"Republican Jesus wants you to be responsible for your own bootstraps. Rugged individualism all the way, don't rely on others for your sustenance, just like at the Sermon on the Mount, when everyone brought their own fish and bread and gave it to the rich guy as they were commanded!"
"Republican Jesus wants you to be responsible for your own bootstraps. Rugged individualism all the way...
Wtf i an bernout now
The government didn't give anybody money because of the tax cut.
It just stole less of it.
What exactly do uni students contribute to society besides hospital bills for alcohol poisoning
Tax. The. Rich.
The top 2 are legit points but tax cuts aren't free money because the state isn't entitled to anyone else's income by default.
Why do you assume conservatives are ok with the first two bailouts?
Who cares. You don't deserve shit.
What exactly do a army of liberal arts students provide?
Farmers keep food in your fucking stores.
If food security goes, so does EVERYTHING else in society.
Comparing, or putting farmers in the same boat as billionaries or banks is why these people are retarded.
Do you know why the roman empire finally collapsed? Food shortage.
A society can function
Don't democrats have the house right now? What are they doing about it?
Student loan forgiveness only for people that have been here for 4+ generations and are married with children.
students don't contribute to the economy
A society cant function without food*
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s. My kingdom is not of this earth.
>OP is a phoneposter
Of course the goddamn niggers never mention the billions given to cancerous parasites like Israel
Can someone explain to me why it’s bad that farmers get tax cuts? They grow our food, isn’t that really fucking important?
Dems also approved of the bailouts. And no, they shouldn't have gotten them. Farmers I'm ok with. With all the rain and the tariffs, their troubles are out of their hands for the most part this year. As far as the billionaires, TAXES ARE THEFT. Rich or poor, no one should be forced to pay income or property taxes.
Stupid kids needs to bite the bullet and take responsibility for a dumbass decision. They chose to get the loans. They should have read the paperwork outlining the interest rates. They should have chosen useful degrees, but they didn't. I paid off my $50k in student loans in 5 years. Why can't they?
Imagine being that goy who just made his FINAL payment on his $100k loan the day before the jubilee goes into effect after slaving away at 2 jobs, foregoing homeownership, marriage, parenthood, and middle class amenities, for a decade. There's nothing "fair" about it.
Why should the government be involved in personal debt? Why should the tax payer be involved in other peoples mistakes?
Apparently to them that goy is supposed to be happy other people don’t suffer like him
He’s supposed to be happy his tax dollars will go to forgiving student loan debts to crybabies who took a useless degree while he worked himself to death to pay his own off.
Leftists are all about empathy until it includes someone other than their precious minority groups
> Farmers
Without food you die.
> Banks
The "bailout" was paid back with interest. If you use this as a model, then you're asking for the existing student loan model.
> Tax cuts
The government is stealing less from its citizens. That's entirely different than people taling private loans for 4 years of partying.
Agriculture is a necessary industry, ignored.
Agree wit 2 others next.
Students is not an industry, and it's a vocal minority who were stupid enough to take out $100k in student loans to go to some coastal school for a meme degree.
Young people buying stupid shit is the number one driver of the economy. Republicans will actually die on this hill regardless of how dumb other Democrat positions are.
I love guns but it's 150k dollars
I don't like immigrants but it's 150k dollars
Abortion is murder but it's 150k dollars
You can legit have people murdered for the kind of money students find themselves in without any conceivable way out for the next thirty years. Republicans need to change their tune on this or they will lose the next election.
The dead blacks don't lose out on anything to the newly emancipated blacks, your shit makes no sense. Economy is competition. Reward people who do well, don't harm them.
I hate all of those.
And I would support some cuts in student loans, but only for specific fields and people.
Keep in mind we PAY farmers to not grow food because their output would flood the market and drop prices to the floor
>Young people buying stupid shit is the number one driver of the economy.
I would like sauce on this, because I very much doubt that young people contribute more to the economy than boomers and their wasteful spending
Farmers I can understand. They have a huge amount of money invested into their farms and if they have a bad season or prices are shit, they can be financially ruined. Financially ruined farms = less farmers = less food = higher food prices and having to import from overseas.
Fuck em
I don't support income taxation on anyone
>Student Loans
You willingly chose to take a loan, knowing that you'd have to pay that shit back. I only have sympathy for you if you majored in a STEM field.
wow and whos boosting about being 50% of billionaires despite making 1% of population. lol. name kikes and u have my support sandnigger, but you wont. social media whore arabic scum brown acne face little dick nerd
Farmers get subsidized by the state and potentially fail and waste money, or are given money to compensate for keeping their shit off the market for artificial price control.
The shitskin is right actually.
Dont bail anybody out. Bankruptcy exists.
>Roman empire collapsed because of food shortage
Brainlet alert. No serious scholar believes this. Farmers are welfare queens who depend on handouts and illegal immigrants.
The raid on the treasury is in full swing. Peak democracy.
last time i checked college was still voluntary
also what does a tax cut have to do with bailing out farmers
what kind of students are already married with children. I agree with the generations but what the fuck user cmon.
BigAg and rich farmers are.
I grew up on a chicken/cow farm. We never could afford to hire even the cheapest Mexican and we wouldn't consider it if we could. We'd occasionally hire high school boys (normally friends of mine with their own farms) to come help and we'd do the same for them. Trading goods all the time (we traded chicken shit by the dump truck load, great fertilize and we'd get a mass of veggies in return.) Farmers are salt of the earth. If you hire cheap labor to do the work for you, you are no longer a farmer. You're a production manager.
They arent unironically wrong. Why did we let them do that. Should have let those niggers fail
>welfare queens
Welfare queens don't work. The farmers around where I'm at work their asses off
>Illegal Immigrants
Only the farmers who plant hand picked crops like sweet potatoes. I hate them just as much as you do. Most operations here are family run and only employ white guys to drive equipment, work as mechanics, etc. The one's who employ illegals are generally very, very wealth, while those who grow crops harvested by machine earn an upper middle class income
>a little help here
>1.6 trillion dollars....
they would need more free cash than any other category, and those other categories actually stimulate economic growth and stability. Paying off a $100,000 "nutritional sciences" degree (that's only worth $10K) for some roastie slut will not stimulate the economy.
I'm assuming that, in opposition to forgiving student debt, your hypothetical positions me as a GOP supporter?
>hard worker
>rural background
This is your brain on tide pods
I didn't want bank bailouts either
Christianity unironically is against usury and says debts should be forgiven after 7 years.
>the state isn't entitled to anyone else's income by default
except it is
Who fucking cares.
Jow Forums is not a playground for delusional jew loving retards like you.
Stop making Zogald threads.
Stop shilling for mainstream politics
Stop sucking eceleb dick every single day
Stop regurgitating the shit you see on twitter.
Jow Forums has had enough, we are a National Socialist board and we demand the retards that have ruined this place back in 2016 return to reddit where you belong!
None of those motherfuckers should get bailouts sweetie.
You take a loan, you pay it off.
Don't be a nigger.
Christ imagine thinking your worthless desk jockey ass deserves money more than fucking farmers
What? The students want the government to pay off their student loan bills? That's a lot of money.
What the dumb fuck liberals need to be saying is that the government needs to stop insuring student loans, so that college suddenly won't be expensive anymore. Right now colleges can charge you whatever they want. You get a loan and it's guaranteed to be paid by someone eventually.
Get the government out of college and it'll be very affordable with competitive pricing. Right now colleges can charge whatever they want.
They should be charging what they think kids can afford to pay or pay back.
But liberals are fucking blood simple stupid and don't know how to actually FIX anything.
Yeah man, sounds like a great system to follow. I can take loans and just ignore the statements for 7 years then I'm golden.
Is that why most bankers are Jewish?
You are 17 and your boomer parents make you sign a loan that you will take a lifetime to repay.
Whoa being a wageslave is a lot like being a nigger.
Meanwhile the marxist uni’s jack up the tuition 1200% and blame it on GOP. You silly bitches.
>people who grow your food
>people who manage your money
>people who make the money to run this country
>people who want a free ride through college so they can learn useless traits that dont help to provide them with a good future
maybe these people should've picked something other than art as their major.
Also I'll add by BAILING OUT COLLEGES who are charging WAY TOO MUCH on education and doing it on purpose because their student loans are backed by the government, is about the DUMBEST fucking thing imaginable.
That rewards the schools for doing what they were doing.
Oh look, more government money. Yay!
Lets charge the kids even MORE next time.
That's the whole fucking problem in the first place you blood simple dumb mother fuckers.
This is all Liberals know how to do. Make things worse than before.
So fucking stupid.
In this hypothetical, ethnically homogeneous Christian society: people have multiple babies because they are not shackled by debts because of unfortunate circumstances. They have more stake in their society and resist attempts to have shitskins come in, or to let women vote. In this case, you would be potentially be shunned for not making any good faith attempt at paying off the loan. You would be viewed as a wicked person for being this dishonorable in a high trust society.
Only people getting hard science degrees should be granted a pardon. No math majors, no law or doctors, and no compsci.
> You are 17 and your boomer parents make you sign a loan
No one can make you take a loan. You have your own will, unless you're also a faggot.
Me? I payed off my $25K loan in 8 months by being responsible and living at home. So be do whatever it takes, be responsible, and give the whole 'woe me' thing a rest. Or just continue being stupid useless nigger.
Mind blower:
bailing out students is just bailing out banks
Jesus apparently supports child drag queens and leftists who endorse sodomy? LMAO
You're delusional.
This. Saved over 3 grand last year.
Does Mohammed not realize the "bailout" for farmers and banks were LOANS that they had to pay back with interest? GUESS NOT.
>entered college 2006
>took out loans with the consideration that i would begin working a great job upon graduation
>economy shits itself 2008.
>finish college 2010
>no jobs because laid off boomers refuse to retire and take every good job that reopens as economy recovers
>every job ups its hiring requirements because glut of workers with college degrees. jobs i went to school for now want master's degrees.
>work mcjobs to make ends meet for years
>now companies in the recovered economy want to hire fresh graduates
cool it with the antisemitic remarks, user
fuck farmers they feed the welfare apes
i can feed myself
Muh science degree. What has an evolutionary biologist ever done for society?
Heh, you are right. Millenials were free to reject the counsel of their loving parents. Those fucking buffoons deserve life-long wageslaver for trusting boomers. And 25k debt... nigger did you go to a community college for 2 years?
>Jesus wants me to give all of my money to a government run by satanic kikes so they can destroy the family and teach kids marxism and faggotry
Be. The. Rich
Poo. In. Loo
How different is bailing out the banks to bailing out the shitty colleges, who'll charge you more since they now know that the student loan system is too big to fail?
Clean. The. Loo
Pic disregards science?
Nicely done Pajeet
>tax cuts is socialism
kys retard