Post your filters.
Fight the shills, filter the noise. Post the filters you use. im currently building mine.
Post your filters.
Fight the shills, filter the noise. Post the filters you use. im currently building mine.
>goys tell me what you filter so we can stop using those terms
>needing a safe space
>Fight the shills
>Show them how to get around being ignored
U stoopid
I ignore what I don't like, like an adult.
reddit boomer here, I can't see any threads in catalog anymore... someone help
Goddamn OP, you're a nigger.
>dont use tools to more efficiently browse the website! Thats for babies.
Weak as shit filters newfag.
Add nigger vernacular such as "based" "nigga" and "dat"
even if OP isn't a faggot shill
it still helps the shills
have sex
>efficiently browse
4chanx meme flag filter:
/^Black Lives Matter$/i;
/^National Bolshevik$/i;
/^Tree Hugger$/i;
/^United Nations$/i;
/^White Supremacist$/i;
>I ignore what I don't like, like an adult.
4chanx Bait thread filter
/accept it/i:op:only
/black guy/i;op:only
/black man/i;op:only
/blocks ur path/i;op:only
/deal with it/i;op:only
/defend this/i;op:only
/get in here/i;op:only
/have sex/i;op:only
/makes u think/i;op:only
/makes you think/i;op:only
/not white/i;op:only
/prove me wrong/i;op:only
/trump general/i;op:only
/white boy/i;op:only
/you have to admit/i;op:only
Just to give you an idea of all the PURE SHIT I filter
>not using 4chanX
>having less than 100 filters
What a faggot. Having good filters is the key to finding whether something important is happening. On normal days I have 35-45 filtered threads, now with all this google stuff going on I'm hitting 60-70. Google defence squad is in full force.
My main two filters are Trump and all social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.). The rest are mostly holdovers from when the place was spammed with shit like $1000 and the Mueller report.
i wont show my filter because i mostly shift/click threads
>not autohiding happening threads
>send them to the top instead
Why not send the "bbc/umad whiteboi/how can whites even compete" threads to the top too? Happening threads are even nore cringey than /ptg/.
63 with 4 words, can't be beat, no four individual words can filter more shitty posts from Jow Forums than
>Jow Forums
prove me wrong
I don't use any filters because I'm not a fucking faggot trying to turn the foochinz into a safespace.
Don't post your filters, shills and kikes will then avoid them.
It's best to use your own judgement on creating filters.
Iran. because NOTHING will happen.
Nice try rabbi
Yes, filter these problematic topics and phrases like a good goy!
that looks comfy walmartanon
got anymore pictures
Taylor Swift is a 10/10 tbhfam.
That’s not him retard.
>things that go against my views gives me cognitive dissonance
>better block it!
>later that day
>man I hate how google / reddit / facebook censors conservative voices!
kek same
Would be a good idea to filter “oh no” as well.
>puhziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzz glup click click
Monsieur, zees ees zee most excellent bait.jpg
Except when something is actually happening. I hope you die completely unaware.