EXCLUSIVE: Missing University of Utah nursing student, 23...

>EXCLUSIVE: Missing University of Utah nursing student, 23, boasted she was a SUGAR BABY who had two sugar daddies and sought out men over 35 on Seeking Arrangement and Tinder
>University of Utah senior Mackenzie Lueck vanished on June 17 after she ordered a Lyft from the Salt Lake City airport
>Salt Lake City police say they are looking into the 23-year-old's dating life
>DailyMail.com can reveal that Lueck is a self-proclaimed sugar baby, using sites Seeking Arrangement and Tinder to find men over 35 years old
>'Try tinder and be blunt about it. Mine says ''I want a SD/SB relationship with a real connection,''' Lueck wrote in a private Facebook group three months ago
>She operated an Instagram account with the alias @NovaBaby96 where she posted a photo of herself in a black robe with the hashtag #daddykink
>Lueck's friends say she was single but was casually dating several people and was interested in older men


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fuck i wish i had arms that long i could reach so much shit guys

>another dead whore
o noes

Stupid games, stupid prizes.

either way i think it's good for our daughters to see the end-game of slutting on the internet
i mean im just posting as satire, but depending on her price it might actually be the best move to buy her and do a murder
i wouldnt do it, but i'm not sure her murderer did something wrong

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Some thot hooker gets murdered, surprise surprise.

Why pay for a chick that's so average?

burn coal

She isn't even hot.

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when you are older you will understand and pay whatever for early 20 year old poon

>White girl
> No butt

Fuck that

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>friends say she was single but was casually dating several people

Cool thanks for reminding me why im never getting married.

Indeed, I love all these alternate terms they use nowdays instead of just plain old whoring.

The oldest profession. Can try rebranding it as much as they want, but they're just whoring at the end of the day.

Same with instagram "models".


That name tells you everything you need to know. Definition of a white trash whore.

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Yes for goodlooking 'poon'. This sucks.

That ass is offensive.

At least you'll never throw your back out picking something up off the ground.

You sound like Jack the Ripper.
Just because of someone’s lifestyle doesn’t agree to your agenda you look for violence to justify your cause.

So another whore then? Color me surprised...

Female privilege is being able to look like that and still have retards willing to pay all of your expenses for nothing in exchange.

I guess if your goal in life is to be a whore

Part and parcel of making money

And what type of life do you live ?
It’s odd that you say this with such spite.
This post was taken down and someone put it back up. To do what ?
Trash a x girlfriend ?
Someone is feeling guilty ?
How do you know she was killed ?

>Look like this
>Can make a career out of putting some makeup on and make YT videos
Why wasn't I born a gurl it's not fair bros...

>ugly white whore gets killed by a nigger and I'm expected to care
Many such cases.

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What about all the white people killing their kids ?
What’s your excuse for that.

The area would say white and Moran probably the last person to call or text her to meet at a park. Being she just got off a flight and had her bag with her.
Jack the Ripper was white

>And nothing that has been lost should be valued.

Dating is not marriage
Do you believe the first person you talk to is your possession or wife
You sound like your insecure and maybe kind of sociopathic.


You seem to be looking for something OP.
What’s is it you are looking for ?
Why post this unless you have something to hid and feel guilty.

Thats why shes using tinder

user, I’m 40. I’m not paying for average.

How did she know to meet someone at the park, with out talking to them ?
And what about her luggage from the airport ?

nice cum catcher tattoo on her back

Sorry I think if you like somone you should date that one person. Not them and about 7 other people you think are hot. Thats pretty shady/slutty.

This isn’t a slide thread. These kinds of threads are important to remind us that white women are irredeemable filth.

Who cares, another worthless dead whore

womp womp cya roastie

>literal 5/10 munter can get a free ride off middle aged men's gibs

State of this world

It’s not your place to judge.
Just move on and mind your own business.
What business is it of yours who is a slut and not.
Look at where the collage is Mormon they have multiple wives, a lot of child abuse and fraud.
Most white people
So who are you to judge anyone.

if any of you fuckers are hot wealthy women I will gladly be your sugar baby boy

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I wouldn't pay her 10 bucks for a bj. Why are pepo so desperate? She is not worth a shit

you can always tell from the eyes.
the shame and loss of soul is always carried in the eyes.

>nursing student
nothing of value was lost she was just going to end up ruining some doctors 20 year marriage

holy fucking digits batman


She’s not even close and has, or had an attitude like she was hot shit!
Don’t wish bad on her and hope she turns up but not looking good.
She knew the risks, so I just pray for her parents.

I really hope none of you actually date women.
Because you sound like pedos, expect women to be young and innocent.
You are all creepy pedos

wasted sexts

Girl next door look. Does it for older men.

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Reflecting current state of the sexual market place. When 6/10 girls like this get that much attention, what hope is there for true incels?

Holybshit she is Hella Fugly!!!!

I would take the kitty Way Before thinking of dating a cunt like that!

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>Black dude
>no rope necklace
Fuck that

Not a big loss for humanity

Lots of people. This is the standard sugar whore shape, above average girls just date an age appropriate man of means

THOTS deserve justice. Nothing of value was lost.

What are your crying about now ? A human maybe in trouble and all you can say is good.
What kind of man are you ? You have no chivalry.
That Russian bride still making you mad ?
Get over it.

3/10 toastie larp

Older married men with wives who are 40 pounds overweight and are lucky to get missionary twice a month.

Saved!!!!! Based doggo!

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Betas need to be exterminated, their pathetic nature enables women to be whores

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Shut the fuck up roastie, you might as well get out now if this type of thinking offends you. Also: tits

>for a slut
Stay toasty, roastie.

>thinking sluts are worth marrying

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I did see digits! Forgot to confirm!!!!

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This. Women are fucking gae & I don't care she's ded

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t. seething roastie

She'sthe difinition of a basic bitch. She's not even a butterface, I'd fuck a butterface if she had soft skin, nice tits and ass. I you're going to pay rent for a bitch, you ought to do better.

thousand-cock stare

Kek I'm laughing so much I think I'm gonna be sick

You sound like an overdone roastie. Fuck off.

Another dead whore. Good riddance

Dumb nigger.

thot patrolled

You sound so triggered just because i had the audacity to say "hey maybe its not cool to date several people at the same time" as a man i couldnt do that to a woman. But im weird i like to date based on if we have mutual likes not just to get laid.

She aspires to be a whore. No hint of shame there. Must have had shitty parents.

Based, burn thots

3WICrSGH biggest shill I've seen in a while lol
Tried so hard and didn't get (you)s

I would love to know what is going here between avenatti and bloom

Kek agrees emphatically! That woman is nothing, and guys need to stop being so thirsty.

I wish these videos went longer.

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you lib-brainlets fail to understand there is a difference from "justify" to "well there is a reason we told you not to do that"
if you play in traffic on the freeway we are not syaing you 'deserved to die' in the same way as you mean it, but we are saying you brought it on yourself.
this is actually an important point in a lot of things
because if you misunderstand it,
society loses its ability to act.
>"well you cant protect your neighborhood from a guy walking behind houses with burglary tools in his backpack and a record of being caught with stolen goods because he doesnt deserve to die and things might escalate"
so what, just watch him rob you?
>well you cant stop pedos from reading to kids"
You lose your ability to act as society when you misunderstand this
and the ability to act is like one of the top 3 things in keeping a society from becoming q Somali with rape camps


jack the ripper was a kike you dumb beaner nigger.

She was probably preggers and extorto

I can't wait till roastie behavior is punishable by death

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you arguing with a retarded kike dont waste your brain power.

You faggot, maybe he has morals and understands the power of an example on weaker foolish minds. Faggots like you hear someone disgusted by you and you pretend its because we are secretly faggots like you. Eat shit faggot, you are alone in your little google mandated morality of being a faggot.

why would we kill them when we could just make them some neet's slave for the rest of their life

Imagine going through your whole life just being a worthless series of holes and having to constantly pose with objects so people will look at your shitbox. Kinda sad how pathetic women are these days.

>roastie got roasted
Toll paid?

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This is exactly the whole "victim blaming" territory it's hard not to fall into. Like, no one should get raped, but if you walk down a dark alley alone in a bad part of town in skimpy clothes, it's WAY more likely that it'll happen

Space question mark x5. Fucking kill yourself.