>Jow Forums thinks women only hate men
>mfw you guys don’t realize how cruel girls are to other girls
>mfw you have never even experienced the power level of a vicious woman
>you think a woman using you for dinner is peak cuntness
Jow Forums thinks women only hate men
Tits or gtfo.
That's not necessarily true.
Some of us believe cheating on your husband then taking his house and children while living with another man and still forcing your ex to pay for your lifestyle through the courts is peak cuntness.
we are well aware of how women treat other women. It's part of the reason you are the niggers of gender. Women unerstand women and women hate women so where does that leave us? FWIW sorry for whatever probably completely out of left field unfair thing some dumb emotional woman did to you. Work with men next time.
Women absolutely despise white men and want to see us all humiliated and destroyed. F you roastie
Jow Forums has always known woman are shit to eachother. women are just shit in general. even the ones that claim they arent and do their best not to be, are still the worst people on the planet
im an obese chick and I have still ghosted tons of guys and said the nastiest thing to other women. but i generally think of myself as a decent person. everyday I believe further that eve is an alien
Woman are cunts, point.
Women are dogs and they need strong but loving masters.
I feel bad for the anons who have almost never been around any decent women. I went to an alternative school (department for kids with psychological health issues) and the girls I met there that weren’t whores turned out to be based Jow Forumsfags. I’m still in contact with both them and other lads years later and have only met a couple more people in uni that also stuck with me. I love my friends
haha humans are funny
Jow Forums doesn't know anything about women. Jow Forums is just mad that they can't get any pussy.
dang user tell us more about that eve theory
Do you think I hatewomen because they hate men ?
there are no bad women only weak men
I went to a YMCA and when I was taking a shower, some girls dumped drano on me.
A girl fucked my man and bragged about it.
>Tits and timestamp
Your choice
After awhile you realize the minutes spent with pussy are not worth the hours, days, years, of putting up with women and the 24/7 narcissistic psychodrama that is their lives
>everyday I believe further that eve is an alien
you're not supposed to talk about this, obese femanon
Women are the ones with political power, men have physical power and are manipulated by women to serve as their enforcers.
It's pretty obvious. Each of us individually thinks females are cute, because they're smaller and bubblier than us, but, men at least, are fully aware of how they will take advantage of our aggressive behavior and attempt to spark physical conflict between us. Thankfully, civilization has managed to remain stable only from the restraint of learned men, who are willing to let women run their mouths to their detriment. That's about the extent of a woman's power. Talking. Even with guns, which have basically minimized physical variance to the highest degree seen in history, they basically can only talk. Actions are taken by men, and I don't really think that'll change any time soon.
elighten me
That's pretty nasty.
Girl's don't have the biological drive to protect other girls so I would imagine their behavior would be worse to each other.
I am a teacher, I do see their viciousness. After about a year or two under me, they become less so, because I instill unironically empowering and good ideals and virtues in them, in line with their biology, as I do for the boys. If parents won't teach their kids about the gift of their blood and land, people like me have to do it.
Children really are the future and I wish for the ones I taught to become strong, resolute and independent. Free of the poison of the modern (((world)))
shut the fuck up whore. Do you think anyone cares about your opinion?
get the fuck out of here
you are from laussane?
Story time my dude
no, northwestern switzerland my man
there's some funny stories but they are quite detailed, long and could compromise my position. eventhough I do what is right by the kids, people would want to see me gone if they only had surface level knowledge of my views.
mostly i just take good care to go outside with them as often as possible, the fields, the forest etc. this is a basic thing that HAS to be done with children imo, no matter the weather. as for basic pointers i center my philosophy around:
>never rely on others or technology if you can do it yourself
>take pride in your ancestors and your history
>love, respect and observe nature always
>know your role (women preserve society, thats why its of utmost importance to not let them be corrupted by modern jewry, men need to preserve the order and peace, physically if they must)
>be loyal to your kin (family, friends, etc)
>dont punish if possible, punishment only fosters nasty, backstabbing habits such as lying or blaming others
>dont go against your nature and qhat nature has given you
God speed lad