every time.