I'm gonna have to become a homosexual at the rate this country is going

I'm gonna have to become a homosexual at the rate this country is going...

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>become a homo
M8 if you can possibly suck a dick youre already a faggot. Just become you, fag.

>scared of pussy hair
looks like you're already most of the way there, bub

change country... move to poland...

if you're anything but a 60+ year old boomer, i'm bashar al assad

To each their own.
Be bushy or be bare, I do not care

Came here to post this. If you don't prefer a nice bush, you're a certified queermo.

This is an 18+ board

This is actually a pretty established fetish

>This is actually a pretty established fetish

Shitposting is an established fetish?!

Damn... people are weird!

Patrician choice is when she has hairy armpits but shaves her pussy.

Dear friend, yes, I jack off to almost every post here. I literally cannot stop and I will not stop. We should jerk each other off. You live in Oregon?

Sort out ya govnah

This is my fetish.

Jews started pushing shaved pubes in porn as a way to infantalize women to push their pedophile agenda. Women always had pubic hair until (((pornography))). Don't be a faggot pedophile.

I am 100% for shaved pussy, but there was an awkward library girl I went hot tubbing with who had more bush than I thought possible showing out the side of her one piece who changed my mind. When it comes down to business I still prefer shaved or trim so that I can admire her shape, but in swimsuits? I want to see all of the pubes.

I'm a nobody two days away from larping as them. there good old boys in Deliverance. All I want in life is a perttymouf. I don't give two scoops aboot my shitty guvna. Sides, her batshit environmental law is going to a vote later in July so long as the gop boys stand their ground. She's gonna get BTFO at the polls I reckon.

YES... I am available anytime for dinner... here is a funny shot of me

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Oi m8, so long as the plumbing werks the same oo am I to deny a Sheila of such well built stahtsha ;) mmm, I bet the yeast on her furry pussy tastes like burger juice.

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Good thing you are willing to over look my "snaggle tooth" problem.

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>He doesn't like women's fluffy hair
What a faggot you are, OP.


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based. the only thing more degenerate than flaunting yourself like that is shaven pussy

pubes are fine. it's bikinis that are the problem.
but hey, free country. you wanna run around in yer britches with your lady bits hanging out, your call. not making me look like the stupid one.

you do you, even if it's shameful.

Just be a furfag at this point: you just beat it to porn instead of listening to a fat feminist tell you why you're evil, and if there's a rise if that fucking shitshow of a community, boomers and normalfags might finally do something about degeneracy.

You must be 18 or older to post here.
Gtfo underage faggot.

Boomers are ultimately responsible for the era of shaved twats, idiot. Gen X went back to hippie-tier natural and then Millennial brought back shaving and added the horrific "vajazzle" trend to it. Based on your charge-ahead-blindly retarded behavior coupled with blaming Boomers means you're a millennial, born between 85 and 90. I hope your whole generation dies off before your Boomer parents from all the fadt food and toddler leashes making you all sickly faggots who blame everyone but themselves.

Guess what generation I am? ;)

All I said was this piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!

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hard pass, women are trash-tier

porn until the 90's had bush. 80's porn is some of the hairiest shit you will ever see.

I love a hair Muff desu m8. I like it when they grow it out for the winter, then shave in spring for like a seasonal theme

Shaven pussy is for 13 year olds who don't understand women also have hair.
But having pubes sticking out from your bikini? Blatant attentionwhoring.