THREAD #8 100% illegal edition

The video: projectveritas.com/2019/06/24/insider-blows-whistle-exec-reveals-google-plan-to-prevent-trump-situation-in-2020-on-hidden-cam/
The video: gohmert.house.gov/uploadedfiles/google.mp4
The video: bitchute.com/video/re9Xp6cdkro/



#7 >Senate Commerce Hearing on Tech Companies Use of Algorithms

Notable timestamps:
1:43:23 - Cruz missile grilling "user experience """"professional""""
1:44:24 - CSPAN muting the """"professional"""'s response
1:47:35 - goolag employees donated $1.315 million to hirrareee's campaign but $0 to Trump
1:57:00 - s-o-yboy trying to explain what fairness is and fails to defend propaganda by calling it a shared narrative
1:57:47 - Wolfram faggot doubles down by asking who gets to decide what the truth is

>Execs from Google, Facebook, Twitter testify before Congress

>What is Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act (CDA)?

It is imperative that the shills do not slide this topic.
DoJ already outlined the antitrust angle on 6/11 IT'S HAPPENING

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Other urls found in this thread:


New Jen Gennai video



Jen Gennai interview on Responsible AI based in sweden.


comments still up.

The comments are fucking gold. Not a single like so far.


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you cant regulate tech companies, that the first step to become a socialist country

we shoudl build our own google

we should build our own forums so that these people can no longer determine what we can or cannot say

this cannot go on any longer, but we wont achieve anything by regulating private companies

Gentle reminder for American anons, do your part! Customize and save any responses for possible future leverage. What ee really need is enough interest to force normies to hear and care about this

Call and write. State and federal:

Dear [Representative/Senator] [Name]:

My name is [Insert name], and I have been a constituent of your [district/state] for [time period]. I am writing this letter to urge you to support and accelerate the Google antitrust probe. Additionally, I demand that You subpoena Google to testify and explain their actions publicly and openly. The Senate inquiry into technology companies' use of algorithms and machine learning to influence the public held on 06/25/2019 did not provide the level of insight into Google's actions to properly address the concerns of the public.

As you may be aware, a video has surfaced of a Google executive sharing plans for how the company desires to meddle in the upcoming 2020 elections. The video itself can be viewed on Texas Representative Gohmert's website (gohmert.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=399712). This is a serious accusation that could undermine the very legitimacy of our entire Republic. Even more troubling is the implications of how many of the executives involved are foreign nationals.

I again urge you to demonstrate that you are a representative of the constituents living in your [district/state] by clearly and publicly declaring your intent to have these allegations investigated.

[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

OP from last bread. Thanks.

hey moshe!

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>women talking about AI
I am too sexist to watch this. Give a tldw...

Keep up the good work.


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>Blame Russia for US election meddling
>While meddling in the US election

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>open source is bad
>transparency and efficiency get in the way of (((morality)))

par for the course in Sweden.


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>we shoudl build our own google


take your rest now friend, ill be up all night

Reddit just quarantined the_donald. I'm not even conservative but this is fucking rediculous. These are companies that should be defending the public's right to free speech absolutely.

Never would I have thought that one day my ex would be spammed all over Jow Forums...

T_D being banned should also be on this list

Report this Video for Disinformation!
Force them to put the veritas link into the description!

When are the mods going to ban these fucking slide threads already? NOBODY CARES YOU FUCKING AUTISTS.

what's going on?

Has any major american news outlet covered this so far? Really makes you think..

They take tax payer subsidies how can they call themselves private?

Show flag shill

They defend only their public right.

>Sperging this hard about "muh unimportant slide threads"

Flags make no difference. They are using VPNs and change IDs and flags after a couple of posts

Not that I've seen. Not even a mention of the Senate hearing to make fun of Cruz.
The radio silence is damning

you guys are saints.

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quick bogdown on the the reddit fags? Was the t_D subreddit completely deleted or?

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Looks to me like this interview was done before this blew up.


Are you doing it for free?
Do you get paid?
Are you a BOt?
Are you a Schizo?
What are you?

i am very well aware that you are not going to answer, and even if you would answer, your post would be just simply be a cointelpro poop job post. So why i am doing this? Why do i give you a >(you) what is my actually plan here? Do i have a plan? what are the talking points? Conversation? What is chess? My penis is bigger than yours.

t. bump

>Mad that his kike Monopoly is getting exposed
Stay mad kike it won't help you when 1488 comes
Anyone up for a quick rundown? Asking for a friend. (Seriously asking for a bluepilled friend)

Death to tyranny!!!


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For reference to government concern:

Prove it

Why do you fucking retards think this shit matters?
Everyone on the right already knows Silicon Valley is biased.
Everyone on the left doesn’t care because they are on the same side and believe they are fighting evil.

Just let him watch the veritas video
when he is done watching it
tell him shit hit the fan
when he ask how
show him all the shitstrom on the le epic web 2.0

Good job bergstein!

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that's right extremists are "exploiting openness"

say bye bye to free society

Honestly I'm not sure where all of this is going to go, but I hope it really blows up.

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Reminder that the real posters on this board are sick and fucking tired of Trumpfags and elections.

fake and gay, post tits?

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It's been quarantined meaning that it's shadowbanned unless you're logged in and manual enter it into the url bar.

>these fucking slide threads
fuck outta here abraham

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Everyone knows what they're doing. They'll ignore it and hope everyone gets bored or distracted and moves on. There should be a google thread everyday

>Threads about google election meddling and big tech bias and censorship
>stop posting guise

How is it even possible to be such a nigger faggot

Imagining these people reading my shitposts makes me hard

Its fucking happening faggot

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>quick rundown for a bluepilled friend)
>for a bluepilled friend)
eh, that one might be a little difficult. The short of it is there is now video recordings and whistle blowers with more solid evidence of google doing what most on the right side of politics have been saying for a while now. The left has been saying it's all conspiracy theory. So if friend is blue pilled/NPC you're probably not going to convince them.


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Do you even read? You can get banned for announcing. We like having you around so be a more careful please.

tucker carlson briefly mentioned it last night.

who are you?

he deleted his post.

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The response will be
>If it's so real, why isn't CNN reporting it?
It's justifiable homicide at that point, right?

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I'm not gonna dox her and I have nothing against her so don't expect me to start posting her pics or anything. She's brainwashed like most women but she's not a bad person.


Reddit mods have been altering user posts and censoring content. These are the logs

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>anonymous whistle blower

wow its fucking nothing

break FANG up now!!!! Do it fag trump. Break them up.

most likely a jew larping as a paid shill so that he can the cheap (you)s

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I really would like to talk to a shill, i know you shills try to act as if you where the comon man, just another user, the guy with comon sense and what not...
Just for this bread, put this aside, your overlord or what ever schizo believe you have will not haunt you in your dreams for this.

Just let us talk for a moment.

Yeah, leaf. That's it. Go back to sleep

i just worked a 4 hour shift, too tired to read. whats the TLDR?

>muh (((private company)))
Gargle buckshot.

>4 hour shift
Europe, huh?

You want to hurt them, for real? Make a database of h1b employees, report to ICE (many have illegal relatives in the US).

This hurts them in the heart. And it could immediately make them change course.

I sent him the video but. So what's Google's next move? They've been censoring shit all over the interweebz now what? All i see is them fucking up their image with no proper responses.
He's not borderline bluepilled but he's not redpilled... Yet.
For now I'll send him some links with evidence and explain the situation to him.

Has anyone looked into how and why Sergei Brin's parents got the extremely rarely granted permission to leave the Soviet Union?

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if i would cock meat as quike as you expect this to blow up i would have raw meat on my table.
things are moving, you have an op here to get the lates news about this, use it and stop complaining.

So the Russians were actually trying to level the playing field and were the good guys all along? Who would have thought....

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The answer, as always, is glowniggers.


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Paid shill here, AMA

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Too lazy to do their own work no doubt.

For work reasons, I'll be out between 9pm and 3am. At 3am I'll keep everything going again.

you're all terrorists now

How much do they pay you?
How did you get the job?
Are you just larping as shill?
Post something that will make shills in here go berserk for prove.

Central Time.

That ID though. N8z okfer

got it

sorry user, i was joking...

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oops, meant for

Post the OG video then

>So what's Google's next move?
my guess would
>try to get control of the narrative
>keep fucking up the ability of ppl to organize against them \
(they probably see Jow Forums as high on that list) but also any grass roots groups that are helping any potential anti-google politician
and most importantly,
>dump a ton of money into corrupting politicians running for 2020 (basically bribe them to not fuck with google.)
oh and also, they'll probably go after Tucker more b/c he's been the most mainstream person that's also been the most vocal of being anti-tech tyranny.

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sounds like something taken out of George Orwell novels...

I didn't have much time lately to keep up with all this. I'm gonna take some time this night to sift through the threads.
Also fuck jannies for keeping slide threads up and not sticking this shit.


Go back to red.dit you fucking faggot

if this video isn't evidence that YOU SHOULD BE RADICALIZING THE OPPONENT INTO USE OF VIOLENCE I don't know what more can be said to convince you

Not kidding here, i realy want to talk to a shil.
I guess my approche is just wrong. I have to consider that most of the shills are just doing it based on their belief, schizophrenic and what not.

Let me use another term to get rid of that problematic word 'shills'.
I want to talk to the opposition of this topic!
I know you are here, defending your lovley companie, logo, trademark what ever.
Do as you think you have to do, i just want to get a better understanding on how these people where able to train you so well that you do right now what they need you to do.

it only works properly when you get 50 guys with ski masks and axe handles and break out every bank window in town at 2am and spray paint your message on the broken glass

they hate when you do that
