Democrat Debate TONIGHT

First debates tonight.

Will the 2020 Democratic debates be as much of a shitshow as the 2016 GOP debates?

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>*$2000 per month in UBI
>*Originally a stand up comedian - the Honkler candidate of choice
>*White male
>*Free government mandated girlfriends for lonely men (covered under medical care for mental health)
>*A voice actor who made a guest appearance on Aqua Teen Hunger Force
>*Has been in many films such as Pootie Tang (2001) and Beer League (2006)
He's got it in the bag

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Please tell me there won't be a live studio audience as if this is some fucking gameshow

who is that

ubi is gay btw. literal stimulus package to kike and chink landlords


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just search debate on youtube at 9PM EST

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there was last time. why would it be different? i cant wait either way. ACCELERATE. if an official reparation happens—or as i call it "white tax—you might see a revolt like no other. when blacks chimp out, stores are robbed. when whites chimp out, nations crumble

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I am certain they will have a packed house of paid media interns to clap and cheer when cued.

what are the topics of the todays shitshow?

I think they had to pay $4k for seats.. If you pay that much to see it, of course you'll cheer.

The anmount of gibs they are going to offer will pump bitcoin out of the solar system

Immigration, Healthcare, Orangeman, etc.
I'm watching in hopes of Warren or Beto embarrassing themselves to the point of dropping out before the 2nd debate tomorrow.

It seems like the only 2 staunch Bernie advocates I have worked with were both older White males with Blond hair, blue eyes, and that particular combination of high intelligence, vast reading, impeccable memory, and unoriginality or uncreativeness.

so a few hours of orange man bad? why do you even need a debate for this, just tweet it and the candidate with the most retweets wins

>The GOP debates were boring as fuck without Trump.
> The DNC debates don't have Trump

No, they will be a big disappointment, I think. Who likes watching boring politicians for hours?

have you learned nothing?

Why do you want that? If a wide left candidate wins, then Trump is going to win.

Here's the list of who is on what night

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>Participants in the 1st debate :
de Blasio

>2nd Debate

>Not invited to debate, campaigning

>^lolcow potential
>"ourguys (somewhat)

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Literally nobody gives a fuck about anybody in tonight’s debate. Tomorrow will be where the fun begins.

Can an user set up a #ProlapsePete Twitter account for the debates so Jow Forums can have some fun? I always get banned.

We need to come up with a drinking game so this """debate""" can kill me.

I’m betting Beta ORourke will drop out soon after he embarrasses himself tonight.

free money to be had on predictit
>reddit niggers place the odds of beto polling higher after the debate at 54%

Yang and UBI gonna get the millennials horny

I'm just curious to see who virtue signals the hardest, and I want to see if any of the females have big enough ovaries to insinuate that the last thing they want is a fucking white male. I bought two really nice beers for this evening's show.

Yeah stupid children love empty promises of free shit

>implying Surf Mommy and Grandpa Sanders aren't our guys
You fucked up shill.

Rachel Maddow gave Elizabeth Warren the debate questions.

Cory Booker will cry when he talks about why we need to pay for reparations.

Big night for Tulsi. She will be one of 3 candidates not to call Trump racist tonight.

>so a few hours of orange man bad?
No, that's for the presidential debates. This is the democrat debates, so it's going to be who hates white people more


I've revised it now.

Am I the only one who thinks the hype is incredibly low for tonight? Barely any of the major networks are even talking about it. I remember the first debates of 2015 were like the Superbowl.

It would be funny if Jow Forums somehow planted a young girl in front of biden and just watched him squirm trying to resist groping her.
Or not squirm at all and just grope her on national TV, like always

The 2nd debate has more starpower. Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders, & Harris + Yang.

who's got a decent drinking game for this? I was just thinking drink whenever someone promises to spend my money or proposes incoherent nonsense, but that might kill me before the night is over

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>pay $4k for seats
Loving people that want to destroy you race this much.

Tonight is the kid's table

>Democrat Debate
where are we watching it lads? any comfy streams we can shitpost on

Why are they even having 'debates' if they are just going to rig it like last time?

She's 38 and looks spectacular, evidence that delicious brown is better than white skin.

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Have a shot every time some liberal shithead puts the welfare of non americans over citizens.
If you really want to die, how about take a shot every time one of them promises something for free, for everyone

That means Tulsi is DOA

My money's on Pocahontas being blatantly pushed as "winner"

She was a military base police officer, she never saw any real action and women shouldn't be in the military anyways.

Warren is going to be Belle of the Ball

>for everyone
Uhm that's racist sweety. White people are evil. Free stuff only for PoCs. He stays sober with your rules

>watching a bunch of seething faggots and commies suck each other off on who will give more money to israel, who will make the harshest legislation against just being white, who will mandate estrogen injections
>have to listen to the bumbling seething mess that is deblasio go on about muh diversity muh redistribution while the city he is supposed to be running is getting worse by the day
no thanks

I'm making bingo cards now, but i need some more things to have a good set.
The current list is:
Reparations for slavery
Endorsing censorship
Abolishing the Electoral College
Green new deal
Republican tax cuts
Taxes on the upper class
Free universal childcare
reducing the voting age
Abolish ICE/CBP
Voting rights for felons
Abortion on demand
Amnesty for illegal aliens
Russiagate/Russian hacking
Canceling student debt
Disparaging white men
Increased industry regulation
"The rich"
"Their fair share"
Reparations for LGBTQAIBBQ+
Condemning american history
Punitive corporate taxes
Slandering trump supporters
Accusations of bigotry and hate
Impeach Blumpf
Medicare for all
Free college tuition
what else would be good to throw in to have a nice mix of cards to choose from?

>not studying all your options and the political future of your country
yikes, i hope you dont vote

The swede

>will it be as much of a shitshow as 2016
well considering their party isn’t going to end up in the White House at the end of this it might actually be worse

based and toddpilled

Is Biden going tonight. I want to watch him turn into blue Jeb so bad.

Thought the debate was on Thursday?

>people with opinions different than mine have no right to exercise their rights
you must be new here, blue check mark twitter circle-jerk is that way -->

take a double shot if they move to the next topic without even mentioning how to pay for their insane ideas

don't forget "muh concentration camps"

>Senator brings up their performance in the Kavanaugh hearing (likely Klobuchar)
>Mentioning Hillary in some way
>Yang doing something construed as Pro-Trump (tomorrow)
>Marianne Williamson saying something retarded (tomorrow)

Lmao we all know what they’re gonna say and nothing they say will make us vote for them. Basically if you’re middle class, white, or male this clearly a no. I’d argue those policies are bad for everyone but on the face, you should reject them if you fit any three of those categories

No, they absolutely want every white liberal retard with a gender or ethnic studies degree to not have to pay for their idiot mistakes.

Who fucking cares.
Jow Forums is not a playground for delusional jew loving retards like you.
Stop making Zogald threads.
Stop shilling for mainstream politics
Stop sucking eceleb dick every single day
Stop regurgitating the shit you see on twitter.
Jow Forums has had enough, we are a National Socialist board and we demand the retards that have ruined this place back in 2016 return to reddit where you belong!

How soon!? Need a comfy livethread.

I'm going to try to watch (probably won't) but you should try to know thy enemy, user

>We aren't just here to have a laugh

Hillary won the popular vote

Have fun, funcel

>lol it's all just ironic amirite xD

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let's turn it into a drinking game. everyone takes a shot when they say something stupid or any form of a empty promise.... man we're going to be trashed when this is over and done.

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Gabbard is tonight shill

shut up stormfag

Vote Trump 2020


I believe you.

And give 38 billion more amirite.

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where in my post did i say he has no right to exercise his rights? all i said is a i hope he doesnt vote

have sex

Take a shot every time someone asks
>where's Biden
>where's Bernie
>where's Yang

nah, but there does need to be some item which could potentially be brought up

>Take a closer look, user

you arent even american

crater face

>Talking about how horrible Donald Trump running the country has been
>Trying to be "hip and cool", like Hillary's Pokemon GO to the polls
>Saying something about how white the debates are
>Crowd booing & cheering like at a baseball game
Warren says something ridiculous

Dem debate is in the most spic infested shithole in the US

>She was a military base police officer, she never saw any real action and women shouldn't be in the military anyways.

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would you fuck the moon?

It will be a cringe shitshow
I hope a bomb goes off
In minecraft

Politics is 90% theatrics.

>Fighting over who gets to be the Mondale and who gets to be the Ferraro.

you've never seen any action either you fucking incel.

>Trying to be "hip and cool", like Hillary's Pokemon GO to the polls
God i hope so, i need some good cringe

plz go plebbitor

Is this only going to be on MSNBC?

>ban all guns
>decriminalize border

lmao i cant wait for them to box themselves into positions that will never work for the general election.

im really hoping its devolves into one upmanship of who can be more

whatever faggot, play minecraft you dumb nigger kid. you're a fucking retard if you don't think this will be the most entertaining thing on TV tonight.

>Will the 2020 Democratic debates be as much of a shitshow as the 2016 GOP debates?
yes, but libs cant banter or meme so it will be more pathetic and painful to watch than it will be funny and entertaining.

>$2000 per month in UBI
wow only 8 trillion a year!

i didnt even say yikes in that post