Imagine being SO based that your reaction to a rape allegation is


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/ptg/ is the trump thread.
report duplicate trump spam.

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Honestly, this is the most natural, realistic reaction to a false accusation. If I wasn’t in the same boat and backed against a wall, I’d literally say the same.

She doesn't look like Ivanka. That's how you know she is lying.

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Another Trumpesque response could have been "I can get any woman I want. Why would I choose her?"

He's channelling Sargoy!!!!

>I wouldn't even rape you.

I still don't get what was so bad about that statement. It's somewhat weirdly worded, I'll give you that, but it's literally a statement against incest.

Was my first reaction when I saw her picture too

If Obama said this he would've been drug out into the streets. I don't know why you guys let Trump get away with so much that Obama wouldn't have been able to consider. It's really stumping me. Oh well, I guess it'll remain a mystery.

You're fascinating to talk to

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I want to fuck Ivanka more than anyone else on the planet

Them both saying it would be based and funny you leaf niggerfaggot.

Build that fucking wall, Donald.

>have billions of dollars
>have your pick of most women in the country
>models, actresses...
>lol I needa buss a nut muh nigga I finna rape dis 50+ year old mentally ill mama
Seems legit.

She’s a know lesbian and tried this before with other celebrities
She just seeks attention and it’ll be ignored
Move along. Just tired really low energy tactics the democrats are pulling cause they know the election will land slide for trump and make them look like fools. Move along it’s too easy

>and it’ll be ignored
lmao not with this media

So he's saying he wouldn't even rape her?

Those articles leave out the important part; into sanctuary cities

So based

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Honestly would be my argument.
Of course it would be backed up with "I was at x location at this time and date, thus it would be impossible for me to rape this woman in question." But that would be saved for the trial.

>Shes too ugly rape
Airtight logic
>user, rape isn't about looks
I haven't raped anyone yet, But I'm sure if you are about to rape someone and realize [You're too fucking ugly] You'll likely just stop your self and move on

Are you saying that you don't believe her user?

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If King Nigger had said that maybe we wouldn't think him such a giant faggot. But alas his wife is a man and you fuck dogs.

>falling for rape allegations from an ugly ass lesbian
obvious retard is obvious, trump has money and a fuckton o power, if hes gonna rape a chick shes at least gonna be hot.

no people would cheer obama because michelle is a guy in a dress, not even a tranny, just a guy in drag.

The same response we all said when the Jew news posted it. 100% correct!

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>"after 30 years I decided that this is the apropriate moment to accuse the president of rape despite a total lack of evidence"
>"i wouldn't hape her because she's ugly"
imo trump's reasoning has more depth than the accusation