Bernie gonna be a ewhores

Zoom Zoom

Attached: 1561584965355.jpg (1200x675, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Better than any other e celleb desu

>When you pay Bernie out of your mom's credit card to say your name

unironically followed

Attached: Screenshot_20190626-223912_Samsung Internet Beta.jpg (1057x1553, 481K)

Fuck I'll follow him. He's already better than any titty streamer out there.


What kind of vidya is he going to stream? Starcraft 2?

Attached: Bern Ass Munchers.jpg (2048x723, 69K)

I would pay good money to see him play Final Fantasy

See pic related.

That's kinda gay. Not even gonna play vidya?

Hes so pathetic kek, his supporters are the only thing more pathetic than him.

Hello fellow kids.

This is a way for him to launder foreign campaign donations through amazon

Oh wait yang supporters are even more pathetic my bad

>Not even gonna play vidya
Welcome to nu-Twitch, they made the site about anything (no fucking joke, there's cooking channels aswell as the obvious asmr streams). I'm not gonna lie, IRL is fun, when the streams aren't boring fucks doing boring shit. Twitch is boring nowadays.


I remember a site that Had random shit playing with a chat. You would add links to the queue and it would play in turn. Do you know the name of it?

Dont starve



Attached: OHNONONONO.png (1021x642, 37K)

No refunds!


This is actually pretty smart.

Exactly this is a meme goldmine wtf
Imagine him getting railed in CSgo with prompt teabag parties or getting locked down in league by 10 year olds
Imagine him trying to play runescape since every thing else will be too fast paced for his old hands

>ok lets see what this fellow, "ex ex memer ex ex four twenty" has to say with his generous donation of $14.88 USD

Imagine he starts streaming LoL and he's actually good at it.

Ironically might have a chance at president if he could

Yeah that's all you guys need

I'd rather see a game with skill.

Daily reminder bernie is a sad goblin

Attached: berniegoblin.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7

>this guy must be for Bernie sanders talking such hearsay
It’s a hilarious day dream
You gotta loosen up leafbro

He would unironically win if he did a stream where he played some games.


This is actually pretty fucking funny I'd watch him play Fortnite

Attached: ZoomerGenocidesBoomer.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

You didn’t hear it from me but i think that google guy was saying all that jazz
Something about
>Day of the rake
>another leaf poster...
>release the instore prices


Inb4 Bernie’s decent at fortnite then trump starts playing too and they end up best friends

Yesterday I saw a steak a 8oz peper steak for 300$ Would you please fedex me a chicken leg ? Just sort of stuff it in the envelope. It will feed a family of 6 here.

>Ninja wins the 2020 presidency