2019 First Democratic Debate Tonight

Get in here faggots. Its gonna be a wild ride.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck jewtube and fuck Democrats too

>interviewing college students pre-debate
>upper middle class black girl brings up reparations unironically
depressing reminder of the damage done.

>Chat is disabled for this live stream.

Clownworld.us has live Alex Jones commentary on the debates

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>no Yang
No reason to watch

Wrong website, faggot

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ok but really, i thought yang was in the debates

>Jay Incel
Is he /our guy/? Also are Beto and Klobuchar the same person?

Don't you wanna see this trainwreck?

with over 30 card to choose from you're sure to have a shot at winning the title of tonight's biggest autist!
get FUCKING BLASTED while competing with other anons!

Attached: card 19.png (685x780, 62K)

How to solve boarder crisis? One word.


Why nobody has brought it up?

muh precious immigaunts.


drop you predictions

>orange man bad
>basic questions that were handed out before the debate
>establish democrats are going to get most of the attention
>most notably Warren
>muh alt right
>even more gibs
>identity politics

fucking kek


>softball questions from moderators since the media is the propaganda arm of the DNC
>no one will attack anyone else and all the candidates will basically agree on everything

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user, that’s just the beginning. Such faggotry will be looked back upon fondly as harmless in the years to come


30 minutes.

Good lookin our user

We're streaming the debates at
www . comfy . zone
Come here if you want live shitposting with frens

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they'll probably spend the whole time on immigration trying to recast immigrants as people longing to be with their families already in the country

30% chance someone breaks ranks and says "abolish ice"

grandstanding about transexuals and niggers but no promises/ safe empty promises.
focus will be on immigrant "families"

>spend 90% of the time talking about trump


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>posts a kike shill

How long from now till it starts?

30 minutes.


It's going to be a competition of who can be the biggest tumor, and they're all going to try really hard to win

>alex jones

>everyone is a kike shill!

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inb4 sticky

Is this true? Someone told me it was in 2 and a half hours.

The mods need to sticky one of these.

I remember you guys streamed back in 2016, always good quality memes. And your chat is infinitely better than youtube's; any anons who want a comfy chat that actually moves slow enough to follow, come here.

Mods plz sticky

It starts at 9pm ET.

college students always do a lot of cringe shit, its just embarrassing to see these 50 year old radical talking points come back unironically.


NBC's HQ are in NYC so the debate is scheduled for 9 pm eastern time. That's 25 minutes from now

>Chat disabled for this live stream.

We're experiencing a full dosage of tolerance and acceptance of all views.

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It starts in 24 minutes

Anywhere where the live chat is actually open? I feel the need to spam gas the kikes and lynch the niggers.

Shoot border jumpers on sight
Leave bodies to rot
Shoot anyone who comes to collect the dead
Border secured in 1 week

kek they're already stitching up bernie.
>don't stay home just because we're not going to let your guy win
"we learned nothing in 4 years" is going to be the theme of the entire convention.

I suppose live comments will be disabled. Can’t have us red pill all those normies.

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Where are the rest of them.

I'll be dead from alcohol poisoning.

go to the link this user posted if you want a chat with memes

This. Someone post a real link.

Have sex

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"We don't wanna pay back the money we borrowed!" Also the nigress doesn't even have the decency to cross her blegs.

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That's the insect thing from the first Men in Black.

Is she Jewish?

follow this user's link

god I hope trump tweets "have sex" as a commentary during the debates.

Warren will head scalp everyone else.
You can quote me on this now.

this is a jewish trick to kill us.

No, she's native american.

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Thanks frien.

Andrew Yang gets at most 30 sec of screentime

What ethnicity are these two?

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This one has a live chat. youtu.be/qf9IT3e1yeY

did you look at the first post? he's not on there.

100% Libtard

>nbc stream

>summarize, in six words or less, each of you, why you hate white men so much

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that stream is 25 minutes late.

Christ it will be so refreshing listening to people who actually have a grasp of vocabulary above 6th grade.

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I remember 2015 so clearrrr

These NPCs need this shit presented like a sporting event lol

He’s in tomorrow nights debate.

Why? So I can troll other anons? That kind of defeats the point.

I hate this 4 eyed pillow biter

oh dear god dems would be pro incel overnight.

>5 minutes in she loses her shit and needs to be tranq'd and hauled away by orderlies/handlers.

I know, I'm excited for the memes and banter

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He goes tomorrow. Also the commentator on MSNBC just complimented him.


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God bless Tom Perez
Bless his heart

pick a card with fewer shots then
not all of them have shitloads of shots
you have 30 choices!

Will it be so refreshing listening to people who actually have a grasp of vocabulary above 6th grade, you fucking faggot? lol

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Democrats already lost. With rooster like this holy shit they all look like deranged animals. They probably are.

Hey faggot i'm looking for a real answer not some Elizabeth Warren joke

rachel and cooper in their final form will both turn into one of those blue fucks from the gayass new alien movies.

Sticky created

la creatura

>chat already disabled on NBC stream
>likes/dislikes already split right down the middle

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JFK wasn't terrible. IDGAF

She looks English/Irish

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awesome thanks