This is what conservatives consider a comedian

This is what conservatives consider a comedian.

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He’s a cringe lord. I hate e celebs. They are just hungry for money

No. We look to the left for comedy. The incessant temper tantrums are actually hilarious.

>My vagina smells bad. Fuck guns.

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Why do conservatives suck at art? Liberals are dumb as shit, but can produce great art.

Name a good conservative comedian.

E celebs are propped up as gatekeepers and torn down for easy d/c. It is that simple.

Name any good comedian, I haven't laughed at one in years.

Because art either requires great ignorance or great insight, the latter is lacking in the world right now

Mmmmm, did I hear someone say they wanted to hear... my Dad's Google history?

Dad's Google history.

Dad's Google history!

What is the name of the woman

Dad's Google history, it's bloody Dad's Google history!

Demi Lardner age

Dad's Google history

Dergerber dergerber dergerbler bler

Are there birds

Dad's Google history

He's a million years old.

Can you please tell me if there is a new Mitre 10 thank you

It's bloody Dad's Google history

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He’s no comedic genius like famed liberal jokester, S. Colbert

No we like Norm

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As opposed to this?

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Donald trump

What great art has been produced in the last 2 decades

Norm MacDonald

You mean Yaphit.


you fucking retard. liberals love hollow forms of "art" like minimalism and abstract. these are soulless shitstains on canvas (or whatever hip medium is trending).

conservatives appreciate form and figure, and the left would rather destroy than create something meaningful, because it takes effort.

creating something beautiful (conservatives) > destroying something meaningless > creating something meaningless (liberals)

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DiPaolo and Burr off the top of my head.

based and mothpilled

When you take away the straw-man arguments on both sides, you still can't recommend good conservative art.

>liberals love hollow forms of "art" like minimalism and abstract.
BRAINLET DETECTED start spamming your boring realism folder fag, lament modernists some more you low IQ tradfag

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Not even close. Watch the Why Beauty Matters documentary by Roger Scruton

There are three types of comedians.

White men - these guys tend to be conservative boomers, maybe non SJW liberals.

Jewish men - the same as above but their Jewishness prevents them from being conservative (in most cases)

Black men - they aren’t really funny but they say funny shit. Pretty much have to be liberals because they’re black.

>boring realism
At least when you get raped to death by shitskins it'll be real exciting

MMMMM OH GOSH my Evropean SOVL, this art is so ARYAN. Ohhh how I miss the days when art looked as close to things as I can see with my eyes right in front of me... le traditionalist sigh... what could have been...

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He's a funny guy though? Just ultimately cucked politically

That's not true. Virtually all the most legendary creators and artists were vehemently (for the most part) right wing with their beliefs. Look up old classical musicians, painters, engineers of architecture, vehicles, etc.

People like Katy Perry aren't "artists" and aren't included in my equation. That's not to say I can't think of lots of talented people who do align with the left nowadays, and they're capable of creating good works. A little ignorance and optimism can go a long ways. For better and for worse.

Trve art needs to look like shit I can see off a cliff and stuff. Trust me, I'm an expert.

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Can someone shoop at teardrop on his face?

Go back to r*ddit you divisive kikes


>divisive kikes
how irony


We need more based Ziocucks like Crowder to tell us why Israel dindu nuffin and how Hitler was a libtard

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>name a conservative comedian
Like the Jews in Hollywood would allow this to happen

Trump hasn't fucked up too bad. He's just meh. But Clinton would have been a ton worse. Let's get back on the topic, fag.

This. Maybe one day zoomers will catch on


hes also a leaf so its even worse than you thought

Me, my mates think I'm a right laugh and I'm always naming the Jew and being a right cheeky bugger

No one is making comedy now
The only humor allowed a (((platform))) is "Ayo Fug Wypipo" and "Blummpf!"

>…When I see they put every black man in the movies in a dress at some point in their career. I be connected the dots like ‘Wow this brother wearing a dress.’ This happened to me. I’m doing a movie with Martin. The movie’s doing good. So I walk in the trailer I’m like ‘Man this must be the wrong trailer ’cause there’s a dress in here.,”
No one is as based as Dave Chapelle

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Conservative artists keep their opinions to themselves


Tim Allen

>this is what mentally ills consider a comedian

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Scutonfags get btfo'd by Bowden

Like I give a shit, I'm better than you

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Norm is the best leaf

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I never trash leafs because they produced Norm. So there must be a pocket of funny bastard moose hunters somewhere up there

Brenton Tarrant

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Bill Burr is whipped by a sheboon now and lost his balls. Nick is great tho

Oh lawd. I'm surprised you neckbeards didn't mention Jeff Dunham.

Norm and Owen Benjamin

would you guys consider colin quinn conservative?

>oh lawd
What are you a 10 year old nigger?

I'll give you Norm but Big Bear ain't funny, at least not intentionally funny.

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If you find anything funny you need to get the fuck out. Only dead americans are funny.

Norm McDonald
Sam Hyde isn't conservative I don't think but he's certainly not a leftist

Dick Masterson

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You're right -- in a balanced world he would stand on late night tv shoulder to shoulder with these corporate blandos. In our world he's a Nazi.

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Nick Dipaolo
Joe Rogan
Hannibal Burress
Kevin Heart
Daniel Tosh
Jerry Seinfeld
Natasha Leggero
Carrot Top
Dane Cook

That's just off the top of my head. There are dozens more

>Crowder is a comedian
I know it says that somewhere but I've never heard him say anything funny. And I don't just mean "It didn't make me laugh"

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The films of Gaspar Noe, Lars Von Trier, Charlie Kaufman, Jean-Luc Godard, Michael Haneke, and Bela Tarr.

The books of Roberto Bolano, Kazuo Ishiguro, Reza Negarestani, and WG Sebald.

Great art has been made in every era. If you can't find it now you're not looking.

Owen is hilarious. Youre just a gamma fag.

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Armed with that picture alone, you could convince anyone that "Gun violence in the US is not just a non-issue, But really should be"

This board is dead fuck all of you.

You newfags are gonna learn really quick that /we/ do not support you e celebs. KYS OP.

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Based Norm drops red pills

>Bill "fuck white people" Burr


the artists the right loves to depict in classical art would be seen as liberals by those times standards.
this is actually something that hasnt been addresssed deeply enough conservatives actually suck at all art forms.
music,painting,sculpture,writing programming...its all the same bland drivel.
anything good comes from a libertarian or actual liberal.

andrew schulz
no hes not jewish, hes scottish

>The films of Gaspar Noe, Lars Von Trier, Charlie Kaufman, Jean-Luc Godard, >Michael Haneke, and Bela Tarr.

>The books of Roberto Bolano, Kazuo Ishiguro, Reza Negarestani, and WG Sebald.

nothing new and all old

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>schizo comedian

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