These sick fucks.
Now they have to be regulated. How long before other countries start getting involved to put pressure on the US government to break them up.
Good, can't have you nutjobs winning elections. Just sit down and shut up already, your time is over.
Google is going to have every asset seized and put up for auction and executives will have criminal indictments.
RICO them!
RICO is coming kike.
Fuck off libtard I love Israel and trump
Good. I can't wait to see the killing spree that waits you.
You Zionists are powerless. Keep kvetching. I love it.
Google's RUSSIAN actually. Ever wonder how a man named Sergei interferes with an election?
>you're pow-
>RICO is coming kike.
Holy shit! Someone else on-board with my Plan!
Republicans invented anti-trust. Stay mad.
Go fuck yourself
I mean that was obvious, that's one of the goals of a globalized world. People need to stop trusting corporations.
Who fucking cares.
Jow Forums is not a playground for delusional jew loving retards like you.
Stop making Zogald threads.
Stop shilling for mainstream politics
Stop sucking eceleb dick every single day
Stop regurgitating the shit you see on twitter.
Jow Forums has had enough, we are a National Socialist board and we demand the retards that have ruined this place back in 2016 return to reddit where you belong!
Why advocate for a free market when one doesnt exist? Regulation is fine in already regulated market.
You know what the WORST part of this is? People will blame "SJW" employees when in reality it's the Rockefeller's who have been pushing this shit in collaboration with CIA for decades. It's ALL intentional.
Curiouser and curiouser
Every single Sayanim and Unit 8200 alumni at Google is going to die.
Rockefellers have been powerless since 1979
Very correct
At least one post in the discussion thread revealed the existence of a file called “youtube_controversial_query_blacklist,” which contains a list of YouTube search terms that Google manually curates. In addition to the terms “abortion,” “abortions,” “Maxine Waters,” and search terms related to the Irish abortion referendum, a Google software engineer noted that the blacklist includes search terms related to terrorist attacks. (the posts specifically mentions that the “Strasbourg terrorist attack” as being on the list).
“If you look at the other entries recently added to the youtube_controversial_query_blacklist(e.g., entries related to the Strasbourg terrorist attack), the addition of abortion seems…out-of-place,” wrote the software engineer, according to the source.
This suggests Google has followed the lead of Democrat politicians, who have repeatedly pushed tech companies to censor content related to the Parkland school shooting and the Parkland anti-gun activists. It’s part of a popular new line of thought in the political-media establishment, which views the public as too stupid to question conspiracy theories for themselves.
Here is the partial blacklist leaked to Breitbart:
2117 plane crash Russian
2118 plane crash
2119 an-148
2120 florida shooting conspiracy
2121 florida shooting crisis actors
2122 florida conspiracy
2123 florida false flag shooting
2124 florida false flag
2125 fake florida school shooting
2126 david hogg hoax
2127 david hogg fake
2128 david hogg crisis actor
2129 david hogg forgets lines
2130 david hogg forgets his lines
2131 david hogg cant remember his lines
2132 david hogg actor
2133 david hogg cant remember
2134 david hogg conspiracy
2135 david hogg exposed
2136 david hogg lines
2137 david hogg rehearsing
2120 florida shooting conspiracy
>your time is over.
Who actually talks like this lol
Dissolve Alphabet now.
Keep pushing faggot. Last time you pushed just Germany. I wonder what will happen after we reach peak Weimar in a world where the internet exists. Please i beg you, push faster. Let 's accelerate this ride.
>be biggest company in the history of the wolrd
>try to interfere in every election woldwide
>get btfo by autists and neets
Our enemies are pathetics fucking losers lmao. Imagine what we could do to the world with a machine like google or twitter.
Plot twist: They're already regulated. Our government just doesn't want us to know that big tech is operating in the shadows. Likely CIA. Our government wants to control our speech. Our government wants us to have abortions, to die out and be replaced by ignorant third worlders.
>brainwashed by the neoliberal establishment
>the same establishment that keeps endorsing moderates and telling dems to compromise with republicans
based and redpilled
kikes are afraid. Google/Skynet is going down
It's just lucky they're such fuckheads, imagine if these people were competent.
Luckily Marxism breeds stupidity.
Once the system is fully in place they can have world government.
National Socialism is jewish.
>cheating on your taxes is stealing
Nothing will happen.
You are so scared
Not of National Socialism.
Bahahahahahahahahah every single Unit 8200 alumni working at google is gonna die.
Is this that thing shills do where you pretend that if I think there was something about NS I must be a Zionist? Yeah, that one's been done.
Nothing WILL happen
Do you really trust Republican politicians to do anything other than whine?
Face it, they're in on it
Something fishy, something wrong, something theatrical--something that is verifiably false about the entire historical incident, I mean.
Holy fucking shit you loser Zionists are just whiney faggots at this point. Israelis are so angry these days because you're powerless. The most you can do is quarantine T_D...that's hilarious. Anons are more powerful than Mossad.
>links in .pdf
actually directs you to pic related :O
Is this the thing shills do where they call anons shills when their own nose is obviously longer than their dick?
Google was raided a couple weeks ago.
That's what I thought.
I'm a zionist because I don't trust establishment republican politicians to do anything to stop google?
The fuck?
>Now they have to be regulated.
Regulation will just kill google's competition and we'll be stuck with them forever. They'll brive politcians to make sure daddy state protects their monopoly.
Show me the facts, not just your opinion. I realize you're an authority on the matter, but please humor me.
this actually makes sense, why isn't there more leaks though? Are they just blackmailing as per always?
NPC useful idiots talk like that.
>T_D gets BTFO hours before this dropped
Schlomo is scared of their good Ziogoys getting more radical.
That's your problem? The meme flag? There, you can calm your autism now
Too late. Your credibility is shattered.
Yes, in France. For financial fraud. What does that have to do with election interference?
No, in the United States.
Trump's people don't leak nearly as bad as Obama's people.
Also raided in the US for espionage.
Credibility for what? I stated my opinion. You're the one throwing your trust in with incompetent establishment republican politicians
Good fucking luck buddy, I'm SURE they'll come through THIS time
Splinter into a thousand pieces and scatter into the winds
>not knowing that m00t sold the board to jewgle and still works there and is trapped here with us forever and that he's the only one who can sticky a thread
I see the thing about industrial espionage in Chrome but nothing about a US raid of Google headquarters.
If you have the time here is a video introducing Tavistock and MKULTRA:
For decades and decades people have been trying to covertly reengineer our culture. Google is just the latest example. It is not organic.
Man you shills are fucking TERRIFIED of Google being associated with Israel aren't you? Too bad. It's all gonna be exposed.
When Congress had the social media executives in front of them, and asked all those questions over the last year plus, didn't you ever stop to think for a second that they already knew the *REAL AND TRUTHFUL* answers to those questions? Do you really think they just went in there blind without any idea of what to say or ask and just managed to ask question after question which elicited lies, evasions, and outright refusals?
Google and Youtube and the rest have spent the last year and more literally tying their own nooses and building their own gallows. Grow up. Watch a crime drama. The media's fatuous stupid act won't save Google.
Also, this for newfags.
>>the same establishment that keeps endorsing moderates and telling dems to compromise with republicans
what the fuck are you talking about? Every time anyone tried to reach across the ails from either side they're shouted down for consorting with the enemy. What side is seriously advocating compromise?
That's a very Jewish thing for you to say user
>history is jewish
Right again.
There is nothing wrong with having a blacklist. A private company doesn't have to permit fake news and hate speech on their platform.
Google is going to have every asset seized and sold at auction.
what you gonna do, throw your vote away on a populist? LMAO
holy shit OP this is the big stuff they want to hide, look at these posts
Why didn't you make these threads when Russia meddled with US elections?
Next time lower your voice and strengthen your argument, literal nobody.
Israel is fucked and Hasbara is useless.
There's truth to this I'm sad to say, Israel is basically a NatSoc government.
Google is a cunt with a god complex. Tell me something I don't already know.
>They're already regulated
Yeah. But when they were given the task to deplatform nazis,the cuckservatives forgot that leftist think Trump is a nazi.
mother fucking kikes..they need to go!!111
Shut down Alphabet