Why are you becoming homophobic?

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young americans dont believe in god
so why hate gays?
fucking retarded burgers

Wages of Sin - E Michael Jones:

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quints of truth.

Hating fags has nothing to do with theology retard.

Because your asshole is only for pooping, anything else is fucking disgusting Kraut.

Do Israelis hate gays even though you guys are atheistic af?

You're a fucking idiot.

hating them for secular reasons is like hating them cause their hair is blonde
i guess you know what im talking about you hate filled baby dick cutting big nosed poor hygiene prissy little bitch

anything that leftards describe as "toxic" is good

Yes but we also have the gayest city on earth. It's basically tel aviv vs the rest of Israel

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Recently homo in US tarted hating Straights calling straights bigoted So they are going to gt a greater backlash now

Heterosexuality is normal
Homosexuality is gross

fucking waste of quints
Fags have no evolutionary purpose, they are dead-ends and subsidizing them through tax benefits for "marriage" is an absolute waste. Tax benefits should go to legitimate marraiges between men and women (you know, so they can produce offspring, the thing that keeps our system going). This doesn't even begin to account for their degenerative effects on society (and especially children), which are long-reaching and extremely damaging to the nation as a whole. There you go retard, an argument against gays that doesn't require SkyDaddy.

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I don’t care if your gay, as long as you’re not a fucking liberal douche!!

Who’s with me on this one?

this disgusting kike is 100% correct

faggots bring the hate upon themselves. You don't have to believe in God to think faggots are immoral and reprehensible.

Kraut, if they're born gay who the fuck says they have to act on their urges to put their dicks inside some one's asshole? That's where shit comes from, that's not healthy.

only retards

no, it isn't. You're an idiot.

I really hate faggots now. Once they started suing Christian bakeries I decided they all need to die.

People hate them insticntively and for practical reasons. They have a high risk of disease and obviously a depraved personality, correlation with pedophilia, a tendency to attempt subversion via nepotism just like kikes, and more. Hating fags is a practical matter of survival. But the best part is that even if all I said is objectively wrong, people still instinctively hate them, and always will.
>i guess you know what im talking about you hate filled baby dick cutting big nosed poor hygiene prissy little bitch
Nice one Ahmed. I'm uncut, am blonde myself, and have a straight nose. Cope

Because they never shut the fuck up And are a danger to themselves and others

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Because our younger generations are less white and LGBTQ acceptance is primarily a phenomenon among white gentry liberals.

It’s almost as if the piper must eventually be paid when you alter the fundamental composition of your community.

this is a decent explanation for the happening
you can also see it in subtle ways
remember that Cyndi Lauper song from the 80s “True Color”? it was a “gay anthem” with a theme of loving people just as they are. It was simple and positive. Fast forward to 2019 where gays have all the rights they wanted plus some privileges and you have Taylor Swift’s gay anthem with a theme of “FUCK REDNECKS!” or something.

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Unironically that pathetic stunt of theirs did so much damage to their fake 'cause'
God bless those bakers for not standing down.

>There is nothing wrong with being ga-

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Because one doesn't have to reach for the bible to find a logical flaw with homosexuality and degeneracy. Infact I believe the biggest issue with the right today is that reach for the bible to define their beliefs instead of logic which they do have on their side.

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Shoehorning all the trannies and other disgusting freaks under the LGBT umbrella probably did not help gay acceptance either. They are now associated with mentally ill perverts.
Here is a better link

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i dont hate them, but i hate their attention whoring

because anal is inherently disgusting, all of us have an almost biological distaste for it the second we see it happening between men. No religion required for that. lmao

>Toxic decline

Yes, the acceptance of toxic faggotry is in decline. We are healing.

One of these posters is a kike.
The answer may surprise you!

>*throws money at twerking kids on ketamine*
>*becomes responsible for the AIDS epidemic*
>*makes up a disproportionately high percentage of pedophiles*
>*sets back progress because of their feelings*

Bullshit this is another trick to force more "education" read between the lines people

Most "Young Americans" are straight off the boat shitskins. These aren't whites, but rather spics and africans. European Americans are more leftist than ever.

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Wasted, zoomers are more religious than millennials and I hate fags because they rape children. Religion just reflects the truth

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>Fags touch kids
>Kids hate fags
>Adults wonder why kids hate fags
honk honk motherfucker

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>looks at modern pride parades
>looks at forced propaganda in schools
>looks at hate speech laws
>looks at the people who are shit on and scorned for not accepting 12 year old drag kids strip dancing

Gee you know, I have no idea why LGBTQ acceptance is declining in newer generations, goddamn right wing idiots I suppose

Clickbait title, it seems that youth is becoming super meh about gays, not that they don't like them.


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A secular hate will hopefully lead to violence since the religious hate has failed to

The drag queen book reading backfired when those kids probably thought they were looking at a monster. And rightfully so.

Abomination is abomination and the natural order is what it is. Religion is fiction based on the real world.

all around me are coping (you)s, cliche (you)s, retarded (you)s


Kill all homos.

Apathy is hatred to these child rapists

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The "LGBT community" is making me hate homos as a group. I used to be indifferent but now I just don't want to hear about it.
If they get real, answer to the pedo shit, and agree to just leave kids out of it (no ifs ands or buts), then I might care about their cause again.

Or just becoming less white and have more foreign-born people here than ever.

heh, nice trips ....kid

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Honestly I've only been tolerant of LGB. If you wanna go T, whatever, but don't shove it down people's throats as if it's not dangerous to your health.

because a tranny raped me from the discord cult

Fuck fags, need to be purged

that's another (you) for the collection

>gay men and women walk naked in the street around children
>gay men throw money at dancing 12 y/o
>bunch of queers dressed in fetish latex, BDSM, furry gear in public
>faggots pissing on each other
pic related

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homo is america's god
the youth stopped believing in homo

>Why are you becoming homophobic?

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Forgot pic
Christcucks are homo lovers

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>young americans dont believe in god
>so why hate gays?
Probably because Semitic Jew cults and gay shit are intrinsically linked?

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>2 adults of the same gender want to have sex & get married? doesn't impact me, have at it hoss.
>gays want to have a big parade? not a fan of parade traffic so I'll just avoid the area the day of, same as any other parade.
>gay parade becomes a debauched sex escapade? that's not great, guess I'll have to make doubly sure to avoid that area seeing as I have kids
>person with gender dysphoria wants to feed into their delusion instead of getting treatment? weird, and probably bad for them, but it doesn't impact me directly
>preaching to kids that this is how to treat that condition? ok, yeah, that's actually probably a bad move. we should probably try to tell them it's not ok to...
>inflicting hormones & surgery on a child who hasn't yet developed the kind of long term thought processes to consent to permanent changes? fuck, I just realized, *this* is why they used to burn witches. we fucked up and didn't care and now the witches are fucking with kids and we didn't burn them when we had the chance.

G and B are hazardous to your health, check stats on who gets HIV more, faggots (mentally ill) or straight (normal) people.

Pretty based for a leaf

What ever could have driven all these young people to the edge like this!!??

>why hate gays
they're fucking disgusting, obnoxious, and just all around annoying as fuck

Because belief in God has little to do with disliking gays. It's hardwired in our evolution because homosexuality is not an effective means of contributing to the gene pool any more than a predilection for using IV heroin is. It's a maladaptive behavior pattern which not only prevents genetic contribution but actively harms the genetic community by spread of diseases. It's incompatible with evolution and religious faith, one of the few things that both Christians and atheists should theoretically be able to agree upon.

Wasted quints, of course it had to be cuckmany, why NOT hate faggots? This degeneracy has gone for far too long, faggots deserve the rope unironically.

Because we were nice to these faggots once and now they cry out as they strike us

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fuck LGBT people simply for labeling themselves as LGBG

this honestly

God is what instilled that in your nature, but sure

>jews jewing jews

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Based kike? Im confused

Jeez, it can't be the fact that a subculture of getting and spreading STD's has taken root in them. It can't be the fact that they're having 12yr old boys dress in drag and strip for them. It can't be that they're attacking religious groups over and over for asking to be left alone. It can't be the fact that calling a lispy queer who calls himself a lispy queer is "targeted anti-lgbt hate speech" yet the fags have been calling normies "cis gendered huwhite males" as an insult for years, which none has ever referred to themselves as. It not that they've helped mentally weak men be accepted for dressing up like a sissy, put him on the track team with young girls, put them in dressing rooms and bathrooms with young girls. It not like my tranny Auntcle adopted a white kid from russia and moved to the middle of bumfuck nowhere and only lets him play with another little boy while femininising him in hopes that he'll turn prison gay.

And one day, for no reason at all....

>so why hate gays?
Their behavior.

It has everything to do with it you fucking jew bastard

And they told me the slippery slop was a fallacy.

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Being gay is unnatural
Being "trans" is unnatural
Dressing as the other gender is unnatural
The progressives systematically brainwashed the nation into a "meh" reaction to these thing.
They started with two women kissing then they gradually lead to men kissing, simulated sex, and more in media.
Now when most people see that they go "meh this is find I guess." instead of the outrage we use to have.
What's happening now is the progressives aren't pushing little by little they're pushing super hard to force people to accept their degeneracy.
Even people on the left that enable this shit aren't comfortable with the amount of ham fisted strong arm tactics from gays.
No one wants to be told this is what you have to accept like it or be punished.

It's almost as if morality and dislike of degeneracy is based one something more than just religion.

>Two women are the ones going up the stairs


>unironically subscribing to biological prescriptivism
You’re muted now, it’s /thread for you

No it doesn't you aids ridden faggot, you are objectively degenerate.

>God is what instilled that in your nature, but sure
Not really, its the same disgust you have when you see a dead body, and its evolutionarily instilled in us because those who were disgusted avoided the diseases that come with it

End women’s rights!

We stopped smiling when they went after the children.

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Based self-hating Schlomo detected
Use your kike powers to get the other rats to think like you

I think it's probably more that people don't want to accept the TQ. LGB probably hasn't changed much.

Kids have better judgement than their parents. Perhaps it's being exposed to these kind of weirdos that has made them woke?

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Basically this is what happened to the furry fandom. That so many furfags are fags is no coincidence.

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>New York post

Cope harder right-wing incels

How can someone look at that and get off?

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I love God, go to hell sinner.

Its in no way the same disgust when you see a dead body but ok

Based Christian kraut.

God hats fags!

kids are merciless social vultures and zoomers experienced peak faggotry firsthand when they saw classmates look, dress, and act like freaks
it's like how white people that live in 95%+ white communities are bleeding hearts and don't understand the hatred for niggers

Get fucked you fucking dickbag