i'll start;

iran has the best looking women of the middle east

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Other urls found in this thread:

Khomeini was unironically right about everything

it's not israel

They will make a nice crater

tehran has a nice metro system

Attached: 06[1].jpg (1200x800, 163K)

They don't fight for globohomo and hate Isr*el and its mutt on a leash America

iran have good scenery

Attached: 31893926325_a2f7e69f38_b[1].jpg (1024x678, 198K)

iran's the best hope of israel getting glassed in the near term, that's pretty damn nice

Iranians are not always sincere, but they are very polite and courteous.

The ayatollah is an assahola.

Fuck Iran

there not jewish

Attached: iran soccer team.jpg (620x387, 139K)

fuck off yid

They're whiter and smarter than Arabs... but that's not saying much.

>iran has the best looking women of the middle east
thats where youre wrong bucko

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They very a lot of oil

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holy shit. If you swap out parts between all of them, you'll manage to make only 1 single passable human.

>Iranians are different from arabs

Allahu Ackbar
Death to America
Death to Israel
A curse upon the Jews
Victory to Islam!

Excellent usage of cranes. No pics related.

Iranian Government the issue not the people

goebbels was right

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Fake Muslims who hate Arabs but worship an Arab prophet. Talk about being a cuck

They piss off the kikes

They are. Arabs are pure subhuman filth. Persians seem to value education and have a rich history/culture to back it up unlike the desert creatures from Saudi Arabia for example.

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I'm actually surprised by this...

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They invented modern asymmetric warfare.

iran has good infastructure
also good healthcare and education

Iran is perfectly situated to reflect the greatest amount of sunlight to combat climate change when it is glassed over by American ICBMs.

Everyone's capitulated to Israel except Iran, at great personal cost.

source of this data?

A good location for weapon testing soon enough.

Attached: M1A2 SEPV3.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

>iran has the best looking women of the middle east
That is like being the sexiest burn victim. Arabs are inbred savages and their women are disgusting!

>Ancient country
>Resists Kikes
>Sane foreign policy
>Questions the Holocaust

>posts israelis

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Damn, that is nice, it looks so much cleaner than ours.

haha! you're gonna fight your archenemy yourself without any proxies! haha!

do you think you're strong enough? we'll see!

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>Iranians are Arab
/nupol/ is a fucking embarrassment

having the courage to fight jews.

they have good football team, for non UEFA nation. Also they employ our coaches that aren't suited to lead amateur team, let alone became asian champion which they somehow manage

I suppose they are based on the JQ. But they are mudslimes nevertheless and cannot be trusted.

Iranians are our distant cousins

And why is that? Couldn't be because neocon polititians, think tanks, and media have been engaging in a drastic misinformation campaign about the country to manufacture consent for a war?

This picture needs pic related. I'd do it, but currently phonefag.

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Iranians are west asian.they cluster closest to Turks and other caucasus populations.

Attached: pb7Osaw.png (1024x997, 620K)