20 year old, almost homeless, Coachella Valley

This is really shameful.. I am almost homeless. I work hard, I have a decent intellect, I don't do drugs or even drink..

Does anyone live in Palm Springs, Palm Desert, anywhere in the Coachella Valley that can help me? I have a job, but I will work extra, even manual labor.

I am an INTP & Right Wing Populist..Please help.

+1 if you are willing to mentor me..

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Shameful bump..

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I'll pay you a first class ticket to Brazil, I have a job for you and a place to live.

You will be an in-house fluffer for a burlesque tranny show in rio

>tries to bump his own thread
>reasonable intelligence
Yeah no wonder you’re almost homeless retard

That sounds...Really sketchy.

Though I think Brazil would be quite comfy..If i integrated properly.. Maybe as a Ranchhand..

Does self bumping not work?

Also, get fucked and dome yourself Shuahib style

Go onto craigslist free section. Screenshot and post what’s there in Facebook marketplace. You pick items up and then get paid for them from Facebook. Literally free money.
>How I paid my rent for two months

>Brazil, comfy
Brazil is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

You should find yourself a jew sugar mama

this is how you end up in CIA MKUltra programs, just saying

hang in there bud. Maybe look into going to an area that isn't so overpriced. I live in a big city in Texas and simply showing up sober ensures you a job that can cover living expenses at the very least here.

OP Btfo
> This is really shameful.. I am almost homeless. I work hard,
Time to get the fuck out of high tax+high cost of living commiefornia. You'll never get ahead or stay afloat there noob

Why aren't you applying to roomates? You're 20yrs old. Join the Conservation Corp and save the money you earn

>and then get paid for them from Facebook
You mean you sell them from the free section?

>Time to get the fuck out of high tax+high cost of living commiefornia. You'll never get ahead or stay afloat there noob
Cheaper than Texas.

It depends where you go

Have you considered killing yourself, OP?

>I live in a big city in Texas and simply showing up sober ensures you a job that can cover living expenses at the very least here.

Texas is impossible to find regular work and you have to make 3-times the rent for your own place. You must be a spic

If you can make it out to Pennsylvania you can work on my farm. 120 acres of forest, farm, and pond. Theres an old barn on the edge of the forest you can make home, it's not used for anything.

no I was born and raised here and hate beaners. I know plenty of people who have moved here from cities like Chicago and started out working in restaurants who ended up making enough to pay their rent, buy groceries and then some. Sure it isn't glamorous but compared to living in Cali it's actually sustainable. If you think it's "impossible to find regular work" you may be autistic or genuinely retarded and if that's the case god bless you.

Obviously of course you'll be dedicated to being a farm hand for me, no pay you just get to live there.

What's placing you on the verge of homelessness? Try finding a cheap room for rent; a hostel. Something to just come back to. Build up your income with ultimate Jewry, and try to develop meaningful relations with people who will stick by you through thick and thin. Wish I could help you.

They're always the military

Time to snuggle into a cuck pod

Are your parents dead or don't give a shit about you? I don't know how it's in the 'Land of the Free' but here parents usually help their children until they finished their education and found a good job.

>I am almost homeless.

Tell that you to the anti-American politicians in your state who give BILLIONS of tax payer dollars to illegal aliens so they can breed out of control.

Found a good black dick to hop on*

1st generation Polish women like BBC here in the land of the free

At least I can, Bong..
You need a loicense for dat in de UK, lul

Are you serious, my Fathers family comes from out there

I dont talk to my family nor do they me..They think im a bastard...But I would truly love to go and id work fucking hard, Sir

go back to plebbit kike

My family gives a shit about me. I have grandparents. 2. Thats it.

Ironic coming from amerimutt.
Anyways poles who leave Poland are the dumbest and most incompetent since they were unable to find job in their own country as well as the most liberal ones. They can fuck off and die for all I care.

Attached: Captain_Amerimutt.png (697x1119, 1.16M)

If people leave me a means of contact, i will contact them.. Really shitty i gotta do this, but is what it is

U alright... As a fellow intp and commiefornian I feels u... I Wish I could help... hope shit goes well for u...

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fuck that queer nigger. Polish women don't even come here generally, he's probably just a kike with a cuck fetish trying to rile people up.

why the estrangement from your parents?
the being homeless part isn't too worrisome, lots of people do it nowadays.
the thing you DO need to worry about is not getting sucked into drugs/alcohol/hookers like so many of the bums. You can save a lot of money by "being homeless" if you still have a job, but if you blow it on crap you're just gonna stay homeless.
make sure you still shower. losing a job because "showering is inconvenient" isn't going to help your situation any.

It's not only the ones that emigrate but even the native ones betrayed your kielbasa dick for German and Russian counterparts. I can't begin to tell you the amount of German-Polack and Russian-Polack mutts we have here.

But I guess you still have your faith.

Woah are you me I’m 20 and live in DHS

Both parents were losers, 1 got into meth, other ran away to the literal other side of the godsdamned country from CA to NC

Grandparents raised me, theyre now almost 80, i will not burden them, i cannot

I graduated with a GED equivalent called the CHSPE in 11th grade.. Hated academia culture, so..fucked it off.. now i am here

This is a board for winners...

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Are you kidding me, someone my age in fucking DHS, on Jow Forums

Are you huwhite

I only ask because im curious if i know you, or you may know me

I went to Katherine Finchy & Raymond Cree until 7th grade, started doing indep. Studies.

>lol, no

it's 80% incel/NEET

I hope you succeed and prosper and stay safe, OP. It’s going to work out.

Thanks Leaf. I appreciate it, truly

My bro in law runs turf on a golf course out there and always bitches about not finding good labor. They start at $12 an hour. $13 with experience (you can start a weed whacker right?) Best I can help bro. Eye contact, firm handshake, and don't stink like BO when you interview.

All the nice words. I appreciate. The jests too. Theyre funny, in what seems like a bleek future..

kill urself nigger. fuck you.

You realise if you actually meet anyone irl from Jow Forums they're either apart of the kkk or they're going to try and rape you.
Put out more job offerings, live in a caravan or somewhere cheap, cut down on non essentials.

I am a good looking, well spoken, hard working Anglo Saxon. What is the Company? Work is welcome. Always.

That cant be true. Some very interdasting people post, even lurk here..

fuckin literal nigger tier slavery.

John Marston taught me hard work pays the SOUL, alright

I kid of course

Move to northwest Arkansas. realestate.usnews.com/places/arkansas/fayetteville


sorry to hear about your parents, but i have to disagree with you about your view on "burdening your grandparents".
i don't think you realize how inconvenient being "old" can be, having someone young and with a functioning back could actually be really useful, and put their mind at rest (they worry about emergencies a lot).
helping around the house, groceries, basically a live-in-maid would actually be a boon to them.
all this assuming you actually do the job, because it IS a job, and should be treated as such.
at the very least, ask them. Explain your situation to them, explain that you wouldn't just "be a burden", that you would help them out around the house, doing chores and such, in addition to working your normal job.

if they say no, then no harm done since you didn't originally want to ask them anyways.
if they say yes, then a mutually beneficial situation for all is had, and family bonds are strengthened, making God happy.

Not gonna out myself by spoon feeding. Its a golf course, I think its in palm desert but might be indio not sure. Better be able to out work the migrants and handle the sun Mr stronk white man

This is a Reddit homo trying to dox people.

is it? how can you tell?

I already have. . Theyre selling their house soon, and moving to Arizona. They have the mindset I can go out and be successful like they were because my grandfather got my grandma preggers at 17 and he stepped up to the plate, worked very hard and became an electrical contractor

I wanted to learn electrical from him but he retires soon, and hes not willing to teach me..tells me go to trade school.. i love them, and they deserve their last few years to enjoy arizona and travel

Its hard to explain how i feel about it

Dude, fuck you.
Seriously, you dumb piece of fucking shit on my shoe, kill yourself.. in Roblox

I am not.

your 80 year old grandparents will be much more disturbed by the fact that the person they raised is homeless and probably getting raped by a pack of niggers than they would be by giving you a room to stay for a few months while you get your shit together, your situation is less dire than you believe. btw dont ever meet up or trust anyone on this website.

Just forget it. Ill fucking figure things out. I have thus far.. Stupid to reach out on pol maybe..

Are you jewish?

Live in midwest.
>Rented for years and came home to discover a zero warning 30 day notice to leave slapped on my door, owner wanted to sell and I wasn't under a lease.
>Turned his happy ass in for 8 years of tax fraud for not reporting rental income, and used the reward as a down on new home.

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>that spacing

What youre gonna call me a reddit poster because im spacing out my sentences
Youre a fucking faggot kek

then if being homeless is the only option you have (no friends or other family) then get a tent, start finding out about homeless shelters, food banks (i think that's what they're called), maybe gov't (or even church) welfare that you might qualify for.
I know homeless shelters most times won't take pets, so if you have a dog or cat, take the remaining time you have left to get it into a good home.
If pet separation isn't your thing, then back to the tent. Shower at public bathrooms (single occupancy ones with preferably a lock on the door. If you keep up with normal hygienic habits, no one will even know you're homeless.
It's the ones that stop caring and get into drugs that are the easily spotted and reviled. Makes getting a job hard when you get that bad.
if you're still young enough, consider the military. a good work ethic and even reasonable intelligence goes a long way in the military.
you have some choice usually in what you would like to do in the military, so think ahead of what you'd like to get into when your enlistment is up. If you want to get into electrical engineering, then find out what that job is called in the military (its MOS is the term they use).
good luck

>t. Reddit homo

Not everyone's parents are actually healthy enough to be of support. Also not drinking or doing drugs at 20 years old kinda narrows your peer.group in itself too.

Come Pennsylvania, I am in need of more butter churners on my Amish plantation. Going to butter that sss

user, go hang out at young people AA.

Hang out at AA

you are ony 20 user. the struggle is part and parcel.

But i am sober, that would be really depressing

But i dont live in London


No one in Palm Springs will hire you if you're right wing, keep that to yourself. Get a job at a restaurant with the Mexicans and feed the boomers.

You will find other people interested in being sober and sane.also

OP, do you have a car?

I work fast food, restaurants wont take me (yet), and i keep politics to myself until im at my home usually, although one time someone who lives down a block said they were gonna report me for not pikcing up dog shit when it wasnt even my dogs shit, and i was just outside smoking a cigarette... long story short he was wearing a shirt with a black power fist and a "dump trump" shirt so i called him a fucking communist lul

No, AA and all that shit is for weaklings that cannot control their own mind against drugs, i dont want a friend who struggles with heroin

Cliche and over prescribed, but get a trade. I know union electricians in CA can make $120k+. Just find local unions for different trades and talk to em.

Fuck no.

Join the military. Try to get a job in intelligence or cyber or some obscure niche job that transitions well into civilian work.

They'll give you training and pay for housing and health insurance so you'll be able to save money. You'll also get mostly free college via GI bill.

Intelligence. I wonder what I could do..

OP you're in a really shit position but i can tell you the best option for you at the moment is to join the navy and take a contract for a cushy job like PS or LS, if you score top of class in A school theyll usually give you your choice of orders and you can take orders to a medical facility in San Diego or bremerton, or so on and so forth. The important part is you make sure to crush A school so you get a better choice of orders. Land orders at a medical command and do your 4 years and get out with a foundation

Pic unrelated

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You deserve to be on the street with that kind of judgemental self righteous attitude. Might learn some humility.

Attached: Garden of Earthly Delights.jpg (2400x1634, 1.06M)

Join chairforce

Form a relationship with a loli and hide in her bedroom

You have to undertand, i have had so many terrible experiences due to drugs and addicts, not affcting me personally, but those who were my family, my friends once..

Also cool pic, saved