Be me

>be me
>young war veteran
>leg blown off by landmine
>get bionic leg
>fit as fuck regardless
>let-go from the army
>move back home to middle of nowhere to live with parents
>cant get disability and welfare is constantly threatening to remove my welfare because I cant find a job
>cant do any bending manual labour jobs
>mcdonalds and walmart wont hire me
>retail clothing stores wont hire me
>serving/bartending places wont hire me
>cant meet friends cause so little extra curric to do
>cant meet women
>dating sites do nothing
>the few young woman at extra curric are all taken
>or they ghost me because they eventually find out I live with my parents
>cant find another place to live
>1 room bedrooms average $1100mo
>try relocating
>must have a job to relocate
>must have a place to have a job
>been discriminated against because im white and not a minority in terms of employment
all I want to do is work and have a wife and kids. why is that so fucking much to ask just because im white, male and missing a fucking leg?

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>leg blown off
>cant get disability

>be me
Stopped reading. Go to redditingo, you faggot waggot maggot daggot laggot paggot baggot.

apparently because I am mentally fine and have a replacement, I am not classified as disabled in my specirfic municipality

if I moved it is possible, but moving requires a job first

>>leg blown off by landmine
>>get bionic leg
>>cant get disability

You shouldnt of been in afghanistan the Taliban are the good guys defending there land and way of life fuck you

>disabled veteran cant get hired
This is complete and utter BS, disabled veterans get more jobs thrown at them than harvard jews. Pretty shitty larp. sage

But Israel is safe and will remain an explicitly and expanding Jewish state for the foreseeable future.

Your leg was worth it

that's 1 big dose of communism for you

dIvERsiTy IS oUr StrANGth!?

kys muhammed.
when are you going back to your shit country?

are there veteran's organizations like the American Legion or Wounded Warrior Foundation in Leafistan? They might be able to help you find a job.

Try going to church too. You might find turning to spirituality eases your stress and they can help you find a job too.

You know what you must do user.

Blow your story up, hit social media with your plea, if some guy in the middle of no where can get a job at google my @'ting them with a picture, you can as well.

Start a media storm, and than make a patreon for it. Get those dollars flowing user.

Thanks for your service to India, user.

- Canadian Minister of Defense

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Find a lawyer who is trying to make a name for them selves. Have them sue everyone, The government, wall mart and everyone else.
If you is legit, You have a case!

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Nah in Canada people get fuck all if they get blown up, dismembered, brain damaged, etc in the military. Trudeau says "Canada simply can't afford it".

Then they treat ISIS fighters for free in Canadian military hospitals abroad then let them loose to kill/maim Canadian and allied soldiers kek.

Or give $10.5M to a convicted killer of Western soldiers.

Or spend $30B a year giving $1100/month/kid to shitskins.

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time to go rambo on your government user make some b0mbs and shit hide in the woods learn some guerrilla warfare think outside the box user maybe replace your leg with some shotgun contraption

If you need to relocate live in your van or at a local church and pay for a PO box.

I can't say that I know how you're feeling but I honestly wish the best for you bro. I'm guessing the CAF is a total joke now

imagine unironically being Canadian

Btw what province are you in? I thought you get free healthcare and NEETbux especially since you lost your leg

Peak Trudeau

You can't get welfare/disability unless you have an actual mailing address kek. PO Box's don't count.

Homeless people can't get welfare in Canada.

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Honestly go full "Im a victim of the system plz pitty me." mode and start a go fund me or something. Make an emotional youtube video and cry over your struggles.

You don't seem to get it.
They want you back in the force.
You should've died for freedom, when you stepped on the mine. Now you are just a burden, like all the other crippled vets.
When you start something, at least finish it properly.

t. sandnigger


play dumb games win dumb prizes

Show us a pic of your bionic leg user

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subscribe to pewdiepie faggot

A PO box should work for mail and healthcare though. Just not for firearms

This, try going to some Legion meetings user, they might be able to help you out or even give you a job.

Feels bad man but such is being white in Leafistan

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Don't worry, goyim. Israel will send you a real nice Christmas card for loosing a leg on their behalf. Just cash it in. Lol.

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In Canada the disability/welfare workers actually look up the property register and contact the owner to verify you are living there.

If you're homeless you cannot get welfare period.


How in the fuck are you missing a leg in socialist canuckistan, and unable to get disability? Also do you guys really not pay out your disabled vets? My cousin lost his hand and he's set for life in terms of benefits, this in a country that normally only gives gibs to the niggers.

>>mcdonalds and wont hire me

Bologna. McDonalds hires even full blown retards and cripples constantly.

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I think he can get a PMB though. That's an alternative to an actual street address so it should work.

He lost his leg, retard. We have refugees here who get a house for free that would be worth over a million dollars today, welfare, food, clothes, education for their children...etc

How the fuck should a guy who is missing a leg be expected to do all the shit like bending down, moving around in cramped areas...etc

Impossible. You have free health care and weed.
Did you see Trudeau's latest costume? Did it improve your situation?

Fuck you bigot.

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Healthcare is handled provincially not federally. Every province has a different way of handling healthcare

Well atleast your food is cheap, right?

Fuck you niggerfaggot. If you can't get hired at McDonalds then your'e worse than a literal retard. By your foul leaf logic, people in wheelchairs can't get hired either.

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There is a 6 month period after you move to a province before you can get health care. If you move abroad for a while and your health insurance expires and you get sick, you can't come back to Canada to get treatment.

They let you die. Also the most they usually spend on you is around $50,000 otherwise they just say fuck it and let you die while bringing in 7 shitskins to replace you.

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It's not about what's right; it's about what's fair. We have Trudeau blubbering about how we apparently mistreated homos in the past and pushes out gay bucks but does nothing to help people like user.

There was a story on my local news a few weeks ago of a Syrian family who were given a free house. Fucking hell you can't get a single piece of property here under a million because of the housing crisis and the chinks pumping the prices

pic related

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You don't get a GI bill equivalent?

thats what you get for fighting for israel

>Swarmed by NIGGERS and SPICS and MUSLIMS and all sorts of criminal muds
>Chinks buying up all the Land
Trudeau is a megamassive poutine guzzling dog banging cucklord.

The gibs from the CAF are pretty shit compared to what you burgers get.

There is really nothing we can do about it now. Every single party except the PPC wants MORE immigration and diversity. PPC wants less but still want immigration because they dn't want to cause social stratification and unrest.

Hang in there, bud.
It seems where you are employment is pretty exhausted, try relocating however you possibly can. IF you can't then start looking online for ways to make passive income, check the Jow Forums archive, youtube, etc.

You probably have more wisdom and instincts than many other of your age. Loosing a leg, might have given you something which not many other has and thats guts. You might not see this yet, but one day, you might not trade what you did, with a different kind of past, even if you could. Life can be tough for years, then suddenly you get a break. Just be trustful in yourself.

Fixed it for you.
>You have PTSD from your trauma.
>You are now Inuit Jewish
Fuck them over with their own retardation user.

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Thanks for your service, goyim.

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Damn Canadian military perks are trash. I'm sorry brother.

>Thank you for your services

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be thankful it was only a leg, try to get a job, then try to get a good job, then try to get the government and military to pay you what they owe. Don't panic. Also, get disability.

move to Salt Lake City and join the Mormon Church. I promise you will find a traditional white bombshell to treat you right for the rest of your life. You're welcome fren....

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Embrace the suck. Cause it does and it will. You want that certainty but life isn't certain. You're smart enough to get out of this. It just takes time.

Hey man I'm an amputee too. You ATK or BTK

room bedrooms average $1100mo

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Its gonna be hard to find a woman if you don't have citizenship in the country, poor and don't own a household


Sorry you were sold the lie that dying for your country is the right thing to do.


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>Fake being LDS
>Get married in Temple after going through creepy cult-like ceremony
>Go to 3 hour church session every Sunday for the rest of your life
>Know that the BOM is complete BS but "testify" about how much you believe in it being true
>Raise your kids as part of the same cult
Not worth it. There are trad Christian girls in other denominations which aren't insane.

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Why not become a truck driver or something like that?

If you want to to get some compensation, read the DSM-V / DSM-IV-TR and learn the following mental disorders:

- Panic Disorder
- Depression
- Anxiety

Learn the symptoms. Read other peoples experiences. Learn about the tort law. Learn about crumbling skull. You probably have some. The key with PTSD is there is a delayed onset, usually six months post-trauma although it can be immediate. Go to the hospital for anxiety symptoms, depression (try to avoid suicidal thoughts as they will put you in the psych ward for 3 days at least).

Get prescribed medication, medical weed, etc. Go to job interviews but you'll probably have panic attacks and be unemployable.

You can apply for disability right away. After a few months you contact a (((law firm))), but make sure the senior partners are kikes. Keep a detailed record of all your medical visits. You can sue the CAF in civil court now that you're a civilian.

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>fit as fuck regardless
1)Open a patreon
2)Start camwhoring.
lots of gay men up there.

Also you were blown up, so you probably have a (as of yet) undiagnosed TBI which makes you an invalid. A top (((law firm))) will ensure Canada's top neuropsychiatrists will diagnose your brain damage to the fullest.

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>Walmart wont hire me

?????? I've seen wheelchair bound people at the front door. You're a liar.

OP, do you have an education? Do your parents have land? Do you have cash in the bank? What are your resources to start with?

This nigga gets it. I gets the big bucks from the VA and social security. Problem is I'm legitimately crazy.
The real redpill all doctors and nurses are vampires. So are most cops. Don't trust them.


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canadian war veterans wah

he is jewish you know of sephardim and mossad right ifiot

Well you are a leaf, your cuckness is normal.

>Ask /diy/ or /sci/ to make you a prosthetic leg that can bend
>Learn something else that you can do

This sounds about the only few options you have OP. You can greentext I guess, so that's something...

hahahaha you can get disability in the states as a veteran if you have a bad knee. Should have gotten married while you were in the military THEN moved in with the parents like I did. Free rent and pussy on demand is the life.

Yeah. Doctors love law firm assessments, they can charge something like $5-10,000 for a 2-3 hour assessment plus a favourable write up obviously. When it comes to maximizing the value of a lawsuit, always trust a Jew on commission.

yea I make 52kish tax free plus food stamps and free healthcare plus Tricare for 300$ a year. I got my masters degree for free. Shit is fucking sweet.