Just build your own bank

>Just build your own bank

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Shit, this is going to backfire hard on them.

That is a violation of (ECOA)/Reg B, which "prohibits lending based on source of income."


just buid your own government

>some Jew thought revenue from the positive PR from this will offset the loss from not lending to private prisons and concentration camps, not realizing that everyone who isn't a retard hates bankers and nothing will change that

They'll be lending to death camps in 10 years, guaranteed.

isn't illegal to refuse business based on political beliefs?

Who's gonna arrest them? Drumpf and his DOJ who hates him?


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I don't see where source of income is.

fuck private prisons
fuck banks too

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no dumbass, if they actually violated something like that you could sue them with the help of Goldberg and Lawstein

Goldberg and Lawstein would just throw the suit because they're in on it too.

Just accept you live in a tyrannical shitlib dystopia. Kiss the tranny, bigot.

Just move to another country

What's wrong with private prisons?

this is the BIG PUSH by corporations, they want to be the new government so they'll be all about values. Woke Capitalism.

Stop putting your money in mega banks. They pay garbage interest rates and harvest fees. I used to go to TD bank and they would charge a fee to use an ATM that wasn't at their bank. Than there would be another fee for having less than 10k. In your accounts. Absolute BS. Bank with a credit union or a community bank. Even those online banks that don't have branches are better because they have zero fees and high interest rates on savings accounts.

the only thing back firing is the american constitution

I can hear the sinew tearing away from Columbia’s arms as she dies from the inside. America is nearly a corpse, and the illegals flooding in are the flies to feast and breed on its dead flesh

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Thank God the commies are so focused on that retarded shit for a while.

Fake n ghey. Suckadik

why is the bank of america symbol a swastika that’s cut up? are they nazis?

How did leftists manage to infiltrate EVERY major company in the US?

Like holy fucking shit, we're gonna have to do a lot of purging.

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bOFa is doing the right thing...private companies should not be allow to make money off prisoners...that very disgusting

>this is going to backfire hard on them.

When? In case you haven't noticed, the Trump administration doesn't really enforce laws against big corporations. He prefers to give them tax breaks while they shit all over him and his voters.

BASED. fuck private prisons. do you retards have any clue how much those detention centers are charging us for each immigrant? they're raping the US treasury

We have members of Congress that openly threaten banks for giving credit to oil companies. We haven't been a real nation of laws in decades.

you're a retard, really
lawyers want money, they don't give a fuck about politics
edgy teenage leftists are the worst, so fucking retarded
stop being a fucking retard


no, retard
some jew chose ideology over money which is only accumulated to pursue ideology in the first place
what you fucking retards still don't seem to get is that capitalism completely breaks down at larger scales when wealth is concentrated past a certain point
there is no such thing as competition as those levels, there is no risk of being run out of business, you can do whatever you like and you'll still be sitting on billions of dollars of excess cash

>lawyers want money, they don't give a fuck about politics

Imagine being this naive. Lawyers are ALL ABOUT politics.

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My father in law owns Taylor Farms Produce and he built his own bank here in Dallas .

Bank of America is one of the most corrupt fucking banks in America, deeply tied into the federal reserve system. This is just some pathetic virtue signalling PR move to pretend like they wouldn't rape your children and murder your grandma if they could get away with it and make a profit.

>Implying private prisons good

If you really think lawyers will not jump to the opportunity to make cash off something like this because they are also kikes you are out of you mind, kike lawyers are more than happy to jew other jews.

I kinda like amex desu
I mean I get that they're jews but I get so many benefits for using THEIR plastic jew instead of another jew's plastic jew.

I think you'll find all banks are actually called bank of Israel.

Maybe we should

Reputable/high-profile lawyers (the ones with resources to wage a long and complex case) are not going to spend their time suing Bank of America over something like this. The rest of the "legal community" would isolate and shun them.

Look at the difficulties that the defendants in the Charlottesville cases have in terms of finding criminal defense lawyers. Most of those lawyers just flat-out refuse to take their cases.

If I had a nickel for every time someone said "but they can't do that, it's against the law" I'd be a very rich man.
These mega-corps and politicians are above the law. Theoretically blormph could use his executive power to bring the hammer down on them, but you know damn well he won't, just like he hasn't done jack shit about anything else that isn't directly favored by his jewish overlords

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i cant look at this pic and not laugh as the idea of mcdonalds conjures up images of land whales with no taste in good food, or fast food at least

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Those detention centers are full of staff teaching them leftist ideology and even makeup classes on how to become an LGBTQ and pass as a woman. Highly surprised if they aren't also taught how to vote illegally now that they automatically get signed up to vote when they get their illegal driver's licenses. Never detain, frogmarch them back to the favela border into the custody of favela soldiers who transport them back or favelacountry gets the hose again.

This. Trump has proven to be all talk and no action.

He isn't a serious President and never will be.

>Lawyers are interested in money
>But not what can get the more money

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They have no incentive to help people get out earlier and have an incentive to increase incarceration rates for their districts.

Next you'll whine about black people being "targeted".

absolutely retarded. They care about power. Money is just one avenue to power, it's not the end goal. This is why you have plenty of kikes working for non-profits and NGOs, because despite it objectively paying less on average than other forms of law, it's still preferred because the lower paycheck is made up for by the increased influence and power they get to exert.

It's almost never "all about money". Think of all the companies that decide to flex on all the normal people by pushing gay tranny shit. They know it will result in a hit to their bottom line, but it's a calculated expense and they're okay with losing a little bit of sales in order to exert political influence.

>defending private detention centers which have absolutely no incentive to let out any migrants and absorb millions of tax payer dollars just holding non americans in cages
I know t_d got shut down but this is a whole new level of newfag

If they're not detained it becomes open borders since we don't have a wall.

Remember when companies just provided a good or service, and you bought it or didn't based on quality?

So? They still have to follow the law.

No. The Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Political beliefs are not a protected class.

Private prisons are unironically a terrible idea though

This, Tyrone and Jamal did NOTHING wrong.

>still relying on (((((banks))))

Yes please more malignant overt political use of fiat. My Bitcoin thirsts.

If your willing to just use corporal punishment whipping them in public and cutting off appendages used for theft and assault. Then yes I agree





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>private companies

That’s an oxymoron