You realize that censorship of Jow Forums is next, right?

You realize that censorship of Jow Forums is next, right?

The leftists will threaten and attack all the web hosts that provide servers to Jow Forums until none are left that will do so.

It's only a matter of time until everyone who refuses to suck tranny cock while brown immigrants fuck your wife, is inhibited from posting anything on the internet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you realize you Israelis are gonna be slaughtered by muslims while Jow Forums and the united states watches and does nothign to help right?

>The United States Israel's vassal isn't going to help


Who cares, the fire has risen. I'd give it 5 years until the next Shoah

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>unironically believing stupid random numbers determine the fate of nations

Then it will be time to shitpost irl.

Fuck off kike. You are the enemy of mankind

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The glows will make sure this place stays open


>censorship of Jow Forums

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They won't be able to stop it. The entire right will move into open source anonymous apps. There we will radicalize from lack of conflicting opinions as they will radicalize from lack of conflicting opinions. They've created a war and they don't understand this yet. If there's no middle ground the obvious outcome is civil war.

>unironically thinking that its not the belief itself that gives it power.

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Check my shit, niggers!

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>anonymous apps
lel shouldn’t have expected any better from a memeflag

Heavy shilling right now. Notice the 5 atheist D&C threads.

>censoring Jow Forums
I'll just shitpost in real life
You dont want this
I dont want this

good,the disgusting reaction to etika death made me realize what a hateful and edgy hellhole this is

Once they deplatform Jow Forums and (2*4)chan, we're gonna see many more Brenton Tarrants. Censorship and hopelessness will be the key to violence.

I hope hiro just shuts this place down before it reaches the point of Jow Forums turning into a censored, lobotomized shell of its former self

... You really should do your research. There's open source apps of every variety that while are probably not 100% anonymous from a government agency do a good job of protecting your identity. Hell your ISP won't know exactly what you're sending and receiving thanks to encryption.

i honestly have no problem with Jow Forums being banned and wiped off the internet. as well as liveleaks, certain subreddits, etc. lulz. minds need to be protected, they only have so much room.

It's been censored for 6 years now. It's only gotten worst


You won't recognise the Internet in a year

>Once they deplatform Jow Forums and (2*4)chan, we're gonna see many more Brenton Tarrants
That was mossad you fucking shill

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heh seems to have erased a number in my post.


>You realize that censorship of Jow Forums is next, right?

Blowup those that want to destroy Jow Forums

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1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.

If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.


if gab is still online, Jow Forums will too.

Based, western subhumans don't deserve freedom of speech. When you give white people freedom only degenerate shit happens

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So the fuck what.

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NOBODY GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ISRAEL. We have our own fucking problems to deal with faggot

ok nigger, how do you think Jow Forums would be censored?
>The leftists will threaten and attack all the web hosts that provide servers to Jow Forums until none are left that will do so.
the web host is not known, because Jow Forums uses cloudflare.

Israelis like you should spend time with your families before muslims put bullets in your heads.



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Can't wait for you idiots to realize that Israel is actually going to war and without US support too. That's gonna be hilarious.

Never underestimate the stupidity of plebbit.

don't worry goy, you'll be drafted too.

nigga there’s backdoors on all fucking HARDWARE

Nice singles, faggot.

That is the point of this Google hysteria, yep.

THIS. Watch Person of Interest because that show is a documentary not fiction

They will rue the day

If it's true I can't wait too until zionist fascists will be fucked up.

You think glowniggers are going to waste a hardware zero day on you, to prove that you shitpost about Jews and enjoy futa? Calm the fuck down Darren we don't care that much.

Then we go for new sites. Instead of niggers we say Outdatet Farm Equipment. Instead of honk honk we say eek eek like Sceeter.

The day that the kikes and commies cut the power to 4chinz is the day I cut the power to a large city in minecraft. Give back to them what they've been giving to us

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I personally would be glad of it. Please take the internet away.

>Jow Forums
>Free speech

You forget the history, right?

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Good, can't fucking wait. We should support censorship of the right. Get them off the internet and on the streets.

I hope they do close this place, then I would finally be free

this honeypot is too good for both sides for it to fall. if anhiro is losing money i'm sure that a 3 letter glownigger agency will be more than happy to give him our tax dollars and take over the site

No it isnt. This is our containment area. They dont want to release us.

Can't wait to get out of quarantine.

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Jow Forums is already censored desu onions senpai

Do you really think they want the people that post here to spend their time making their dreams reality instead of shitposting? Hell, maybe they do. I'm done trying to figure out this psychopathic planet.

you mean we will go out to the real world?

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>You realize that censorship of Jow Forums is next, right?

NO this is our honeypot, it won't go away.

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Imagine if the posts saying their is going to be a data dump linking every post made here to people's actual name happened

Obviously I'd be super fucked but I wouldn't care, the chaos would be uncontrollable and the fire truly would rise at that point

Hi Wayne, sorry I called you a faggot the other day.

Predictive Programming

Israel is the biggest problem in America. Are you fucking retarded? Lurk more.

There's nothing to censor here, WTF are you smoking OP? Most of what gets posted here is satire and anything illegal gets deleted quickly. The rest is just regular political conversation and opinion sharing.

Diaspora jews tend to be worse than Israelis.

>Asia is going to be more censored as China's influence increases
>The west doing the same despite claiming they like freedom

Where do we even go now?


Whats EMCEL???

>force nerds off the internet
>resulting revolution takes only 48hrs flat

>You realize that censorship of Jow Forums is next, right?
It's honestly about time. Jow Forums is truly a cesspit that causes harm to humanity and makes autists believe their rage is important.

Australia is setting the lead in this respect, with the main telco companies already having banned access to Jow Forums and a host of other degenerate sites. Australia has led the way on many other such issues, like making seatbelts compulsory and making voting compulsory.

There's no doubt at all in my mind that the banning of chan boards is coming soon -- and not before time!

Attached: Australia peaceful day under oppressive gun control regime.png (976x930, 918K)

Trump won 2016, just as the digits foretold and he will keep winning.

It'll have to come down to a draft to get anyone to fight you're brother wars, Moshe.

You normie fags dont get it do you ? Banning it wont change a thing its had its time and its already waning, ban it and it will breath new life and birth a new monstrosity, probably far worse than pol

Jow Forums has already and long since done its job, there is at least one generation already out there who grew up with it, its done the virus is out long since and spreading and there is NOTHING you or any censorship can do to stop it.

You cant stop the signal it got sent before even M00T left.

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>You normie fags dont get it do you ? Banning it wont change a thing its had its time and its already waning, ban it and it will breath new life and birth a new monstrosity, probably far worse than pol
Banning will force autists to remain isolated in their basements instead of deluding themselves into thinking they're participating in the beta uprising and new race war. It's an absolutely effective strategy.

Eventually internet use will be completely deanonymized, and anyone who spews bilious vomit will be excluded from society, jobs, public health, welfare, and Santa presents.

We will all look towards Moot for leadership on this matter. He will create the new ethical platform for the future.

Attached: moot cool guy.jpg (646x474, 88K)

its already been going on

Verily, those duplicate numericals speak sooth.

Then the Tree of Liberty shall be watered.

>muh 6 gorillion

Yes and all of your rights are disappearing before your very eyes. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I would rather have daily mass shootings than to be a slave to political correctness/ You worthless man panties deserve what is coming

What does human flesh taste like?

and m00t was roundly mocked and spit upon for his decisions. mods and jannies have been fags since day one.

>Yes and all of your rights are disappearing before your very eyes. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I would rather have daily mass shootings than to be a slave to political correctness/ You worthless man panties deserve what is coming
Liberty is a fantasy. We have always lived with censorship. We have always lived with weapons restrictions. We have always lived with restrictions on our modes of transport. The basic rules are that we can't do harm to others and governments exist to ensure that we don't, and also to represent the collective good.

Obviously Jow Forums undermines the collective good, so governments will progressively do the right thing and ban such cesspools.

Clearly the very advanced and progressive government of Australia, in cooperation with progressively minded corporations, is leading the world on this issue. Australia is also leading the world on the minimization of mass shootings.

Attached: Mia Khalifa hands in gun for destruction.png (504x911, 599K)

What a stupid fuck, holy shit.

Actually moot was offered a job at google in order to sell out against gamergate, it's fairly known.

> You realize that censorship of Jow Forums is next, right?

boomer alert

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>You are getting shutdown

Fuck off shill we heard that many times before

>community of almost a million gets banned from reddit
>comes here and gets real red-pilled
>holocaust 2 electric boogalo commences

Welcome one and all. Jow Forums is a board of tolerance and peace. Refugees from TD welcome!

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This site will stay up if only for shills to push the women fuck dogs line


So much for the Azkenazi genius

>This site will stay up if only for shills to push the women fuck dogs line
You can't deny that they actually do, though. Have you looked at the site pornsocket? It's a pretty big eye opener.

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It's been known reddit has been suppressing their subscriber count, the number is likely much over 1 million

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>the dog gives its owner money among essentially any resources
even this is too much schizo for you stormnigger

Sorry but most incels long since grew up and moved out, had kids and all the usual shit , some have become pretty wealthy and many can code and adapt in a world thats getting tougher. Your in a fantasy world if you think its all about a race war thing, it never was for most, just shits n giggles at normies expense but more importantly just being young, growing and talking about anything we wish and especially what normies hate ... you made the monster and its already left the building, simple as that

Like I said you normie fags just dont get it, kids grow up and its second generation polsters here now and a few old fags who pop in now and then for old times sake. Many are in positions of influence and society than you could possibly imagine.

Most are long since out there still having fun getting on with life with families, passing on the redpills to our kids and normie friends and have jobs and run business like everyone else. Some very successfully too

Some of us are pulling 6 figure salaries or more and running businesses,employing people like you, laughing at your pathetic outrage while using your labour and making money off you. I personally love employing normies they are sooo easy to use and manipulate and are still great entertainment to laugh at and mess with. Everyone has their use and place you know ;)

Its all good and comfy whatever happens to Jow Forums, its already done what it was made for and whatever comes after will not be what you think or want to happen thats a certainty.

Stay mad faggot.

This. Click on any normie MSM news video on youtube and read the comments. Don't have to go more than a few before someone names a jew. People are waking up both to the JQ and to the Third Position. Tucker has lowkey been selling NatSoc without calling it that for years.

>Some of us are pulling 6 figure salaries or more and running businesses,employing people like you, laughing at your pathetic outrage while using your labour and making money off you. I personally love employing normies they are sooo easy to use and manipulate and are still great entertainment to laugh at and mess with. Everyone has their use and place you know ;)
Absolutely you're pulling high six figures as a Wendy's manager before going home to plough your model wife while your harem prepares a seven-course meal for you.

Jow Forums has already win. Autists now rule the world.

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Very true. Non-religious jews that are elite establishment types in Hollywood, Silicon Valley and DC are FAR more problematic than your typical brooklyn hasidic fag.